| 11 June 2002 (USA)
Landspeed Trailers

Two teams are in a heated race for the money and the honor that comes with breaking the land speed world record.

FeistyUpper If you don't like this, we can't be friends.
Chirphymium It's entirely possible that sending the audience out feeling lousy was intentional
Invaderbank The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.
Jonah Abbott There's no way I can possibly love it entirely but I just think its ridiculously bad, but enjoyable at the same time.
ametaphysicalshark What an oddly endearing film. Added to my ZipQueue a while ago when I was obsessing over Ray Wise, I was taken by what I expected to be a dull, plodding, lifeless low budget piece of crap action movie (based on the plot and those involved in the production and financing areas), which turned out to be a warm, inviting, odd little humorous adventure with some decent 'action' bits. It's not a great film, its flaws plain to the eye, but it is really quite well-made for something of this sort, and many of the cast members are very charming and fun to watch, especially Zane and Wise. A movie which was probably fun to make and was definitely fun to watch, and something of a little hidden gem in that vast cinematic world, an unexpected surprise. I don't know if this is a full-on recommendation, but if you're looking for something light and fun and not-so-well-known, or if you're a fan of one of the actors, there are worse things to do with your time.
ChampCarReigns In a word, gawdawful. Laughable science, cheesy acting, see-through, predictable plot (we were placing bets as to who'd be the driver to die. I lost)...totally a b-grade movie with b-grade actors. The characters were flat, unbelievable, and cold; even the crowd of thirty or so onlookers at the "race" (okay, with stakes of $50 million, you'd think there'd be far more entries and a lot more hype and excitement, no?)looked bored at the whole ordeal. I guess the only semi-redeeming feature was Billy Zane. I think he did the best he could with the script he had, and he was pretty funny in a camp sort of way. Too many errors to get past, however (the electric guitar jam sounded pretty good...too bad the thing wasn't plugged into an amp of any kind)
jamesv The plot hails from the formulaic "underdog makes good" (or bad) scenario that we've seen in Elvis movies, hayburners and the endless series of Eyaaaaaa!!! epics staring old kickboxing champions. Now add a production budget that even Roger Coreman would walk away from. Seem like a recipe for another snoozer?Guess again Pilgrim. Somehow, somewhere, somebody made a major slipup.Some cunning devil snuck great dialog as well as improbably playful and uncharacteristically good scripting in these scenes. The editing ain't bad either, even if you get to see the same dust trail over and over again.I haven't been this surprised since Freeway.
TwistedIvory I'm glad I passed over this selection in the movie-rental store and instead caught it on Showtime. "Landspeed" featured a horrible cast, terrible, terrible writing, bad special effects and, not least, a laughably unrealistic execution.Bizarre physics aside, "Landspeed" not only left out innumerable details but managed to mock the selfsame institution it was trying to promote. Landspeed records aren't run only one way, for one instance, and it would be not only ludicrously dangerous but impossible to run two Mach 1+ cars side-by-side, for another. The acting was atrocious, with every character showboating and every actor attempting to hog the spotlight in practically every scene. Character transitions are abrupt, unexplained and jarring, and this movie is guilty of more stereotyping than 40s war propaganda. The dialogue was stilted and banal and corporate sponsorships were painfully evident and showcased throughout the film. "Landspeed" relied on the hackneyed "good ol' white boys racing cars" formula to further its plot but ultimately falls far, far short of creating anything approaching believable. Skip over this movie unless you happen to have money literally burning a hole in your pocket and you must dispose of it or you've access to a free showing of this and happen to be exceedingly bored.