Going Down in LA-LA Land
Going Down in LA-LA Land
NR | 01 May 2011 (USA)
Going Down in LA-LA Land Trailers

A fresh face comes to Hollywood to act in movies but only the gay porn studios are eager to provide him with work.

Linbeymusol Wonderful character development!
SpuffyWeb Sadly Over-hyped
Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
Josephina Great story, amazing characters, superb action, enthralling cinematography. Yes, this is something I am glad I spent money on.
donwc1996 This film is a hoot - an absolute laugh riot. Allison Lane, the female lead, just about runs away with the film her scenes are so hilarious and she is so absolutely delightful. She is everyone's favorite fag hag. The two male leads are perfect for each other and their chemistry really lights up the film. The entire cast is perfect in fact including some famous Hollywood celebrities who make the most of their brief appearances. The film really captures the LA scene for those of us who know it and the photography and locations are great. Very, very funny with some bits that are not just campy but have you laughing your head off.
Movie Critic In a gay fantasy movie like this at least make the protagonist masculine. Queenie gay men often look distorted in some artificial way---Adam (Matthew Ludwinski) was no exception (what a hair piece!). His over sugary smiling slightly pouting innocent little boy persona somehow didn't erase his porn male model provenance. The drag dance while he tries to commit suicide didn't help either.The acting was standard wooden porn. The actors deliver dialogue like they are reading a telephone directory out loud.The plot a fantasy story where Adam arrives to live with a fag hag in LA meets his true love on an escort sex trick John (now John was rather good looking and normal). John is a famous TV star. The affair becomes public all is lost...man loses man but there is a happy ending.I gave it a 3 only because it is a gay movie with a story other than a coming out or some tragedy. Many of the scenes were in fact typical of the gay community. Am afraid though that the making it in LA story is about 30 years out of date (at least). HIV and a deteriorating city squelched that. Fleeing LA would be more real today. Also who buys porno on DVDs any more when all you have to do is use Bing or Google to be drowned in free stuff?This movie is touted as hot at the gay lesbian film festivals....they've got a ways to go I am afraid. I am waiting for the day when they insert normal masculine men who happen to be gay in main stream movies of all genres. I hope I am still alive when that happensDO NOT RECOMMEND
henryshanks I liked the movie for being mostly light-hearted, but still posing some serious issues (coming out, entourage, drugs).The film has its share of gay stereotypes, all in good fun. You have the fag hag, the gossipers at the bar, and the not-so-common hag-of-the-other- fag (more or less) which obviously starts on the wrong foot with the protagonist.Still, the movie is not entirely predictable and the acting, while slightly over the top at times, makes it worthwhile. It's not ground-breaking, yet not cheesy. A really good movie to watch at home on that day when you feel tired and need something to lift up your spirits.
John Chavez Viewed at the Brussels Gay Film FestivalA very engaging story of lust, libido and love in LA. The film was a very good take on LA - its quirky reliance on trendy remedies for modern woes, on drugs and on its special brand of eternally hopeful American aspiration as embodied in Candy and Adam - the one moving from opportunity to opportunity, the other sticking to some level of honesty, no matter how hard won.The opening sequence of Adam driving through LA set the tone perfectly: brown skies, fabled landmarks, grungy strip malls and fabulous estates. Candy and Adam - old film school friends - are each determined to make it big as actors, faced with the deadening reality of too many actors for too few roles. What they are really after, though, is family: they have their fraternal relationship, they long for a married one.Matthew Ludwinski deserves a special mention for managing to be extremely sexy in a porn- fantasy way and at the same time extremely romantic in an honest way. In this type of story it is often hard to see what the more successful character sees in the less successful character. But the film took the time to make Adam credible as an intelligent, interesting person and the chemistry between Adam and John was immediate and believable.The film could have been a pat puff piece for the film industry, and the portrayal of the porn industry was a little soft-core: my one caveat. But the film it showed the downside of life in LA - drugs, hucksterism and sex - in a very real and sad way. The comment about not being able to come out of the closet because of the people whose livelihoods depended on a straight actor's persona, really touched a cord. The ending gained credibility from the gritty reality of the body of the film. The audience - mostly European - roundly applauded the film.