Kuch Naa Kaho
Kuch Naa Kaho
| 26 August 2003 (USA)
Kuch Naa Kaho Trailers

Raj a mere bachelor, who has no intention of marrying is being convinced by his uncle. His uncle passes on the duty to Namrata a married woman whose husband Sanjeev leave her five years ago. Namrata is responsible for finding Raj a suitable bride, while she is busy finding girls for him, he is busy along with his mischievous friend Adi straying away all the girls by making up wired plans. But Raj falls in love with the match - maker herself. While this is happening Sanjeev, Namrata's husband return and foil all plans between Raj and Namrata.

Odelecol Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
Megamind To all those who have watched it: I hope you enjoyed it as much as I do.
InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
Marva It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
spasek If anyone feels that Hollywood has forgotten how to make quality films that are pleasant to watch such as the kind that Hollywood used to put out regularly up until the late 60s, then you can feel assured that Bollywood is picking up the slack.In many ways, this movie reminds me of the films that Doris Day and Rock Hudson put out, like Pillow Talk. Abhishek Bachchan (Raj) has the suave sophistication of a Cary Grant. He plays the role of Raj with charm, class, and sophistication. Aishwarya Rai (Namrata) has the beauty, intelligence, and charm of an Ingrid Bergman. The woman is multi-talented. Rai can act, sing, dance, and speak 3-5 language fluently. You may think these comparisons are a stretch. Watch this movie and see for yourself. I'm the biggest fan of both Cary Grant and Ingrid Bergman, and these two delightful, Bollywood actors, in my opinion for this particular movie, deserve the comparison.When was the last time you found a fun, entertaining film for the whole family that could also inspire? More and more of these little Bollywood gems are coming to light. Most the world is already more than aware of them. It's only here in America that we are still a bit in the dark when it comes to International Cinema.This is a wonderful tale of Raj, who is an Indian man living and working in the United States. The furthest thing from his mind is settling down and getting married. His young cousin is getting married in India. Raj knows better than to attend, because he knows that his Uncle will have a line of potential brides lined up for him a mile long! Nikki, his cousin, brilliantly schemes a way to get him there as she bawls to him on the phone that she needs his help to break up the marriage because she doesn't love the guy. It isn't true, of course, which leads to some hilarious misunderstandings when Raj does go and tries to find an excuse to break up the marriage.In his attempt to get to India as quickly as possible, Raj meets Namrata at the airport. She is also going to India. Little does he realize that she is attending the wedding as well as she is a fashion designer working for Raj's uncle. Raj finds a way to get Namrata to give him her airline ticket by making up an incredible story about his dying son! The fun has only just begun, as Raj's uncle does, indeed, find a way to get Raj to meet eligible women. He decides to send Namrata along to help. The way Raj sabotages his chances with these women is brilliant and downright hilarious! Obviously, we understand what is coming next: he begins to develop feelings for Namrata, even though she isn't aware of it for a time.This may seem like a typical storyline, but there is a twist to this story that I won't mention in this review for those who haven't seen the film yet.The song and dance numbers are wonderful in this movie. As explained by a popular Bollywood actor, "A movie without music and dance is like a movie without special effects for westerners." This movie is just pure, genuine fun. It does, indeed, carry a powerful message about the perception of women, and hopefully, this might serve to influence the Asian belief system about women in many of their societies. What does it mean to be a husband? What does it mean to be a wife? Are they simply titles or should they mean something? Every now and then, I find myself watching the old classic films. The stories and performances had a wonderful charm that I find is sadly lacking in most of today's films. I'm happier now that I can start setting my sights on Bollywood films for the same thing.If these are the kinds of movies you love and enjoy, then you simply can't go wrong with Kuch Naa Kaho. You'll find it to be one of the most wonderful three hours you've spent watching a film in a long time. At least, I did.
dsharp-4 This is a really classy Bollywood production, with great cast, well developed characters, superb direction and some nice scenery. Although I generally find Bollywood films a bit boring - well the musical, sing-songy ones anyway - this one really hit the mark for me. It was really entertaining and I have trouble getting the main song out of my head! The plot is quite simple and you know where it's going right from the start, but that is the only negative I could find in it. Otherwise very entertaining fare, and I'd recommend it particularly for anyone that's new to Bollywood.
AishFan This movie was absolutely beautiful. Aishwarya's role was wonderful, and she played it very well. She also looked stunning. Abhishek also did a good job. Arbaaz was ok, but I don't think any other actor would suit his role more. Songs were great, especially "Acchhi lagti ho." The kid brings an interesting twist to the story. Ok, so I admit it, not every part of the movie was strikingly different and authentic, such as the scene where Abhishek goes down some amusement park water slide that is supposed to look like a dangerous hill in the middle of a thunderstorm, but the movie had strong emotions. With Aishwarya's great acting, it was easy to sympathize with the characters.
CAMKG When you watch a film like Kuch Naa Kaho, you are reminded that when it comes to cowardice, Bollywood artists are pretty much on the top. They have the business acumen and the creative ability to make films which are pleasing to the discerning viewer as well as the cash registers. But they lack the conviction to go with what their gut says. They lack the conviction to make cinema. But somewhere along the way, they have developed enough technical skills to make glossy 3-hour commercials with intermittent jingles.They will spend so much of their energy on scouting locations, hiring casting coups, marketing the film to the distributors, selling music rights, selling television rights, recording the 7-8 jingles (mostly it is their length that qualifies them as songs), color-coordinating the costumes and production designs, creating hoardings and posters and teasers... but the script and the characters are of no importance. You can make films to please the box-office that don't completely massacre your intelligence as well and still have the final product (that's what they seem to call it, because they don't make films anymore ) be intrinsically Bollywoodish.Aishwariya Rai is a living example of the depth of human-like behaviour expected from "Bollywood heroines". She has flawless complexion, dancing skills and color coordination skills. And just like your pet dog, she can smile, cry, be silent and get all cutesy, on cue. But when it comes to character portrayal, she wouldn't know where to begin because neither her nor the script are interested in it.According to the Bollywood Bible, God created man, and then he recreated a better version and then another and another till he perfected man. And then, since God was not the only perfect entity (man joining him in that elite club) anymore, they both got together and created woman. Man gave the design specifications and God having the technical knowhow, adhered to them - Man argued that he would have to live with the women so he should have his way. Abhishek Bachan's character in the movie is one such man. He just can't do no wrong - and also he can right all the wrongs done by Ash's character. Abhishek Bachan is an actor with tremendous potential - which is evident even from the limited scope his films have given him to perform, so far. But either he doesn't want to choose better scripts or perhaps they are not coming his way yet. Hopefully we will see him show us what he is capable of before his streak of commercial duds sinks him into oblivion.Rohan Sippy, son of Ramesh Sippy, has inherited the father's name but not his knack for filmmaking. But then Sippy Sr. had Salim-Javed as writers. Hopefully in future he will have the at least the guts to do something more refreshing and entertaining.Oh by the way, script seems to have been created on the sets which Sharmishtha Roy picked up on her way to the shoot from one of the Chopra or Johar films. The cinematography has been taken from a template derived from the DDLJ, KKHH and KKKG stable. And the talented composers Shankar-Ehsaan-Loy have given their worst soundtrack to date I believe. Well at least it blends in with the rest of the dismal elements of the film.If want to watch a romantic comedy, watch Chupke Se instead. 4/10.