Krampus: The Reckoning
Krampus: The Reckoning
NR | 03 November 2015 (USA)
Krampus: The Reckoning Trailers

Zoe, a strange child has a not so imaginary friend the Krampus who is the dark companion of St. Nicholas.

Redwarmin This movie is the proof that the world is becoming a sick and dumb place
Smartorhypo Highly Overrated But Still Good
Sexyloutak Absolutely the worst movie.
Invaderbank The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.
Leofwine_draca KRAMPUS: THE RECKONING is one of many films designed to ride the wave of popularity surrounding the new-found demon of Christmas legend, Krampus. Unfortunately, this micro budget thriller is too cheap to succeed, as it's one of those films where absolutely nothing happens other than the cast treading water throughout.I suppose it's a film that you could spend your time watching in order to find out if anything will happen of merit, but that would be time wasted; even worse, the creature as depicted on the box art doesn't even appear. Instead there's a lot of chit chat, scenes of a woman tormented by bad dreams, varied locations, and a blue look to certain scenes. It's all completely pointless though.
Muilisx In short, this movie is bad. I stopped watching pretty quickly. Maybe someone might like it but I've seen a ton of movies, and I've never disliked a movie so fast before. It's just dumb how they expose Krampus so quickly and so many times. The way he attacks people or just how the story goes it's just really bad and dumb to me I'm sorry. Just don't waste your time on this movie. I made an account just because I wanted to warn people. I think if they put more time into it, and worked on it a little more it could be better but I don't know just the way they present everything is poor. The acting is also pretty bad. I'm sorry it's just a bad movie. A lot of us work a lot of hours. We barely ever have time for a movie, and when we do we expect the time we finally have to watch a movie for the movie to be worth it. This movie wasted that time of mine, and I just had to let people know how I felt.
bradwhitewolf This movie made Plan 9 From Outer Space, look like an Academy Award winner. Slow, dull acting (if you can call it that). Very few chills, and hardly any screen time for the actual Krampus himself. We found this movie at Walmart, and being interested, and somewhat knowledgeable of the Krampus legend, and character,and having enjoyed the actual Krampus Movie, I had hopes that this might be a descent film. Boy! Were we ever wrong. My wife walked out of the room after the first 10 minutes, and I remained to suffer through it, in hopes that there might be something to this movie that I would like or appreciate, but I was wrong. All of the cast members were unknowns, and must have been standing by an underpass with a "Will work for food" sign, or they just worked for coffee and cigarettes. Dreadful movie to be avoided at ALL costs!
James Wright There is little positive to say about this movie apart from that they tried. There was certainly some thought put into the story, despite it also looking to be a desperate cash in on the Krampus name so close to the release of the studio produced film.Besides this however there is only negatives as the writing and acting of this film are atrocious. To make matters worse the film makers clearly do not know how to make a small budget work for them. It helps to have some interesting characters who can fill time with fun dialogue, as well as a bit of flesh thrown in for distraction. However here the dialogue is terribly boring and goes on for far too long without the right pace and editing to make it engaging, and while a little flesh is a good tease, just sticking in some sex for no reason is far too cheap and only serves to highlight the lack of substance that they had to work with.Overall this movie has nothing to offer apart from a passable idea for what could have been a decent story with more money and expertise behind the project. The main killer for this movie has to be the pace as it is just so, so painfully dull that it takes it away from the 'so bad that its funny' realm and puts it in the 'why am I even bothering to watch this' category. Avoid.