Left In Darkness
Left In Darkness
NR | 19 October 2006 (USA)
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Celia has had a rough life, with a mother who died in childbirth and a father who disappeared. Unfortunately for Celia, death is not any easier than life. When she is drugged and raped at a frat party, Celia dies from an overdose, and must battle the terrible Soul Eaters who roam the afterlife.

Stometer Save your money for something good and enjoyable
Noutions Good movie, but best of all time? Hardly . . .
Senteur As somebody who had not heard any of this before, it became a curious phenomenon to sit and watch a film and slowly have the realities begin to click into place.
Marva It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
Kunundrum3 Have you ever seen a horror movie where the protagonist is so dumb you want them to get eaten, because, quite frankly, they deserve it? This is one of those movies.In Left in Darkness, the main character, Ceila is killed at a frat party and ends up in purgatory, purgatory being the same house she was killed in during the party. There she is chased by "souleaters" which as the name suggests, eat the souls who enter purgatory. The only other "person" there with her is Donavan, who claims to have been her imaginary friend when she was young and also that he was her guardian angel. Donavan repeatedly warns her to stay in the light (souleater's won't enter it), stay in the house (sould eaters can't come in unless she invites them), and stay away from pretty much anyone she meets (because souleaters can take the shape off and the memories from any soul they eat and thus impersonate people she knew before death.) Therefore, she leaves the house, walks in darkness, and time after time falls for a souleater's illusion and almost gets eaten. Which brings us back to the beginning. At some point during the movie, probably around the fourth or fifth complication, you want her to get eaten, just so the movie will end.
Brian T. Whitlock (GOWBTW) Family tragedy seems to be affect the young people often. For Celia(Monica Keena) losing a loved one seems to have taken its toll on her. When she was born, her mother died. Then she has the friend who saved her from a on-coming car when she was young. On her 21st birthday, she goes to a fraternity party where she is drugged, raped, and killed. Talk about having a hard life. She ends up being the next family tragedy, and no close relative to tell the news. Only her "friend" Donovan(David Anders) tells her who to avoid, and who to trust. Donovan was her guardian angel throughout her life, until she learns he's not the trusting person he claims to be. She does find the guy who drugged and raped her, before she died. And he gets his just desserts after he commits suicide. Seems like the only family member who was at peace was her mother. The only person in the family who could be saved was her grandfather, Joe(Tim Thomerson). He was always around Celia until his death, and knowing who Donovan worked for, made her think for herself. I guess she knew what it takes to be a guardian angel. I know that Celia will definitely earn her wings. This horror is intriguing, and some form of biblical matter was mentioned. It was worth the watch. 3 out of 5 stars!
turnip_didi i thought this film was actually quite good. i watched it on 'zone horror', which usually airs low budget gore-fests (not a bad thing, i love em), so i was surprised to find this film which contained minimal guts, a couple of scares and was quite intelligent. i thought it had original ideas, in a genre which has spawned film after film of teen horror flicks which follow the same pattern over and over. i found the soul takers creepy, without being jump-behind-the-couch-pray-for-your-life scary. i did, however, guess the end ALL along, but I've spent my life watching this sort of thing, so i guess 99.9% of anything i watch.if your the sort of person who likes a good scare, without all the gore and jumps most films have, i'd recommend this one. and in fact, as a person who DOES like all the gore and the scares, i still liked it.
bus7821 I agree with the comments suggesting that this movie was reasonably well done, but the premise of the movie was so preposterous that it was impossible for me to view the whole thing in any kind of favorable way.The premise here is that there is a limbo that must be a stopover for a fairly large percentage of the population. At one extreme, a rapist who kills a girl with a date rape drug, followed by killing himself, winds up here. At the other extreme, a grandfather who did nothing worse than lead a sort of pointless life after his child was killed also winds up here. So what is the big test that determines where you go from here? It isn't good deeds -- the girl risks her soul to save her still living friend, and that isn't enough. She shows mercy towards her killer, and that isn't enough. Is it resisting temptation? Nope -- the best offer she gets is to jump into a shaft leading straight to a completely visible Hell. No, the God of this movie has created a limbo where your ticket to heaven is as follows: last for about two hours without believing anyone you see, whether they give you cause or not. Before the two hours are up, if you happen to notice some light coming out of a dumbwaiter shaft, you decide that is the way out that one person alluded to, and you climb up it to heaven. Good job of separating the worthy from the unworthy, big guy.Also, should you find yourself in limbo, be advised that the devil himself can be temporarily incapacitated by a blow from a fraternity Hell week paddle. Kind of appropriate, I guess, but I never expected him to have such a glass jaw.