Lemon Tree
Lemon Tree
| 08 February 2008 (USA)
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Salma Zidane, a widow, lives simply from her grove of lemon trees in the West Bank's occupied territory. The Israeli defence minister and his wife move next door, forcing the Secret Service to order the trees' removal for security. The stoic Salma seeks assistance from the Palestinian Authority, Israeli army, and a young attorney, Ziad Daud, who takes the case. In this allegory, does David stand a chance against Goliath?

KnotMissPriceless Why so much hype?
Diagonaldi Very well executed
Freaktana A Major Disappointment
Bluebell Alcock Ok... Let's be honest. It cannot be the best movie but is quite enjoyable. The movie has the potential to develop a great plot for future movies
rogerdarlington How does one tell a story about something as huge and complicated as the Arab/Israeli conflict? This 2008 Israeli film - made with German and French support - meets the challenge by reducing the situation to a struggle over a grove of lemon trees. This particular grove is owned by a Palestinian woman Salma Zidane (played wonderfully by Hiam Abbass) located on the Israel/West Bank border where the new Israeli Minister of Defence Israel Navon (Doron Tavory) chooses to make his home with attendant security issues that are eventually taken all the way to the Israeli Supreme Court. If this seems a rather contrived situation, then it's as well to appreciate that the story is inspired by the actual case of Minister Shaul Mofaz. There are no real villains in this well-intentioned, quietly understated tale, just conflicting views of culture and entitlement that lie at the heart of the wider conflict itself that seems without end.
lastliberal Hiam Abbass (The Visitor) is outstanding as Salma, a Palestinian widow with a lemon grove that ekes out a meager living. Unfortunately, the Israeli Defence Minister moves in next door and wants the lemon grove gone for security reasons.Just like governments everywhere, there is no concern for the effect of rulings on individuals. The Defence Minister (Doron Tavory) is too busy chasing skirts to care. His wife (Rona Lipaz-Michael) cares, but has to put up with his philandering and his dismissal of her concerns. But Salma won't give up without a fight.She certainly gets no help from the local Palestinian politicians, who don't like rocking the boat.She goes to a local court and is dismissed, so she decides to go to the Israeli Supreme Court. Mira (Lipaz-Michael) gets more involved as the case drags on. The relationship with her lawyer (Ali Suliman) also gets more involved.The film shows the impossibility of Palestinian - Israeli relations ever getting better.
Samuel Cohen Very Realistic or close to Reality with Emphasis on People involved. Salma played by Hiam Abbass, a widow who lives on her dead Fathers Lemon Grove. An Israeli Defence Minister comes to live opposite Grove. Based on real story with Minister Shaul Mofaz. This causes a security problem. Showing "Fence" which is mostly a Wall. The Ministers Wife identifies with Salma. This is very much like Israel 2008. Similar to "Syrian Bride" Riklis set's up the Realistic Story and how it effects on People caught in to the situation. Hiam is Marvelous and other actors in the cast too. 9 out of 10 Sam's Rating. An enjoyable DocuDrama.
elsinefilo Lemon Tree is set on both lines of the green line border between Israeli and the West Bank.When the newly-appointed defense minister Israel Navon(Doron Tavory)moves in a house which is on the border,the Israeli secret service sees the neighboring lemon grove as a threat to the defense minister and her wife so it is militarily decreed that all the lemon trees be uprooted arguing that the grove could be used as a hiding point to realize a terroristic attack.On the other hand,the owner of the grove,Salma(Hiam Abbass)inherited the grove from his late father and she thinks no money could compensate the loss.So,she sues the minister with the help of the lawyer Ziad Daud (Ali Suliman). When she loses the case in the court she takes it to the Supreme Court and sets a precedent.The movie is based on a real life incident.In 2006 while acting Prime Minister Ehud Olmert called the cutting down of Palestinian olive trees a "criminal act" that needed to be treated with "full force", ironically the security forces began cutting down the olive trees near the house of Israeli Defense Minister Shaul Mofaz, the depicted minister in the movie. Eran Riklis does not take sides as an Israeli filmmaker. His movie superbly juxtaposes the hypocrisy of Israeli authorities and the corruptness of Palestinian authorities.For instance,when Salma tries to bring her case,which is newly beginning to get media attention, to the presence of the president, her efforts are met by the answer:"But the President is always busy." Along with talebearers who speak ill off her closeness with her lawyer,things get tougher for Salma. Hiam Abbass does a great job in portraying a Palestinian widow who is torn apart between her 10-year loneliness,her helplessness and the temporary affection of somebody she barely knows.I've watched her in Paradise Now (2005)and The Visitor (2008) before and I think she is really doing better. Rona Lipaz-Michael as the wife of the defense minister who forges a sweet humanistic bond with the widow is no slouch at doing the job either. Those two lead the movie but you just find yourself feeling a natural sympathy to almost every character somehow. In a world of too much blood and too much politics movies like ETZ LIMON serves a great purpose!
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