Left Bank
Left Bank
NR | 26 March 2008 (USA)
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A chilling thriller about a woman, who upon moving in with her new boyfriend, becomes obsessed with the fate of the previous tenant and descends into madness.

Kattiera Nana I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
GazerRise Fantastic!
Spoonatects Am i the only one who thinks........Average?
Hattie I didn’t really have many expectations going into the movie (good or bad), but I actually really enjoyed it. I really liked the characters and the banter between them.
jcnsoflorida I'm an American w/ some familiarity w/ Antwerp and I enjoyed seeing it on film. The influence of Rosemary's Baby is obvious. While this is not in the same league, it does have some things going for it: good photography and music and 2 good leads: Schoenaerts and Eline Kuppens. (I'm not sure how good Schoenaerts is but he's nude 5 minutes after it begins so I can forgive a lot.) Probably the weak link here is the screenplay. The ending makes no sense whatsoever but getting there was enjoyable enough that I didn't much care. Atmospherics, mood, that kind of thing can be incredibly important in a film and Left Bank is quite good in the mood department. It helps too, of course, that the film is anchored by 2 strong performances.
Pozdnyshev Eh, another horror film that looks good but is annoying instead of scary or at least interesting. The biggest problem by far was the lead character, some moody young runner chick whom I just can't empathize with. She's boring, self-absorbed, and never seems to show kindness to anyone, so I don't care about her. She's not even that fit or attractive. Also, the filmmaker's showing you her heavy period stains followed by her finding a mess of black powder inside her panties, which she just dusts off before pulling them up again -- I don't care if she's a chick, that's gross! I also don't understand why the filmmakers insisted on showing her naked or half-naked so much -- maybe they think it shows how vulnerable she is, or it's some kind of statement about separating the female body from sexuality, but it just made me horny. It felt inappropriate - this is obviously marketed as a serious horror movie, not a damn softcore porn. On top of that there's a predictable plot about human sacrifice on Halloween that's nothing new and has been done better. I guess I didn't like this movie very much, but that's hard to admit because it LOOKED good and the acting was okay.
Seemp deHond There are only so many story lines guys. All Romcoms are about getting the girl, action flicks about getting the honour or the loot and so on. So yes this is an old story like Rosemary's baby and many many more.Why do i give this one so much credit? Because it's a subtle story with solid acting. No Hollywood over abundance. Just a very well acted film with a classic story that moves slowly but steadily forward to a surprising ending. The story is rounded. There is a why and a how appose to just horror for the making of a scary film. I thought it to be very original within it's genre and the ending is brilliant. It has the suspense of the old Polanskis like The Tennant. Who can we thank for this? Matthias Schoenaerts! What's not too love about this flemish gem.
davdecrane A kind of Rosemary's Baby meets Dark Water, Left Bank unfortunately has more in common with the latter's fascination with mood over a new or just tightly cogent story. Left Bank is better than most J-horror remakes but takes too long to get to the genre trappings it ultimately relies on. The lead, Eline Kuppens, is believable as an athlete and is competent in her acting but doesn't have any real screen charisma. The role really requires the European counterpart to a Mia Farrow or Naomi Watts, especially in the long opening section which plays more as a psychological thriller than horror film. That too is a problem: the story, which is neither terribly new or frightening, just takes too long to admit for all its psychological tension, it's nothing more than a horror pic. As such, it fails to deliver a truly quirky scenario and strikes out totally when it comes to real scares.