Living Death
Living Death
NR | 12 December 2006 (USA)
Living Death Trailers

Torture is the ultimate seduction when Victor, a powerful and dangerous millionaire, discovers that his beautiful wife Elizabeth (Kristy Swanson) is having a steamy affair with his best friend. And when the lovers' risky plan to get rid of him backfires, Victor's relentless anger and terrifying rage sends him over the edge on a shockingly sadistic quest for total revenge.

Lovesusti The Worst Film Ever
Pacionsbo Absolutely Fantastic
Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
Kailansorac Clever, believable, and super fun to watch. It totally has replay value.
bretsean This film was aptly named. It was like living death just watching it.I've seen a lot of REALLY bad low budget horror movies. But this has to be one of the worst I've ever seen.I wouldn't even want my enemies to sit through this. The only reason I did is because I have a policy to watch movies completely through to see if there are any redeeming qualities.Not. One.Outside of the opening scene, there's literally no action, no drama, no tension, no horror for an hour. ONE HOUR. The movie is only 80 minutes and 60+ minutes are spent TALKING, TALKING, TALKING.EVERY character, including the "heroes" are totally unlikeable. I really wished everyone would've just died. It would have been a more fulfilling ending.
Cablebot3000 Living Death is a poorly done movie. The acting is okay, but thats about it.The suspense and horror part of it sucks though, and there isn't much to work with. The script just isn't that great, and it seems like it was thrown together within just a few days. It is basically your average, trashy B-movie. If you like anyone in the cast, sure, rent it, and if you like cheesy horror films then you will like it. With the exception of those things, its a movie you should skip. (my rating)Rated R for strong bloody violence, language and some drug content
slayrrr666 "Living Death" is a below-average, yet still somewhat interesting feature.**SPOILERS**After his father's death, Victor Harris, (Greg Bryk) rushes home to his wife Elizabeth, (Kristy Swanson) the good news about his rich inheritance payoff. At his birthday party, she decides that she's had enough of his behavior, and plots with her lover, Roman Arbogast, (Joshua Peace) also his lawyer, to kill him so that they can live off his money. Going through with their plans to do him in, he is successfully poisoned and declared dead by the authorities. In the midst of a round of legal battles over what to do with the body, they find out that the drugs that were used may not have been lethal and that he could still b alive. When he regains consciousness, he finds himself buried alive, and remembering what happened to him, sets out to avenge his death before they can find him and stop him.The Good News: When it tries to, this one has some pretty good stuff to it. It's pretty much just about the few good moments in here that derive most of the film's watchability. The regeneration sequence, which occurs during the autopsy, is one of it's best scenes, as the surgeries done for the autopsy allow for some brutality in all the snapping limbs and torn-open details, and the creepiness of being awake during the procedure is played up and used nicely in here to good effect. Even better is that it leads to one of the better gore scenes around, as there's some nice kills and bloodshed unleashed in the massacre afterward. The opening to the film also works, as the introduction done with the walk-through of the creepy house up into the torture museum is pretty nice, leading to some really nice atmospheric shots, and the tense and creepy torture museum is capped off with a fantastic pay-off. The poisoning scene is pretty great, just with an extra inclusion of the description of the symptoms making it come off rather nicely. The general ease of the situation is merely an added bonus. The ending here is also really great, as the return to the torture museum makes it feel really uneasy, there's plenty of gore to pay-off the dryness of what came before, and with some really tense moments of stalking go before it, and overall is one of the best features of the film. These here are the film's big positive points.The Bad News: This one here doesn't have a whole lot of flaws, but the ones that are here are pretty big. The main one in here is that, outside of the mentioned scenes earlier, there's nothing at all that keeps the interest level in the film. Far too often it's just deadly dull, as nothing happens, there's no atmosphere or tension or it's a collection of scenes that serve the plot for no purpose. There's simply no need to see the birthday party in here, as the dancing, drinking and poker game provide nothing of interest and are just a collection of scenes that offer up a bunch of time in the film for no real reason. The numerous liaisons between them don't amount to much, and the way that they go about this doesn't offer It's also undone by the fact that the drug isn't slipped until the forty minute mark, so there's a bunch of scenes that are before that which make the film so deathly dull since nothing happens until then which actually gets the plot moving, and once it does, it's another long period before he's up and revived, making for a long, long period of time before the film actually does anything that's worth watching. The fact that the ending to the film is also pretty off, mainly due to how rushed it is. There's a sense that it's over really quickly, and for no reason is there to be so rushed. It just ends really quickly, and there's a sense that it should've been milked more than what's given. That's one of the biggest flaws here, and combined with the dullness really saps the film of most of it's power.The Final Verdict: With a few isolated scenes here and there that make it enjoyable and a couple of pretty big flaws, there's something here but not a whole lot. Give it a shot if you're interested or just think it's worth a look, but this one really won't mean much if it's skipped or outright ignored altogether.Rated R: Graphic Violence and Graphic Language
Mark Larsen I thought this was fun to watch.Not an Oscar movie, but the story was OK and it was surely entertaining.I just felt to add my comments because the other comments have been so negative.I have watched much more worse films.Oh god now they want me to write more about this movie. Well just see it for yourself. It's quite good fun to rent it out on a board night if you have nothing better to watch.Still they want more lines from me. OK. Go see the movie.