Killer Party
Killer Party
R | 09 May 1986 (USA)
Killer Party Trailers

Three sorority pledges are tasked with ensuring that the gals of Sigma Alpha Pi throw a killer party at an abandoned fraternity house. Unfortunately a vengeful spirit decides to take the killer epithet literally

Ceticultsot Beautiful, moving film.
Bluebell Alcock Ok... Let's be honest. It cannot be the best movie but is quite enjoyable. The movie has the potential to develop a great plot for future movies
Verity Robins Great movie. Not sure what people expected but I found it highly entertaining.
Cheryl A clunky actioner with a handful of cool moments.
calvinnme ...although it never rises above the camp level of entertainment. A trio of college girls who don't look a day under 30 are pledging a sorority, which leads to the usual hazing humiliations. The sorority decides to throw its annual April Fool's dance in a condemned former Greek house that's been closed for 20 years, ever since a pledge was accidentally killed in a guillotine prank, two words that should never go together. Eventually the bodies start piling up at the costume party (I guess it's normal for there to be costumes at such an event; I've never actually heard of an April Fool's party before), leading to a "shocking" conclusion.This has the pluses and minuses of many early to mid 80's slasher flicks. On the plus side, you have terrible yet fascinating fashions, a bit of gratuitous nudity, and some truly awful bargain basement music to enjoy. On the minus side, you have to wait for the movie to be 3/4 over before anything really happens, and most of the dialogue and characters are rote and dull. I will give the film some credit though: SPOILER: This does features a rare double fake-out beginning and has a song you will just not be able to get out of your head.Martin Hewitt of Endless Love "fame" gets top billing, although he isn't in it much. The main stars are Elaine Wilkes, Sherry Willis-Burch, and "Introducing" Joanna Johnson, who apparently went on the next year to start a nearly 30 year off-and-on run on TV's The Bold & the Beautiful. Paul Bartel also shows up for a few minutes as a professor.Recommended only if you are in the specific mood for such fare, and occasionally most people are. It takes you back to the days when college students could unwind like this, often with fatal results, when they were unburdened with six digits of student loan debt.
merklekranz "Killer Party" will never be confused with a good horror movie. This scatter shot affair tries to accomplish way too much, and for the most part misses the entertainment mark by a wide margin. Dozens of characters with little or no development are cavorting around an old fraternity house trying to have an April Fools Party. Unfortunately a demoniacally possessed sorority sister and a killer in a deep sea diving outfit spoil the fun. Throw in an opening that tries to be clever, but only serves to stretch an overlong running time. The usual college pranks take up the remainder of the first hour, while divide and slaughter (off screen of course) killings fill the last 30 minutes. The presence of Paul Bartel is one of the lone bright spots, with his film on the danger of hazing pranks being the best attempt at humor. - MERK
BA_Harrison Tongue-in cheek horror Killer Party begins in perfect cheesy, 80s fashion with a 'film-within-a-film-within-a-music-video' pre-credits sequence that features a big-hair metal band named White Sister. It's a fun, silly and irresistibly daft opening to a film, but, unfortunately, it's also the best part of the whole affair, and has absolutely nothing to do with what follows!The bulk of this otherwise forgettable mess is a lame cross between Porky's and Hellnight, with a touch of the Exorcist thrown in for good measure. Elaine Wilkes, Sherry Willis-Burch, and Joanna Johnson star as Phoebe, Vivia and Jennifer, three girls desperate to become members of the exclusive Sigma Alpha Pi sorority. After suffering various humiliating rituals, the trio are accepted, and are given the task of organising a practical joke at the yearly April Fool's party (being held at an old abandoned frat house which is rumoured to be haunted).During the celebrations, however, an evil spirit interrupts the fun by turning Jennifer into a demonic, scuttling creature (complete with long tongue and a nice line in guttural noises) who proceeds to butcher the other party-goers.Although the possession at the end of the film does lend for some creepy scenes (with Jennifer crawling up vertical walls in a spider-like fashion), there are not nearly enough scares, and way too much silly student buffoonery (one fraternity plays a prank on the girls of Sigma Alpha Pi which results in some predictable gratuitous nudity), for Killer Party to be deemed a success.Perhaps if the studio hadn't seen fit to cut out the bloody effects that were filmed (apparently they expected more of a comedy than a horror, got cold feet when they saw the graphic gore, and excised the lot!), then maybe the film would've been more bearable, but in its severely trimmed form, Killer Party turns out to be a bit of a non-event.
drhackenstine Wanna movie that rips-off the Porky's rip-offs of the mid '80's? How about a Friday The 13th rip-off that rips-off those rip-offs, and then let's throw in that '70's possession thingy where the woman crawls on walls and talks like the singer from Cannibal Corpse sings. Ya like all that? Then here's your movie. This movie took all those clichés and wrapped them all into one. I don't think that was intentional. It was filmed in '84 and released in '86. Somewhere, things went bad for this movie, and to get it released, obviously, other scenes were shot, the story was changed, and now nothing adds up. Maybe I'm wrong, maybe this is how they filmed it. But still, there are three (oh yeah, three)false starts to the movie, each one dumber than the last one (the third being a glam rock music video). Then the movie is a tame Animal House rip-off, then we get completely bloodless slasher killings, then the demonic showdown. The bloodless slasher killings and demonic showdown are in the last 17 minutes. This movie just leaves you bewildered. If your a slasher fan, you are let down, if your a monster fan, your let down. There is no blood in this film, even though the body count goes down at a steady clip for about eight minutes near the end. People die quick, but it's all off-screen. If there wasn't the gratuitous nudity in the beginning, this would easily be rated PG-13, even by todays tame standards. I remember seeing this on TBS over a decade ago on Saturday afternoons. Watching it uncut the other night, I realized TBS didn't cut any of the violence out. Just them boobies. A tame affair that should be over-looked by the '80's horror fan. One and a half stars.