King and the Clown
King and the Clown
| 29 December 2005 (USA)
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Set in the late 15th century during the reign of King Yeonsan, two male street clowns and tightrope walkers, Jangsaeng and Gong-gil, are part of an entertainer troupe. Their manager prostitutes the beautiful Gong-gil to rich customers, and Jangsaeng is sickened by this practice. After Gong-gil kills the manager in defense of Jangsaeng, the pair flee to Seoul, where they form a new group with three other street performers.

Glimmerubro It is not deep, but it is fun to watch. It does have a bit more of an edge to it than other similar films.
Invaderbank The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.
Lollivan It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
Anoushka Slater While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.
Tottie1946 South Korea is one of the most politically corrupt countries in Asia. However, in spite of this artists continue to make dramas and films set in several genres which, though not overtly political, manage to get the message across that there is an endemic culture of 'the haves will cling to their privileges no matter what' in modern day Korea.This film would certainly have to belong to that genre. As the Chief Eunoch states to the King.....I brought them in (that is, the minstrels) to show you (a mirror) of your Court, however, your lust for a boy (clouded your judgement).At the end of the film one is left with the knowledge that the rule of the Ministers will be no less corrupt than that of the King. And as the fadeout begins we see the simple joy inherent within the brotherhood of the minstrels. Whether that joy and brotherhood can be translated into a new regime has yet to be seen.
RBO The King and the Clown is an excellent film noteworthy of it's critical acclaims. It showcases the purity of love in a universal light - something that is easily misunderstood in the Western world. It's difficult for me to explain my interpretation of the relationship between the main characters - simply put, they are soul mates and the soul does not discriminate between gender. To say their relationship is not homosexual, is a Western explanation, but most Westerners (especially Americans), will not easily understand this because love to is categorized differently. I think of it as taking the "sentiment and care" felt by loving a child, parent, lover, friend, husband, and wife and eliminating the titles, roles, sexual intimacy, and stripping it to only the "sentiment of sincere care". This is what I mean by purity of love.This film expresses this beautifully.
clokie this is genuinely a great movie, a movie that i believe deserves recognition by everyone. i heard it has been chosen by Korea as there choice to go for the best foreign movie award at the Oscars, and i would be shocked if they did not come out the winners.its hard to say what genre this movie is because it has so many, to say it is a tragic love story would be doing the movie a dis justice as its more than just a love story, and to others eyes it may not be quote what a previous commenter has said about the times saying its the Korean brokeback mountain. i think its better than Brokeback mountain, i was one of the few that didn't think that brokeback mountain was that good a movie, it was good but not as good as everybody said it was. the king and the clown just had something else that brokeback mountain didn't first i was sceptical about watching this movie, after the major hype it received as they tend to be a bit of a disappointment, but i throughly enjoyed this movie.everything about it was of the highest standard, the script, the story, the scenery, the costumes and who could forget the acting.lee jun gi will forever be one of my favourite actors alongside tom hanks and gong li. His performance was captivating and who would believe that he is actually a man, his face is just so beautiful and feminine to quote another site 'prettier than most normal women' he was just absolutely perfect for this role, it was like it was written for him. he is certainly the prettiest man i have ever seen. In Korea he won the best supporting actor for his performance in the King and the Clown and now is the most sort after male actor in Korea.His fellow compatriot Woo-seong Kam also put in a stellar performance that bagged him the best male actor award, his performance was so that it was hard to differentiate whether this movie was about homosexual love or brotherly love, that maybe what makes this movie so great as it allows the viewer to believe what it wants to believe. For example is the king in love with gong gil in a homosexual way or was it a motherly figure way.i don't believe i could recommend this movie highly enough, even if this doesn't seem like your type of a film, you should watch it for the acting performances alone as it will surely blow you away.
loniewolf Throughout the unknown history, The King and the clown (or the jester) seemingly have special relations whether they intend it or not. And it goes without saying the clowns always put themselves in a position on stage where people usually find deep sadness - if not humbleness - and throw their sympathetic applaud. In this movie, this milieu doesn't fade away as though I didn't find any similarity and simultaneousness betwixt and between Korean and any Wesern history. So I momentarily wonder if any two historical/cultural facts with different backgrounds can be juxtaposed. Of course it we think from outside of the box, we'll ambiguously realize there's only one rules controlling under any culture: common sense.Yunsan-kun is the one of the ferocious dictators throughout the Chosun Dynasty. No wonder his characteristic behaviour sometimes led to the horrific incidents draws broad attention; yet he governed the country surprisingly adequate even though his way of making decision seemed rebellious comparing to the social notion at the time. Although the story deals with the chaotic times, which we might have gone through the similar one unwittingly, it introduces "Pan" culture throughout the movie. Pan means simply the stage; where the clowns and acrobats perform. In the movies, along with those three Pan performances I realized how we have become so accustomed not to open up ourselves and let it go as opposed to people arduously enjoyed it.I may have to say the movie doesn't describe the dark history effectively because of too many fictitious characters and artificial scenes; however, it successfully delivers the coarse conversation beautifully between clowns. It is obscene and full of hatred against the discrimination towards them from the noblemen. The social climate was not ready for these kinds of radical protest and thoughts, either. But I believe it was generally amused and accepted only by grass roots. But when it happens on Pan, it was ironically accepted to noblemen. It is a dramatic irony after all.One thing I'm not sure is if the movie sets and garments were really reflected based on the fact - especially the scene when two clowns perform about the death of King's mother, the garments and ambiance look like they borrow them from Chinese opera. I just hoped it properly reflects more about Korean culture whether it intends or not. (I suppose the movie can provide the "Pan" and we only can be an audience.) Still, the movie has a great deal of efforts to embrace it, though. I personally think the script is almost perfect. Of course for those who can understand the text and Korean innermost feelings streaming amongst them.
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