PG | 14 August 1987 (USA)
Lionheart Trailers

A young knight sets out to join King Richards crusaders. Along the way, he encounters The Black Prince who captures children and sells them as slaves to the Muslims. It is Robert Narra's sworn duty to protect the children and lead them to safety.

Scanialara You won't be disappointed!
Executscan Expected more
Staci Frederick Blistering performances.
Dana An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
redmanreturns Muffle the Background music? You're kidding right? The music to this film is enough reason to try to hunt down the movie or soundtrack. This was the last film scored by Jerry Goldsmith for director Franklin J. Scaffner. They lowered the music in and out which was wrong because the film needs the music. It's not as bad as everyone says it is. Sure it drags but it's nice to see an original idea about the Crusades where Richard I is not the center of the movie. It has flaws but it's still entertaining. It's overdue for DVD since most movies from the 80s are released with no special features anyway (widescreen please). I'd rather watch this than the recent garbage like Kingdom of Heaven.
Mikael Carlsson Although Franklin J. Schaffner's last film was considered to be a big disappointment, I would like to point out that the original score composed by the late Jerry Goldsmith for this film is a masterpiece which showcases the brilliance of the greatest film composer of all time. The work propelled two original score album releases issued by Varèse Sarabande, plus a subsequent album entitled "Lionheart: The Epic Symphonic Score". Written for orchestra and subtle electronics, the score presents Jerry Goldsmith in his most thematic, epic and romantic style. Performed in concert, the heraldic "Robert's Theme" remains one of the composer's most memorable compositions.
raop74 I'm sure this movie was meant to be more exciting, but at less than 2 hours, it still drags. Perhaps it's because of the mediocre acting, or the low budget, or all the American accents, or the perpetual gray background. Okay, I understand that these were terrible times, but can't there be a little bit of brightness? You can watch evildoers get taken out by bits of rock, and just hope someone muffles the background music once in a while - trust me, it gets really distracting. And who wants to see hordes of starving and dying children? Overall, a tremendous disappointment.
Wizard-8 This movie is perfect in almost every way, but one thing ruins it. First the good stuff: we have action, romance, evil, great locations and sets, a great Jerry Goldsmith score, and an original plot: what happens to children in war?So how come the movie doesn't work? It's the pace. Everything in this movie happens at AN INCREDIBLY SLOW PACE. You'll get impatient and frustrated. And that ruins the wonderful feel everything else has built up.What a shame. What a real shame.