Legendary Assassin
Legendary Assassin
R | 28 December 2010 (USA)
Legendary Assassin Trailers

An assassin who is fresh from his latest kill becomes stranded in an island, when he inadvertently befriends a female police officer. As the night progresses, the unspoken truth honored by the two sides of the law is broken. After the remains of a body that belonged to a drug lord and syndicate crime leader are found, chaos ensues and criminals ravage the once peaceful streets in a race against time to find the mysterious murderer that's loose and out for blood.

Alicia I love this movie so much
Ava-Grace Willis Story: It's very simple but honestly that is fine.
Rosie Searle It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
Raymond Sierra The film may be flawed, but its message is not.
jiroy haggar Fair to say , the story in total is appealing , well constructed and doesn't fail at any moment , like in many other movies . The need for revenge is justified and come reasonable to our minds . One exception of course , fighting 100 persons which was one of the many reasons that lead me to wish another possible remake ( Even Bruce Lee would have run away or found out a better approach to deal with ) . Frankly , I don't know how someone out there wants us to believe this , logic is a virtue .Even the end leaves us with a strange loyalty to the title ... Legendary he is .. and still alive and kicking somewhere in some cafe . Leaves us with two ends , one for those whom seeing the logical ending and one for those directors faithful to the title ...The actors , except jacky and Celina , are totally mediocre and beginners in every way ; We see here and there each aspect of the mediocre scenery of the cheap china movies . There were goes the most weak points , the perfect destroyers of a good movie , making a big part of it unbalanced with some highly performed scenes from Celina and Jackie . Both , they carried the movie to a respectable level somehow . The last scene with a beautiful music scores high and gives you a non regret of a wasted time .Overall , i'll give 7 stars for the performance of the two heroes despite the many other bad aspects in it and , A future better remake is a wishful thinking...
Bob-45 I rented "Legendary Assassin" because I liked Celina Jade on "Arrow," and because I was looking for a special actress to appear in my movie. Celina, who is Amerasian, has great international appeal. A friend of mine was absolutely convinced she was Latin. However, as much as I liked Celina as "Shado" on "Arrow," her role was pretty one-dimensional. However, in "Legendary Assassin," Celina is extraordinary, managing to be beautiful, cute, funny, sexy and sad in a single role. Not to mention, Celina has a singing voice that rivals Christina Aguilera, which is no small feat, and her "Legendary Assassin love theme" is a bravura performance. You should watch the music video, because the song, which plays over the end credits (and is featured on the radio, in one sequence) is never performed in its entirety. Lead actor Jacky Wu (Wu Jing) is a skilled martial artist. Unfortunately, his opponents are not and the fight scenes are just so-so. Far worse is the story, dialog, and the acting of almost all of the supporting players. Kara Hui, who is not too bad, is still totally unconvincing as a menacing villain. Jacky Wu may be a good actor, but his character is so wooden, one would never know. Almost everyone else has been encouraged to overact, typical of terrible direction. Almost every scene, except the first, is listlessly shot and edited. Even the opening credits are inept. However, Celina brightens every scene she is in. She will make a wonderful leading lady in my movie and will, hopefully, become the international star she deserves to be. Oh, one other positive note. In the movie, Celina has a beautiful Persian cat.I rate "Legendary Assassin a "5".
dusan-22 I may call this film kind of refreshment, even if we agree it has cheep plot concept all the way from the start. What I like about this film is that it is opposite of now-days Hollywood failure attempts to make a good film from the great investments. This film looks like attempt to make a second rate Hollywood movie but it finally got into more than that. Good directing, very good camera, pretty good SF martial arts effects (even though I don't like such fairy tale kung-fu picture) and excellent acting. What I also like about this film is charming and natural style of film making, kind of discrete and cute sense of humor, easy to swallow but still not underlined as a movie trademark. All in all, it is far from dull film and solid entertainment in the sleepy nights.
wyt_dmon I've seen this movie today, and it does contain well...not that much wire fu in it.Even today I ask myself why does Jacky Wu-Jing have to do those stupid wire kung-fu movements, he has talent, he has great leg control, he is really good at it,I have no doubt in him, but they are really not necessary. The first action scene also contains wires where Jacky fights against Madams Ma husband and where he got beheaded, I found the scene stupid because where he jumps on the guys shoulders...really stupid scene. The last scene does really remind me of the last installment of Matrix, where Jacky have to fight against 100 opponents, but the best thing about this movie was the love between him and Holly (Celina Jade) and he truly was her guardian angel, even the ending made me cry LOOOL, because its heart breaking. I would give this movie a 6...but the end scene made it worth my 90 minutes, so I have to give it a 7 out of 10. Really good movie, but the wire kung-fu screwed it up :-/ ...