Living on One Dollar
Living on One Dollar
NR | 22 April 2013 (USA)
Living on One Dollar Trailers

How do 1.1 billion people around the world live on less than one dollar a day? Four young friends set out to research and live this reality. Armed with only a video camera and a desire to understand, they spend just 56 dollars each for 56 days in rural Pena Blanca, Guatemala. They battle E.Coli, financial stress, and the realization that there are no easy answers. Yet, the generosity and strength of their neighbors, Rosa, Anthony and Chino gives them resilient hope. They return home transformed and embark on a mission to share their new found understanding with other students, inspiring and challenging their generation to make a difference.

Lawbolisted Powerful
GurlyIamBeach Instant Favorite.
Dirtylogy It's funny, it's tense, it features two great performances from two actors and the director expertly creates a web of odd tension where you actually don't know what is happening for the majority of the run time.
Philippa All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
jamieson-7 These two Liberals were condescending right from the beginning. How many times did they have to say "extreme poverty" ? Their solution ? to give loans to the villagers !!! All of a sudden, optimistic music, the sound effect or a cash register ringing as it shows the loans each villager recieved. If they are in extreme poverty, Liberals decide it is a good solution to add a load around their neck to have to pay back ? That is no solution. These two virtue signallers paraded around thinking they did good by kicking a football around with poor dirty street urchins or organised debts for villagers. Virtue signaling rubbish
Rohit bolla Breathtaking. That's the word I can think of. I came across "Living on One" in my Spanish class and it's safe to say that throughout the entire length of the film not one student could take their eyes from the screen. It takes a lot of get the attention of 20 teenagers but this film did it. It captures poverty in its most raw state and beautifully embeds the emotion within it. It challenges superficial representations of third world nations and sheds light on nothing but the truth. It will change how you view your life. Incredibly humbling, a must watch.
Bele Torso You can take this for what it's worth. Some of the IMDb critics make good points, some just reveal their inner hang-ups. Yes, two college kids decide to "go for it" in a poor land. Good for them. Yes, they did not work but made a budget to simulate life in poverty on a buck a day. I also felt like they had a cushion called a bank account. They at least strove for integrity with the paper number each day.This did lack depth of character. They discussed these people had much more going than what the surface showed, but did not go there. Mistake. They are college kids, not Spielberg! If you take what they gave us, work with it. They at least did something and need credit for that! Bottom line is those in the States are like the frog in water. We are boiled to death in Western culture and those in "poverty" have far greater riches which should have been the focus.Relationships are more solid over there. Male-female roles not confusing. Walk by faith a daily occurrence. When you have little, people are what matters. We have lost most of this in the USA. People are so consumed in their own lives (technology has made life worse relationally) that they do not trust anyone and live shallow, desperate lives by being busy to drown out the loneliness. When life crashes in, who do you call? We call 9-11, they call each other. Don't get me wrong, we are blessed, but we don't need each other anymore like they do.So who truly is more rich?
Catherine Szetela Reyes Having traveling and worked in Guatemala for the past 5 years, I was amazed at how real and compelling this film was. It's not often that someone can truly capture the heart behind what it's like to live in poverty, but these 4 brave, young men did a fabulous job bringing it to life. Our 4 children were all inspired and went away wanting to do something to help alleviate poverty. They began selling beaded key chains made by the women of Guatemala and in just one week, they collected over $450. They were so excited to go to and purchase water filters so kids wouldn't have to drink from the dirty pipe anymore. Great job guys! Thanks for helping us all to see the heart behind the courageous people who live this way everyday.