Kath & Kimderella
Kath & Kimderella
| 06 September 2012 (USA)
Kath & Kimderella Trailers

Kath & Kim turn more than just heads when they go on an overseas trip and end up being the centre of their very own fairytale.

Greenes Please don't spend money on this.
Freaktana A Major Disappointment
FirstWitch A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
Aiden Melton The storyline feels a little thin and moth-eaten in parts but this sequel is plenty of fun.
l-speed Was interested to read the mixed reviews of this. As the movie takes the characters out of Australia for most of the narrative, perhaps it would disappoint some viewers who like the TV series because of the local settings and local reference points. I enjoy this movie because it includes a lot of references to a wider range of things, including fairy tales, kitsch European culture, royalty, the musical comedy convention of a finale that reveals secret ancestry, and European thrillers and road movies of the 1960s (perhaps even Girl on a Motorcycle but I'm not sure if the reference is intened to be that specific). It's like a fantasy romcom/comedy of remarriage with a lot of intertextual elements. Love the silly costumes. Whether you like this might depend on your receptiveness to the silly, but at the same time I think Kath, Kim and co. are fully entitled to go international. The idea that all Australian movies should be set mainly or wholly in Australia is too limiting.
TRUTH HURTS This movie was a horrific atrocious failure, any real Kath and Kim fan will think of suicide rather than laugh at this pathetic cliché garbage.Most scenes had unwanted annoying music in the background and pretty much everything about this movie was thought up by talentless idiots. It's like Kath and Kim was sucked up by Disney and then shat out. Biggest insult to a franchise I've ever seen. -1/10I signed up just to warn you all how much this movie sucks, it was that bad.I want every person involved with the movie to read this review and realize they have insulted all real fans of the show with this forced trash.
werefox08 Kath and Kim..the Australian sitcom..has been running in Australia for a few years now. The type of humor is affectionately called "bogan". Most of its huge audience are ..in fact, lovingly referred to as bogans. The reasons for making this into a movie are a mystery. What we have here is an abject failure. The script is simply ..terrible. The acting self conscious, and not a laugh in sight. The actual story is ridiculous..the whole cast appear not to believe in it either. (A special word for Frank Woodley..he is a funny man). How a world-wide audience is going to react to this garbage is easy to predict. Lets be kind...and say...they will leave early. (Wish i had)...15 minutes is enough. After that one may puke.
therese-475-583449 I must say, i was hesitant to see this movie, thinking the worst! But i was pleasantly surprised. I am not a huge fan of Australian comedy myself but i thought the acting was very good. Don't forget that Kath and Kim have been the portrayal of characters we all may of encountered in the good old days of the 80's. If you weren't around then, you wont get the humour!In reference to the "bike scene", I am pretty sure it was made to look like that on purpose, as it would of been badly done in the 80's, they were just sending it up! If you aren't Australian and you weren't old enough or born in the 80's and you aren't familiar with Kath and Kim already, then you wont get it!! Soundtrack was great!!
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