R | 12 April 1996 (USA)
Loaded Trailers

A group of young friends convene in the countryside to shoot a horror movie. But an experiment with LSD sees normal boundaries between them collapsing, and tragedy subsequently striking.

Plantiana Yawn. Poorly Filmed Snooze Fest.
Lightdeossk Captivating movie !
Sexyloutak Absolutely the worst movie.
Dotbankey A lot of fun.
onethousandowls This movie is like that kid in philosophy class who thinks he knows everything - which would be totally fine, except for the fact that the film does not deliver in the slightest. The characters are unlovable and brash, the plot is dull and irregularly paced. While some may attribute this to being a metaphor for a car crash, I don't think the filmmakers had that in mind, or anything really. This film is only a tiny bit better than the one the kids make in the film. It honestly makes you question who was doing the acid, the characters or the filmmakers. I'd stay away, far far away unless you've got some acid handy, too.
Furious_is The main thing that drew me to this movie, was the fact that it was directed by Anna Campion, Jane Campion's sister, one of my favourite New Zealand directors. It's a fairly solid effort, but it doesn't live up to her sister's reputation. The story is slow, and there isn't a lot of pay off, but I think that gives it a real life quality, even if some of the scenarios are a little bit hard to swallow.The acting is solid. There is some beautiful camera work, the problem is that is all there is.Loaded ambles along, with a couple of peaks, and then it just ends, leaving you feel like you saw half a good movie, that ran out of steam. It's like it has a thriller story, that is played out in a drama format. Maybe the script in someone else's hands might have worked, but it just seemed like there wasn't enough it.
DEblen Not a lot happens in Loaded. However, the relationships between people, and the way they subsequently break-down are familiar and interesting. If you don't mind a slow movie, but love the exploration of boundaries,(and if you love Thandie Newton) I'd say this is one for you.
Vertigo-27 Bad movie... period....One of those kind of movies where you are acually waiting for it to take off... ending so sudden it doesnt even give you time to enjoy the 1 (and only) chill just when it gave a tiny ounce of picking up... don't rent this you wont enjoy it.Title is unsuiting, story is off-key (about a bunch of kids going to some house in the woods and filming a cheap horror movie) which didn't work, and annoying actors...leave this one on the self where it should stay and stay and stay.... its almost makes you mad enough to order the director to redo it and make it interesting in just maybe the slightest bit... almost.........