Let's Kill Uncle
Let's Kill Uncle
| 18 November 1966 (USA)
Let's Kill Uncle Trailers

A 12-year-old orphan who has just inherited a fortune is trapped on an island with his uncle, a former British intelligence commander who intends to kill him. A young girl is the boy's only ally against the sarcastic uncle, who uses hypnotism, a pool of sharks, fire, and poisonous mushrooms as weapons.

Scanialara You won't be disappointed!
Invaderbank The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.
Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
Geraldine The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
preppy-3 Young Barnaby Harrison's (Pat Cardi) father has died in a car crash--and Barnaby is set to inherit 5 million dollars. Barnaby's uncle Kevin (Nigel Green) is next in line and is prepared to kill Barnaby to get the money. The two are stuck on an island and try everything they can do to kill one another. By the way--this is aimed at kids!! I never caught this as a kid on TV like most people seem to have. I can see how a kid might enjoy this cause it's FAR too silly to take seriously and some of the "games" are fun (in a sick sort of way). Seeing it as an adult I found it slow, stupid and somewhat disturbing about having a movie where an adult is trying to kill a kid whose father has just died! To make it worse it throws in an ending which comes out of nowhere and renders the entire film pointless. This only gets a 2 because Cardi, Green and Mary Badham (as Chrissie) aren't that bad in their roles. But this is a pretty sick and dull little item that is almost impossible to see today--for good reason!
bkoganbing This is one of the weirdest films I've ever run into. Not great or even good, but totally strange.Young Pat Cardi's multi-millionaire father dies in a car crash and he inherits the wealth, but has to go to live with his uncle Nigel Green, a most mysterious individual who lives on an island that sharks abound in the waters around. It wasn't always so, at one time the island wherever it is was a tourist spot. But the multiplying sharks did drive the tourists away and then the natives of the island whose living depended on the tourist trade.Cardi's whose wealth and new position even merits a policeman accompanying him in the person of Robert Pickering. Also on the ship is Mary Badham, a young girl going to live with an aunt on the island played by Linda Lawson.These two have not had Beaver Cleaver childhoods and they fight a lot, but are drawn to each other, especially when it turns out that Nigel Green is trying to kill Cardi and grab his brother's money for himself. When he doesn't succeed the kids decide to do it to him before he does it to them.Directed by horror specialist William Castle, Let's Kill Uncle marked the nadir of his career. It's a black comedy that simply doesn't work. In fact the two kids are so annoying and obnoxious one is wishing Green actually did kill them. As for Nigel Green he saunters through the whole procedure with a twinkle in his eye and the satisfied look of a man knowing paycheck had already cleared the bank.No frights in this film even with the menacing sharks who even turn up in the swimming pool. Just a lot of guffaws.
moonspinner55 Imaginative lad, orphaned and living on an isolated (some say haunted!) island with his uncle, learns quickly that his bug-eyed relative wants him dispatched permanently in order to cash in on the lad's five-million dollar inheritance. The boy then involves his bickering playmate in turning the tables on the nefarious grown-up, who seems to take delight in this deadly game of cat-and-mouse. Adapted from a novel by Rohan O'Grady, this William Castle thriller is curious and intriguing without being provocative. The kids plot to poison Uncle with mushrooms but are somehow thwarted, while Uncle--armed with a can of gasoline--attempts to set the two on fire (but how would he explain this to the authorities?). You absolutely cannot look for logic in a Castle screamer...but imagine how good (if not great) his films might have been with a little smarts! *1/2 from ****
swftintrdr1 I remember this movie from my youth. I must have seen it for the first and last time around the mid-70's. I too finally found a DVD copy on the internet. I have always been drawn to see this movie in it's entirety, for I do not remember much of the movie besides the old hotel and the shark in the swimming pool. (Cheesy clips of the shark really "age" this movie compared to today's fix capabilities.) Approaching the young age of 40, perhaps I was trying to recapture some of my youth. None the less, the movie was a thrill to see after all of these years. I will keep it in my collection and let my boys watch it as I did in my younger days. Nigel Green is quite good in this movie, I must admit.