Lady Beware
Lady Beware
R | 14 August 1987 (USA)
Lady Beware Trailers

Young and good looking Katya, a window dresser for a big department store in Pittsburgh, begins a love story with a journalist, Mac Odell. She is however stalked by Jack, a married man who has a fixation with her.

Alicia I love this movie so much
Platicsco Good story, Not enough for a whole film
Freaktana A Major Disappointment
Rexanne It’s sentimental, ridiculously long and only occasionally funny
Danii Disaster Not sure why this is labelled as "thriller"; there are hardly any thrills. The lead actress is not convincing in her role, and is rather unlikeable to boot. Some Carrie Bradshaw wannabe that you have no interest in and no desire to root for. Bad character development plus the acting is mediocre at best. Disaster. The "bad guy" is not convincing, either. Not menacing at all. His supposed obsession doesn't seem real at all. In fact, he gives out the vibe that he intensely dislikes the broad rather than is obsessed with her.This movie is highly unrealistic. I'm not sure who's supposed to be the target audience. No one really likes a movie they can't relate to in any way, right? And the only way for the audience to know when they are "supposed to" be "thrilled" (or scared) is the sound effects. In fact, they were the most "threatening" thing about this movie.Waste of time, basically.
dinky-4 While it isn't an especially good movie, and while it has no obvious significance, "Lady Beware" has a way of lingering in the memory. Perhaps it's because of its gray, subdued, dream-like quality -- like one of those visions you can only half-remember when you wake up but which you find yourself thinking back on during the course of the day.Because of this dreamy, sleep-walking quality, the movie's lapses in logic and plausibility don't really count. In fact, they only add to the effect.The plot seems to deal with a somewhat-repressed young woman named Katya who acts out her sexual fantasies through designing window displays at a department store. These displays attract the attention of a pervert named Jack who thinks he finds in Katya a kindred spirit. The script, however, never clarifies this connection so those looking for a sensible, no-loose-ends story will probable not be satisfied. However, the script's refusal to resort to a typical "slasher movie" ending is a definite plus.Yes, Diane Lane has a notable topless scene, but leading men Michael Woods and Cotter Smith bare their nipples as well. Their torsos conform to Hollywood's usual notion that masculinity is dangerous. Woods, the "bad guy," has a chest covered with virile, black hair whereas Smith, "the good guy," has a smooth, hairless chest which has a boyish, almost feminine look.Woods, (sometimes confused with the Michael J. Woods who is brother to actor James Woods), seemed to be on the verge here of a major career which, curiously, never developed. He seems too much like a handsome movie-star to be the pervert he portrays but, once again, this fits into the movie's dream-fantasy motif. In his best-remembered scene, he dances around Diane Lane's empty apartment wearing only a bath towel which threatens to gape open, and while one can almost sense the actor's embarrassment at having to do this scene, (his movements are laughably amateurish), one can't deny his sexual appeal.
mcfly-31 It is hardly believable for most of its running time, but at least it keeps you watching. It begins when Lane sort of pushes her way into a job as a window dresser. This was the second film of '87 to feature one following the Andrew McCarthy comedy "Mannequin" (this one is even replete with a flamboyantly gay co-worker, too). But, ooh boy, is this a much different movie. Lane's gutsy and provocative displays get her noticed in good and bad ways, one of which is by a perverted x-ray technician, played by Woods. First we get the typical stalking; she's followed home; he steals her mail; harrassing phone calls. But at one point the perv scales the wall of her apartment/loft, takes a bath, and does something rather gross to one of her nighties. All the while talks to the police are mostly kept off-screen an d Lane keeps putting up with everything. Which, again, is one of the many implausible elements of the film. Only in movieland would the victim accept the challenge and begin playing cat and mouse games with the wacko. Plus the MANY unintentional laughs, like Woods dancing around her place in a bathtowel, him doing a Spiderman impression by climbing down the side of her building on a rope so he can break in, and Lane cursing her mirror while she repeatedly spits on it. The ending is a downer, too, kind of a letdown. Though different, it's mostly ineffective. And what the hell happened to Smith's character? All of a sudden he's dropped and never mentioned again (I'm sure he didn't care considering that love scene he got to do with Lane, hubba hubba). I must say the performances are there big time. Lane, aside from being absolutely gorgeous, which is saying nothing of her eye-popping (among other things, hehe) topless shot, really conveys her loss of freedom. At times the stuff she spouts is a little over the top, but is delivered nice enough. And if Woods is indeed James Woods brother, talent is definitely in the bloodline. His characters' only mis-step is not being more agressive with Lane. Early on she talks suggestive to Smith on the phone, appearing to be open sexually about herself (which is also indicated by her window displays). But Woods approach is more scary, which just makes her pissed. This was one of only a few good movies from the quickly defunct Scotti Bros. before they withered away and is too bad. Though pretty much unknown, it's a decent little thriller.
smatysia Diane Lane was so beautiful in this film. And her topless scenes here didn't hurt that a bit. Michael Woods was evil enough, and as I suspected, (confirmed by Imdb) he is James Woods' brother. Aside from this the movie was a thoroughly formulaic psycho stalker movie. SPOILERS AHEAD!!! Lane's character at least got to be a strong woman type at the end and trap the stalker herself, rather than being merely the damsel in distress. This allowed her to flesh out the characterization and shows that she has some talent in addition to magnificent breasts. Also, somewhat refreshingly, the ending climax amounted to police apprehension of the villain, rather than the expected grisly death. An OK film, and a must for fans of Lane. Grade C+