Kung Phooey!
Kung Phooey!
PG-13 | 11 March 2003 (USA)
Kung Phooey! Trailers

The plot follows Art Chew's (a pun of the sound one makes when sneezing) quest to retrieve the ancient peach. The movie starts with Art Chew traveling to America, as well as showing Art's training at the Shur-li temple (a play on words with the child actor Shirley Temple), showing many kung-fu clichés such as grabbing the pebble from the masters hand (which Art succeeds without effort), fighting on trees in this case small potted palms and "listing" for elements (Earth, Wind and Fire play a funky tune). After the montage is shown Art meets up with his cousin Wayman (A parody on the way Chinese pronounce r as w) a Chinese adult who tries to act American so he isn't embarrassed by stereotypes and foster cousin Roy Lee, an African American who sincerely believes he is a reincarnation of Bruce Lee.

Crwthod A lot more amusing than I thought it would be.
Glucedee It's hard to see any effort in the film. There's no comedy to speak of, no real drama and, worst of all.
Senteur As somebody who had not heard any of this before, it became a curious phenomenon to sit and watch a film and slowly have the realities begin to click into place.
Philippa All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
Soluchan Seriously, this movie was great. It is a low budget film, and that into consideration should be taken into account. I laughed my as off! The acting, directing, and writing were good. I hope he makes more films! The sound editing was great also. The director/writer, cast, and crew made this film great! And no, I do not know any of them, but I would like to me them!My friend just did a low budget movie (really low, and it isn't a zombie movie...even though it was made in Florida). It is called Mandatory Overtime. It has some good writing, but the sound quality and acting were kind of bad (sorry Brad, I liked it but just being honest...not that you will ever read this). But the point is the movie made laugh. Anyway, check out http://www.mandatoryovertimethemovie.comIf you are interested!But back to this movie...Tons of laughs and clever writing!! Thank you!
Adam (VonCouch) I've known about Kung Phooey for a while now. I've been seeing it for about a year on my local Hollywood Video shelf. I mean, come on. It's kind of hard to miss the cover of the DVD box. I've been meaning to watch it for a while, it looking like a cheaper version of a favorite film of mine: Kung Pow. Finally I picked it up the other day for a chuckle. Did I get what I wanted? Well, yes and no.Kung Phooey is not really a bad movie for what it is. It's a low budget spoof of the Kung Fu genre. And, at times, it works as such. But the sad truth is that it falls into the pitfall of 90% of low budget comedies. It just doesn't know how to tell a joke. The joke is set up and given, but the punchline just kind of falls flat and without much fanfare. I don't know what is with low budget comedies like this. Perhaps it's too long of a pause after a punchline. Perhaps it's silly music to accentuate the punchline. If I had more time and effort, I'm sure I could do a very revealing study on it. However, I'm a very lazy man.So in summation, Kung Phooey is not necessarily a bad film. The script is good enough, the acting is good enough, the filming is good enough. For a low budget film, at least you can see the director knows what he's doing. But it just kind of sits like cardboard in that it's not funny. Truly, I would give this film a 4.5 if I could. But seeing that I can tell they had good intentions and they tried their best, I'll give them the benefit of the curve.
Italianhitman86 This movie was a lot better than Kung Pow I thought! Honestly, "This junk almost messed up my mood for the weekend." stated by: Bietscher from The Netherlands. Come on, get a life ya freak. Unlike Kung Pow, these guys actually made a movie from scratch. Kung Pow was a movie already made, all they did was take the characters from the original movie and replace them with our actors from today. This movie was also a "cheaply made" movie and never made it to movies. Kung Pow wasn't a "cheaply made" movie and it made it to movies, and all they did was trade the places of the characters. THIS MOVIE WAS A LOT BETTER THAN KUNG POW AND IT ALWAYS WILL BE!!!!!!!
crimson_star75 I just rented Kung Phooey. Did I like it? I normally return movies I rent the next day so that I can get an early return credit, instead of keeping them for the full rental period. I rent 2-3 movies a week and I've only kept 2 movies past the first day. Kung Phooey was one of them. I wound up watching it almost daily. The comedy worked on all levels. From stuff my kids laughed at (and me, too), to higher brow stuff that had me rolling on the floor. I especially like the scene with the Jean Claude-esque character. I find myself quoting their fight scene at random moments throughout the day. Many 'indie' films tend to be 'serious' and wind up being melodramatic. I haven't seen many indie comedies, much less ones that made me laugh as much as this film. Come to think of it, most big-budget Hollywood comedies don't make me laugh as much as this film. Great work all around!