Killer Image
Killer Image
| 01 July 1992 (USA)
Killer Image Trailers

When Max Oliver learns his photographer brother has been killed, he suspects it was no random murder. And when he finds his brothers' last photos of a powerful senator and a prostitute, Max gets a clear picture of a deadly political cover-up. Seeking to expose his brother's killer, Max enters a murderous game of cat and mouse, stalked by a cold-blooded assassin who has Max dead in his sights.

Smartorhypo Highly Overrated But Still Good
InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
FirstWitch A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
Hayden Kane There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes
Red-Barracuda This Canadian movie is a pretty standard early 90's thriller. It's truthfully pretty pedestrian in most ways but it does benefit from the presence of genre legend Michael Ironside and respected character actor M. Emmet Walsh; both of whom play a pair of brothers, whose bad actions get the film's plot underway. The story is essentially about a professional killer who seeks incriminating photographs which are in the possession of a man whose brother he murdered. This leads to all manner of unreasonable behaviour being carried out by out pony-tailed psychopath.This is not a particularly well written film. It is not, for instance, especially clear why the pivotal murder even happens in the first place. And characters continue to act in illogical ways throughout the story. In fairness, it's not the first thriller to succumb to this, so it's hardly a deal breaker. It is a bit lethargic though and really only comes to life when either Ironside or Walsh are on the screen. So, not an awful lot to recommend here but at the same time it does get the job done, it just does it with the minimum effort.
MBunge Bad, lame, boring, pointless, useless…none of those words even begin to describe this story of brothers who both happen to be photographers and get caught up in a political scandal and a convoluted tangle of murder and deception.All I can say about Killer Image is this - If you'd like to see M. Emmet Walsh with his shirt off, this is your kind of movie. If you'd like to see Michael Ironside with one of those little, douchebag ponytails, this is your kind of movie. For everyone else, if you see Killer Image sitting on the shelf in your local video store, do not pick it up. Just back slowly away and get something else, even if the only other thing in the store is a Pauly Shore-Angela Landsbury sex tape.
jonathan-577 Dion put me on to this as an example of a Canadian film - Copper Mountain was the other, and this belongs in its ignominious company - where you just can't understand how it ever got the green light, in this case from Telefilm not to mention M. Emmett Walsh's agent. Did anyone read this script before signing off? Was it a gesture of equanimity to our Alberta friends? I'm serious - they should have changed the end credits so they read, "Any similarity to actual human behavior is entirely coincidental." I am all for illogic and rejection of conventional narrative values, but you can't have it both ways - cat-and-mouse procedurals have to make SOME kind of sense. I don't even know where to begin - there should be a drinking game (or screen writing course) based on this movie's plot holes. I'll just pick a couple at random. A) In the first scene (the first scene!!), the guy snapping photos of Michael Ironside dumping the body sees he's been noticed - and reacts by riding his motorbike directly TOWARD him and onto the main road, the better to be killed. As he's being shot at, with no cover, he hops off the dirt bike to take another picture, falls back like he's been shot, then climbs back on the bike like nothing's happened. B) When the guy's ladyfriend yells into the phone "Wait there - I'll be right over!" he doesn't wait there and she is not right over - although both their lives depend on it. C) Unless I'm missing something, the dead guy's photo studio is accessed both by freight elevator and ground-floor loading dock. The first time our hero walks in, it's by elevator, going up....from where?? D) The master assassin Ironside, who helpfully provides his target with his given name, tries to frame him by scattering about some polaroids of our hero in apparent acts of murder. Hint: when framing somebody, do NOT encourage the cops to question why there was a third party in the apartment snapping photos. E) In the climax, Our Hero gets back at Ironside by taking polaroids of HIS murder in progress and leaving them around the forest, where he can't possibly find them all, so someone will find them and justice will be served. First of all, says who? Second of all, what if it, like, rains - polaroids don't like that too much. Third of all, Our Hero has no way of knowing about the polaroids Ironside left at the scene, so where'd he get the idea? Fourth of all, after being beaten senseless and near death, Ironside goes for a stroll and finds all the polaroids anyway - so much for that plan! ...okay, that's enough to give you the flavor, with the additional note that there's no reason Ironside shouldn't just stroll in and shoot the guy in the head at his first opportunity. Only then there'd be no movie, would be the conventional response. In this case though, that would have been a positive thing!
groolovescia If you love Michael Ironside, you'll love Killer Image. If you hated this movie, you must not like Michael Ironside or Canadian films.He plays a hit-man for a senator, his brother. He ends up having to execute the senator's secret girlfriend, and gets caught in the end. Of course the sexy Ironside, ever so the bad guy in this film, gets killed. Be careful when you go into the Canadian woods...He dresses to kill and makes me hot. Damn, I'd get banned if I told you all what Michael Ironside does to me every time I see this movie.Yeah, some of the film is disjointed, but it does have a plot. It is a Canadian film, so it has an edge American films do not. Michael Ironside looks so dangerous and sexy at the same time.This movie has violence and sex in it too for all you sickos. Enjoy.