Last Stop 174
Last Stop 174
| 24 October 2008 (USA)
Last Stop 174 Trailers

Sandro was a boy who loved to sing rap, to kiss, to stare the statue of Christ the Redeemer and dreamed to go visit Copacabana. Growing up on streets, the story culminates at the infamous episode of 12th June 2000, when Sandro hijacked bus 174.

Hellen I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much
Wordiezett So much average
InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
FirstWitch A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
delfino-vanessa I was just 10 years old when i saw all this happening on television. I was watching a movie and suddenly, it was interrupted. I couldn't understand very well what was going on but when I realized all TV channels stopped their programming to show this I just didn't know what to think.I have watched the movie 2 days ago. Because I can remember the occurred so vividly in my mind, even I being very young at the time, I cried at the end. As I said I didn't know what to think at the time but now I feel sorry for Sandro, for everything that he had passed through and that culminated in the hijack.The movie is very realistic at some points, like when Sandro is inside the bus: for it was like all was happening again, I was watching saying "Now he'll do this, she'll do that", so well I could remember; but it fails in another points. There are many historic mistakes: The "Candelária slaughter" occurred in 1993, not in 2000; Sandro didn't see his mother when she is already dead: he saw her being decapitated when he was 6; and he never was mistaken by another boy because the other boy, Alessandro, didn't exist (ok, this was something created by the writer to become the story more dramatic, but it wasn't necessary since Sandro's story is dramatic for itself).I liked the movie but for those who doesn't know the whole story, since the beginning, it may be difficult to understand why some things happened.
JavierAndres92 I was recommended to see this movie. I didn't know that this movie was the Brazilian choice for the Oscars for Best Foreign Film and although it wasn't even nominates is still a very good movie. I say this because it tells a very hard story and it entertains you all the time. The movie relies on a very good direction, photography, music, good dialogs, but as I said what makes the movie likable is that is very entertaining and catches you in every moment, from the beginning to the end. Besides the acting is really good and realist, which is another strong point for the movie. Although there's no hero in this movie the characters are kind of lovable. One thing that I didn't fully understood is why do they present the two kids in the beginning if they are going to tell with more importance the story of only one of them, I understand that is for knowing their past and it helps to understand a lot, but one of the boys doesn't get the same importance of the other. And tough in the end, in the part of the bus assault there are some things rushed and that doesn't fit well, it's very good and engaging. I don't know what else to say, it is simply a very good movie that tells the life story of two children from the favelas of Rio De Janeiro and it's very good to see good stories about this subjects.
Nuno Lopes This all story took place in south of Rio Janeiro, Brazil, and show us the sequence of events that took place in the Sandro's life, a poor 22 years old boy that hijacks Bus 174 and takes few hostages on June 12, 2000. Another good (horrible) but true portrait of living in a country well known by its social differences. Sandro was just another "invisible" boy taken by the poverty, the drugs, fear and violence that surround him and gives to him no opportunity and no choice but being a thief. I enjoying see this movie, direction and actors did a good work. You don't expect a film about the hijack but a film about the depressive but true Brazilian reality. If you enjoy City of Men or Elite Squad, Last Stop 174 is one of the kind, and you can't lose it.
Marco Aurelio A chronicle of a bus hijacking in Rio, Brazil so as the kid life. It occurred on June 12,2000. Just watched this movie here in Belo Horizonte, Brazil. It is about a poor boy (Sandro) who hijacks a bus and takes few hostages only in order to be famous and due he's high. So everyone must watch it. It's a portrait about an unfortunate guy who didn't have another choice in life except being a thief. Otherwise, he'd die. In other words, he didn't have a chance to live honestly. The movie has the usual and expected sad ending. Michel Gomes is the main actor who did a great work, besides some of other unknown actors. Maybe it could be a good lesson for those who intends to track a wrong way. As a matter of fact, Sandro had tried to have a better life but it seems destiny or fate did not allow him. In short, it happens nowadays in every country where poverty turns to a plague. Again: good direction and good actors. I'm sure an awarding is coming to this very film!