Rich Hill
Rich Hill
| 19 January 2014 (USA)
Rich Hill Trailers

If you ever find yourself traveling down Interstate 49 through Missouri, try not to blink—you may miss Rich Hill, population 1,396. Rich Hill is easy to overlook, but its inhabitants are as woven into the fabric of America as those living in any small town in the country. This movie intimately chronicles the turbulent lives of three boys living in said Midwestern town and the fragile family bonds that sustain them.

Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
ThrillMessage There are better movies of two hours length. I loved the actress'performance.
Loui Blair It's a feast for the eyes. But what really makes this dramedy work is the acting.
Matho The biggest problem with this movie is it’s a little better than you think it might be, which somehow makes it worse. As in, it takes itself a bit too seriously, which makes most of the movie feel kind of dull.
cue_ball-74092 My wife and I both enjoyed this documentary, and we each felt pretty low after watching it. It was really well done, but it left a sour taste for sure, like biting into your first unripened persimmon. I both agree and disagree with the reviewer from Michigan. I think the point about this documentary not having a story arc is valid. There really is no growth in anyone in the film; they leave the film as they entered it, some pathetic and lazy, some disturbed, some ever-hopeful. But I think as a documentary, the film is entitled to do that. Perhaps that was the filmmakers' objective: Life in rural, poverty-stricken Missouri is like an unripe persimmon. Here's your bite. It sucks, and the unpleasant after-effects of that experience will linger for a long time. I also agree that this leaves me wanting more. I'd love a Ken Burns' style mega-doc that explores the how and the why of that slice of life. Poverty is certainly a spoke on that wheel - perhaps even the hub- but it's far from the only reason we felt so often disturbed by what we saw on the screen. Which leads me to my major disagreement with Michigan's review, which to me was a belief that there weren't many kids/families that could be that disturbed, lazy, dysfunctional, etc., or that the film presented that dynamic in an incorrect proportion to the reality. I spent twenty-plus years as a family therapist in a treatment center for severely emotionally disturbed kids and their families from rural and urban areas. They exist. Families and kids fall apart for multiple reasons. The families in this film had few options to help them deal with the ever- increasing severity of their problems. Poor people love their kids as much as rich people do; they just have far fewer ways to access help when things start falling apart. The juvenile justice system should be the last resort. There's no resources in these impoverished areas to help the more severe cases. But what I was really left with after watching this film was this: I know another reviewer requested this not be compared to Ferguson. I really want the comparison. When you look at the underlying dynamics of a community like Rich Hill versus an inner city neighborhood, there are many similarities: poverty level; educational opportunities through public education; strong family ties; mental illness; medical issues; unemployment and lack of available jobs. How are the impoverished citizens of Rich Hill exploited any less than any impoverished inner-city resident? Are their reactions to their situations different? If so, why? I'd love to see a filmmaker explore that.
bwdude Is there something I should know about these people?Because as much as I am concerned, I just watched something about low life without any sense or purpose?It's like watching insects or something, why does this "movie" exist other than showing me the lowest possible state of being?I am not being sarcastic here, I just don't get it. As much as I like documentaries and as much as I like diversity and learning about different people,this is just depressing and useless.Not enough lines, ,yeah? Well sometimes you don't need to write ten lines to make your point. Still need more? Have another line!
sanchess-51283 My curiosity about this film stemmed from the fact that I have family that live in and around Rich Hill, Missouri. Our family reunion is held in Rich Hill every year. My family members prosper in the farming industry so I had no clue that this much abject poverty was so prevalent in that community.Having said that, I agree with the reviewer from Michigan. This is a heartbreaking depiction of life for these kids...but it's the utter disdain I feel for their parents and guardians that made it so difficult for me to watch. As Michigan said...there's no ARC...and the idyllic images of girls doing cartwheels at the yearly 4th of July parade could not offset the gut wrenching sorrow I felt when having to endure the other scenes.Look, the film is extremely well made. I'm not proud that I struggled through the viewing, It's not like I'm one of those film goers who wants nothing but "rainbows and unicorns"...But this was just too depressing.
lraynes-84-685006 I grew up in a town very close to Rich Hill and I get this. It seems easier to judge when the area is farther from where you live. There is a big problem with poverty in Missouri especially in rural areas where job options are limited and good education may be harder to obtain; my home town also struggles with it but has some advantage in being closer to the jobs in Kansas City( if the car expense can be covered). These rural areas really suffer when they are outside of public busing distance to big city jobs as Rich Hill is and when too many factories have pulled out. Even my hometown is outside of busing limits so people have to carpool or have very good working car and afford the gas to get to the job in Kansas City and live off it. Living in the city is no picnic either as Kansas City rental rates are getting higher and higher for rent and apartments can be quite scary compared to knowing everyone in your smaller town(I am experiencing that now as pay raises are not matching inflation at all.) Yeah, I get this, insightful movie.