Legion of Iron
Legion of Iron
R | 08 August 1990 (USA)
Legion of Iron Trailers

It's an ordinary date night for Billy (Kevin T. Walsh) and Alison (Camille Carrigan) until mysterious forces whisk them away to an underground arena, where Billy must fight other captives for the wagers of wealthy men and the pleasure of Queen Diana (Erika Nann). When he's not battling for his life or protecting Alison from Diana's lecherous bodyguards, Billy attempts to rally his fellow slaves into a full-blooded revolt.

Nonureva Really Surprised!
Btexxamar I like Black Panther, but I didn't like this movie.
Salubfoto It's an amazing and heartbreaking story.
Taha Avalos The best films of this genre always show a path and provide a takeaway for being a better person.
Comeuppance Reviews Much like The Hoff, Billy Hamilton (Walsh) has been lookin' for freedom. Without warning, and quite inexplicably, this high school football player, along with his girlfriend Alison (Carrigan) are kidnapped and spirited away to an underground complex where the guys are forced to battle it out in deathfights to the death, and the girls are sex slaves. The whole operation is run by the sadistic Queen Diana (Nann), who clearly derives a lot of pleasure from other people's misery. Billy then teams up with fellow fighter Lyle Wagner (De Morton) - not to be confused with Lyle Waggoner - but, then, maybe that was the movie's subtle reminder that it's at least better than Robo Chic (1990) because Waggoner was in that. Nevertheless, will Billy fight for his freedom, rescue his girlfriend and blah blah blah? Does anybody care? Another day, another gladiators-fight-to-the-death movie. Sadly, Legion of Iron doesn't add anything new to the formula we've seen so many times before. The whole affair is dour and derivative - not to mention junky and jumbled. Things aren't established very well and there is zero character development. This movie doesn't give the viewer much to like or hang on to. Some movies with varying degrees of cult status people still talk about today, like, to pick a random example, The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension (1984). Nobody has ever, or will ever, talk about Legion of Iron in a nostalgic or loving way. With so much competition on video store shelves at the time, even with somewhat similar but far superior offerings such as Fortress (1992) spoiling video store patrons for choice, why would someone pick this crud? If someone gave you the choice for an ice-cold Coke or some flat, homemade syrup, who's going to choose the syrup? There are signs on the walls that say "sweat saves blood", patrons yell and place bets via computer rather than shaking the cash in their hands, and with Apple IIc graphics, we are informed that we're now watching "Mad Dog vs. Rex". There are meatheads galore, an Ivan Drago-clone whose only real means of differentiation from the evil Russian is that this guy wears a cape, and one of the background fighters, a blonde, long-haired Fabio clone, should have been the main hero, not the whiny and ineffectual Billy.With the possible exception of the Asian guy (who is barely in it), there are no cool characters or situations. "Billy" has all the personality and likability of particle board, and he's the hero we're all supposed to get behind. And his badass, intimidating gladiator uniform that's meant to intimidate his opponents in the ring? Well, how can we put this gently...if Liberace fought Liberace in a gladiator fight, Liberace wouldn't wear this outfit. It consists of bright silver short shorts and bedazzled football protective gear. We kid you not. Somehow, this is all done with a straight face. No pun intended. We've seen more heterosexual attire at the San Francisco gay pride parade. We think you get the idea.Legion of Iron not only has no re-watchability factor, it has no watchability factor. The cutting is an eyesore, the sets are dreary, the plot/dialogue is nonexistent, and the pace is sluggish. Any one of those things wouldn't, on its own, sink the movie, but taken together, this ship starts to take on too much water. It seems worth noting that the great Isaac Florentine worked on this production. Maybe this is where he learned what NOT to do. We would say to avoid this tiresome and unnecessary production.
JoeB131 Back when Video Stores were still a thing, they needed product to fill their shelves, and movies like this were it.The premise of this film is that a football star and his girlfriend are kidnapped to participate in some bizarre gladiatorial games. After being trained in some Montages by a Wise Black Man, he is ready to fight gladiators twice his size and skill level.We don't ever get full frontal nudity, and the shootout scenes are done on the cheap. But there is a very big sequence at the end with lots of explosions and the Dominatrix character strafing the getaway truck from a hang glider. No, I'm not making that last part up.
movieman_kev High-school football player, Billy, is merely trying to get in the pants of his frigid girlfriend who's having none of it when they're both kidnapped. He's to be a gladiator fighting for the whims of millionaires in an underground bunker, and she to be a virgin sex slave. All the while plotting to escape from the prison and it's campy queen bee.What could've been a fun crappy campy movie somehow misses that mark and ends up a badly dated, lame, mess of a film. Badly acted characters with bizarre motivation and clunky dialog made the movie feel longer than it actually was.
Jimbo52 Vampy Erika Nan chews the scenery up in this! As the sexy, evil "Queen Diana" who lords it over her subterranean desert gladiator/gambling liar, she plays the deadly bitch broadly (heh heh) and with obvious relish! The twisted villainess will have most male viewers drooling!