Killer Nerd
Killer Nerd
| 01 January 1991 (USA)
Killer Nerd Trailers

A nerd is harassed by punks, and is the object of ridicule at work. Enamoured by a co-worker, he buys a tape series on how to be cool, summons up his nerve, and goes to the co-worker's house, only to find her in the clutches of another co-worker. Dejected, he goes out on the town and parties with some babes, but when their friends, who turn out to be the same punks that harassed him earlier, trash him again something snaps, and the irritants in his life begin experiencing an attrition problem.

Pluskylang Great Film overall
Nessieldwi Very interesting film. Was caught on the premise when seeing the trailer but unsure as to what the outcome would be for the showing. As it turns out, it was a very good film.
Borserie it is finally so absorbing because it plays like a lyrical road odyssey that’s also a detective story.
Jonah Abbott There's no way I can possibly love it entirely but I just think its ridiculously bad, but enjoyable at the same time.
creepersdelight90210 Every now and then movies like Rocky, The Matrix and The Shawshank Redemption come along and revolutionize the way you look at the world and live your life. For me, Killer Nerd was one of these rare masterpieces. It's the Grand Epiphany. It reminds us to stand up for ourselves and defeat the scumbags that surround us on a daily basis, by "discombublating" them! We are who we are and shouldn't be ashamed of anything. If you're one of those people, like me, who can truly appreciate the beauty of a film like this, it becomes the gift of a lifetime; an escape from the evils of conformity! If you're one of those people who didn't like it, you weren't meant to see it in the first place and should stick to the garbage that you know and love. ~ As for the acting...BRILLIANT! Toby Radloff's performance is simply awe-inspiring. I mean, in a Perfect-World it would be actors like Toby Radloff getting nominated for Oscars, not stupid cows like Queen Latifah. To act is to be, right? And if that was truly the case, his performance was perfect. He is the ideal nerd.Killer Nerd is an entertaining, very fun B horror film! It kicks a*ss...plain and simple. Check it out!
chickiesinger98 I enjoyed this Troma movie very much. Everything from the Killer Nerd's dance on the dance floor at a local bar to the "How to be Cool" skit made the movie pretty funny. Killer Nerd could have had a little more of a personality but still not bad for the budget give for a 7500 dollar movie! I still prefer Steve Urkel and Jamison from WWF fame but Killer Nerd was still somehow able to provide me with some good comedy. I thought the 9 year old girls calling Killer Nerd a nerd after his hard day of working at the office quite cute but quite sad at the same time. Probably one of the better Troma movies I've seen so far, which isn't very many(9 and counting!).
Blue Canary One day my girlfriend suggested a film called `Killer Nerd' (Which, to my knowledge is only available from `Mooovies' in Bristol, Vermont). I thought nothing of it other than, `this'll probably be another Horror flick that I won't really pay attention to or remember.' It's not as if the name doesn't make it abundantly clear what the plot's going to be, right? Right you may be, but a regular horror film this is not. In fact really, a horror film this is not.I was right in my initial fear of watching this film. I thought it was going to be bad, I was right. I thought the acting was going to be poor, I was right (BOY was I right!?). Still, with a plot that would make Arnie blush and more stereotypical characters than can be seen outside an episode of Buffy, the film plodded on. Poorly. I could honestly say I have never in all my life seen such a poorly put together, utter joke of a film. By far the worst film I've ever seen.However, I know a lot more films that I didn't enjoy nearly as much. The sheer poor quality of the film makes it so bad that it bypasses the usual stage that a bad film has where you'll sit and cringe and either turn it off or just slug it out painstakingly till the end. Far from it, with Killer Nerd you can get almost as engrossed in it as if it were a decent film.The writers of this film are either lucky or genius's. If you see this film anywhere do not miss your opportunity to see it.Nerd. Nerd. Nerd.
McCorkum I just finished watching Killer Nerd. DON'T watch it! This movie , which is of the lowest imaginable budget, has no charisma what so ever, and gets lost in an incredibly over the top pace. IT'S NOT FUNNY! The creator of this movie really thought he was doing something funny, when in fact he wasn't. This movie was shot on video. IT WAS ACTUALLY SHOT ON VIDEO! It's funnier to watch a person on America's Funniest Home Videos getting kicked in the groin!