PG | 01 April 1994 (USA)
Clifford Trailers

When his brother asks him to look after his young son, Clifford, Martin Daniels agrees, taking the boy into his home and introducing him to his future wife, Sarah. Clifford is fixated on the idea of visiting a famed theme park, and Martin, an engineer who helped build the park, makes plans to take him. But, when Clifford reveals himself to be a first-rate brat, his uncle goes bonkers, and a loony inter-generational standoff ensues.

Karry Best movie of this year hands down!
Tuchergson Truly the worst movie I've ever seen in a theater
GetPapa Far from Perfect, Far from Terrible
Zlatica One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
vincentlynch-moonoi In just the last year I have come to appreciate Martin Short as being one of the funniest interviewees you will see on well as being a remarkably funny man when paying tribute to other performers at various Hollywood tributes. And I began to wonder how I had had such a negative opinion of him in the past. And then I watched this film, in which I found him negative and grating. Of course, this film was over 20 years ago, and perhaps he has matured into a genuine wit (although I did like him in "The Three Amigos" back a while).The concept is funny -- a wildly precocious boy who seems at time to be in league with the devil, and how he ruins his uncle's life...for at least a while. Perhaps it would have been funny as a skit. But long before the 90 minutes was up I was more than tired of the story, and was just plain annoyed. However, if you can get by that, it is clear that Martin Short is very talented. But in this film he reminded me too much of an out-of-control Jerry Lewis.The other actors here do their jobs, but I was not overly impressed. Charles Grodin is "okay" as the tormented uncle, but this was not his best movie (it may have been more the material than him). Mary Steenburgen as his fiancé was "okay", but I have liked her far more in other films. And Dabney Coleman could be a hoot...but wasn't here.You know, when I think of the cast and the premise, I conclude that the problem here was probably the director, who has done a lot of sketch work on television, but sketch work is not the same as a movie. Paul Flaherty should stick to television and stay out of movies.
dsgraham212002 For dark comedy, go no further than the perverse delight, "The Loved One", from 1965, that roasts the funeral and burial business alive and then some. It's tag-line was: "Something to offend everyone", and offend it did, in jaw-dropping style. People that enjoy "Clifford" may find it to their liking, but "The Loved One" makes you REALLY think.Movies such as "Clifford" are obviously an acquired taste, for sure, and I simply found it wanting. I love Martin Short and everything he stands for but, for some reason (be it poor direction or what-have-you), his character just seemed enigmatically-creepy to me, and not much else. I remember Charles Grodin, as a guest on "The Tonight Show with Johnny Carson", and his Grodin-like apology for his role in the making of this film. Now THAT was funny! As a final jab at those that 'don't get it', in the other medium that is television, "South Park" is a masterpiece of offensive and perverted satire. Give it a chance, and you might just be rewarded. There are no 'sacred cows', as any and all subjects are fair game for 'the South Park treatment', tearing down walls of pretentiousness and piety. It has become one of my all-time favorite video-related pastimes. Sorry, but this movie fails on so many levels, in comparison.
Elswet This work falls in there with movies like Howard the Duck, Oliver Stone's Alexander, Cherry 2000, and Taylor's Cleopatra in that tons of money was spent in the making, only to have the audiences reject the work.None of the works named stunk, indeed, there are endearing moments and qualities to every ONE of those works, but as far as average audiences were concerned, they were dismal disappointments, for one reason or another. Clifford is generally considered to have fallen into that category.Martin Short portrays a 90 year old priest, and a 10 year old holy terror of a child who will do anything he can (and what he can do is formidable) to get to Dinosaur World to fulfill his dream.I found this work amusing. I was highly entertained by Clifford's constant, non-stop, one track obsession and his total lack of that little voice which tells most people that their inappropriate actions are a BAD idea! It makes me thankful I'm not raising children at this point in my life; that part of my life is done, so I can appreciate the humor herein.I do not understand why this work is generally despised, other than Clifford IS a holy terror. He is the epitome of the Demon Seed. But the work is endearingly quirky, amusing, and entertaining.I liked it and own it. It rates a 7.8/10 from...the Fiend :.
paramindsoftware This is one of my favorite movies. I am longtime SCTV fan, in fact, it's my favorite show. Still, I think this movie works on a level outside the initial viewing and comparison to usual movies. The character Clifford is the archetypal prankster child that has probably lived in all of us. You can look at it in a Jungian psychological way -- Clifford has the Trickster archetype in full swing. He's also an example of the Fruedian Id without a Superego. When I first watched it, I didn't think it was that great, in fact, you might even say that I can understand why others gave it a lower rating. But when you look at the larger forces at play in the movie, it may become very enjoyable.