Karate Girl
Karate Girl
| 17 December 1973 (USA)
Karate Girl Trailers

Mute blond bombshell Zeynep lives with her aging father at a farm. One day, five criminals break in, killing the father and raping Zeynep. The shock restores Zeynep's speech and she seeks revenge. With the help of the friendly hobo Murat, she learns to be an expert shooter, takes a brown belt in karate, and sets out to kill them all.

Nonureva Really Surprised!
Borgarkeri A bit overrated, but still an amazing film
FuzzyTagz If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.
Hayleigh Joseph This is ultimately a movie about the very bad things that can happen when we don't address our unease, when we just try to brush it off, whether that's to fit in or to preserve our self-image.
Java_Joe This movie is one of the earlier ventures into the whole "rape revenge" kind of movie like "I Spit on Your Grave". It's a Turkish movie that thankfully isn't a remake of another more popular movie but you shouldn't get your hopes up. It's as inept as just about any Turkish knock off movie you've ever seen. What sets this one above all the others is the protracted death scene of one of the baddies. He gets shot several times by the titular Karate Girl and literally has the most over the top death scene ever put to film. It puts Paul Reuben's death scene in "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" to shame. It just goes on and on in slow motion. It's really something to be seen.But beyond that the story itself is pretty thin. The Karate Girl is s deaf-mute who sells flowers. She needs a lot of money to get an operation to restore her voice. But one day five escaped convicts break into the house she shares with her father. They kill him, rape her, steal all their money and leave her for dead. But on the plus side the shock of this restored her voice. Now she swears vengeance on these men. And learns the most deadly of all the martial arts: Karate.Of at least I think it's supposed to be karate. I can't really tell because instead of the punches she has a tendency to give "karate chops" and really badly telegraphed moves. I don't think they were going for realism here as the fight scenes came off like the ones in Dolemite where an unathletic man somehow beats up people with unconvincing moves. That's the fight scenes in this one. Except for the guy she shoots. That one was at least funny.So yeah, it's not a great movie. It's full of cheesy characters and situations and really don't try to take it seriously.
Lee Eisenberg We fans of cult cinema know that Turkey made a number of action flicks in the 1970s. Several of these were ripoffs of movies from the US - there was a Turkish "Exorcist" and a Turkish "Young Frankenstein" - but they made some original movies. A really crazy one was "Karateci Kız", about a woman who seeks revenge on her father's killers. The copy that I saw made it even zanier: the opening credits were in French, the movie was dubbed in English, and had Danish subtitles (and the woman looked Danish!).There's not much in the way of plot, but the truth is that these sorts of movies make life worth living. It surprises me that Quentin Tarantino hasn't made a tribute to Turkish action flicks. If he ever does, he'll probably have to cast Filiz Akın and Cüneyt Arkın (with Samuel L. Jackson around to say the word that rhymes with brother-sucker).Anyway, this is a fun movie. You're sure to love it.
John Seal This thoroughly enjoyable slice of Turkish hokum is only available in the grey market via copies of a Greek videotape of a French print dubbed into English (and, of course, featuring Greek subtitles). Blonde (hence golden) Filiz Akin plays the mute daughter of a man killed by half a dozen rampaging ex-cons; the shock of his death loosens her tongue and she vows revenge. The intercession of a handsome loner (future Turkish MP Ediz Hun) provides her the necessary encouragement to go after the baddies, and crash courses in sharp shooting and karate provide her the needed skills. Broadly acted by all concerned, chock full of action, and featuring a terrific score, Golden Girl would have been a great addition to the Onar Films DVD library if not for the sad demise of owner Bill Barounis. Lots of fun if you can find it.
brinner Deaf-mute blondie(Akin)lives a poor but idyllic life with her old father working as florists. One day five escaped convicts visits their house. They kill the old man, rapes the girl and steal all their money. These convicts looks and act like real sleaze bags, Rifki from "midnight express" seams like a choirboy in comparision. Because of the very cruel rape the girl gets a shock which leads to that her speech comes back. She swears to get here revenge, so she educate herself to be a cop and Karate-expert (this goes really quick and by the time she is finished the crooks are still unleashed)... This movie is rather fun and entertaining. But it ain´t no real masterpiece in it´s genre, I would only recommend this film too people who likes odd movies. There are many logical mistakes in the plot and some actors are real terrible. But I like the mood of this kind of movies it´s fun to see, the look of the diabolic crooks will give you nightmares hehe.