Last Call
Last Call
| 25 May 2002 (USA)
Last Call Trailers

Renowned writer F. Scott Fitzgerald is living the last months of his life with his youthful secretary, confidant, and protégé who later wrote a memoir of their time together.

Cubussoli Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
BootDigest Such a frustrating disappointment
Cortechba Overrated
Lidia Draper Great example of an old-fashioned, pure-at-heart escapist event movie that doesn't pretend to be anything that it's not and has boat loads of fun being its own ludicrous self.
ofumalow This portrait of F. Scott Fitzgerald's last days--as a wreck, battling alcoholism and trying to write "The Last Tycoon" with considerable help from his much younger new secretary--has some digressive scenes in the middle but is primarily intelligent and involving. Jeremy Irons is excellent (though at times his Yank accent can be a bit overdone) as the past-prime author, but the surprise is that Neve Campbell (whom I haven't very often been all that impressed before) does an excellent job as the secretary seduced into this sickly, washed-up but still highly intelligent and sometimes very charming man's spell. Sissy Spacek is effective enough as Zelda Fitzgerald, although her occasional appearances as a taunting/nagging phantom of sorts are a screen writing device that doesn't totally come off. It's a fine perspective on Fitzgerald that doesn't cast him as some kind of saintly victim but gives full weight to his talent and personal weaknesses.
trimmerb1234 Does Jeremy Irons ever give less? This is currently being shown on the British Movies24 channel. Jeremy Irons gives a perfectly judged performance, perfect for every expression, spoken word or even glance. He had though good material to work with - its basis in the recollections of one of the films main protagonists, his secretary, Frances Kroll, who herself was a would-be writer. The direction too seemed to perfectly follow the mood - even Frances' unspoken thoughts especially expectations. The only thing to jar was that at these moments of unspoken thoughts, a song would be played in the background spelling out exactly these unspoken thoughts.Neve Campbell was excellent as Frances - in her playing perhaps her attitude was a little wrong - he the great writer, she rather mousy unknown secretary would have been perhaps a bit more reverential. But it may be Frances Kroll's writing which reveals the true nature of their relationship, that moment nearly at the end when he stops, turns to her and she (and the audience) could imagine an offer of marriage yet he "merely" wants to say something about writing. Overall it is a rich and revealing biography from someone who was both closely involved as well as being a good and honest writer. Perhaps this is why Jeremy Irons gave it his best shot.
bewitched2004 Neve Campbell is my favorite actress of all times. I love her in Scream trilogy and rest of her movies. She is an incredible actress and I think she should get more credit for it. This movie is different from the rest of her movie she star in. When I saw the preview i didn't think it was going to be that good. But I always try to like because Neve in it. But wrong the movie was very very interesting. I like learning about stuff that happen in the past. People don't understand how life was back then. I always hear people complain how hard life was. But if we were the people in this movie we can see that it was that easy back then. It very amazing how they went through in the movie they have fun times and emotional times and upset times so on. A very good Drama Jeremy Irons did a brilliant job in here and is very believable. Neve Campbell did an excellent job in here I wouldn't say it was her best of all her movie but it in top category. I always try to be like her. She change my life and I never will forget that, I give this movie 9 out of 10 Neve is so Cool in everything she does!!!!!!!!!!
Rogue-32 The always-superb Jeremy Irons is once again brilliant, this time as American writer F. Scott Fitzgerald, living out his final days - ravaged, raw, tragic and above all, sympathetic, even (or especially) at his worst. A shattering performance, the kind only Irons can give. The movie is extremely well-conceived; as a writer myself, I truly appreciate a movie about the ACTUAL WRITING PROCESS of being a writer, which is hardly ever depicted on screen - for fear, perhaps, of being boring. This film is anything but.