Judas Kiss
Judas Kiss
| 01 April 2011 (USA)
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A quirk in time and space gives a failed filmmaker the chance to reshape his destiny when he visits his peculiar alma mater.

Stometer Save your money for something good and enjoyable
GrimPrecise I'll tell you why so serious
ChanBot i must have seen a different film!!
Aneesa Wardle The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
Suradit Amazingly Dorothy Parker said of a young Katharine Hepburn:"She runs the gamut of emotions from A to B." Luckily Ms. Parker died before Charlie David gave acting a shot since his gamut doesn't stretch that far.Unfortunately in this film he played the lead character, Zach Wells, and could only over-act one emotion, petulant drama queen. Most of the younger actors turned in reasonably good performances, but Charlie seemed to cast a creepy pall over every scene in which he appeared.As another person who reviewed the movie mentioned, it was refreshing to have a film with a gay presence that didn't focus on someone coming out or coping with all the baggage of being gay in a hostile world. That saved this sophomoric effort from being a complete waste of time, but the stiff, uncomfortable performances by almost all the older actors and their constipated dialogue delivered in a preachy, robotic manner made most of the movie a painful experience.Hopefully the actors who played Danny, Abbey, Shane and Chris will be able to build on what I assume was the start of their acting careers and hopefully Charlie David and the others, who spent the film performing like they were reading their lines for the first time, haven't given up their day jobs.
soccerfan217 There are so many emotions in this film it's hard to latch on one the first time you watch it. It's not your typical gay-themed film and it brings a refreshing breath of life to it's genre. One of the best characters in my opinion is C.W-or Christopher Watchowski. Every small character has been so meticulously planned out the entire film is a pleasure to watch. I suggest multiple watchings just to fully get the gist of the plot and see all the characters as individuals and appreciate them. From Danny's father to Shane's parents all the characters are a delight to observe. The plot of time travel is also very unique in that the way that the time travel occurs is never actually explained. Yet it doesn't need to be, the film is packed full of enough action that you never really miss an explanation. The cinematography is fantastic-very real with sharp colours and smooth transitions with special effects. I can't wait for the next movie from this crew.
kair_iii When Zachary Wells gets a chance to visit his old university he has an eerie encounter with a very familiar student and gets an opportunity to change both their futures. This film could be analysed through and separated into three different genre types, Drama, Gay Cinema and Science Fiction; Drama and Science Fiction being the prominent of the three, because even though it includes mostly homosexual characters it is not vital to the narrative that they are so even though that is the audience it is marketed to judging by the festivals it was shown at. It's not the typical science fiction film in that it does not include the likes of spaceships, aliens, futuristic technology or scientists, what it does hint at is the occurrence of possible time travel or corresponding parallel universes. It doesn't rely too much on special effects only to emphasis the eeriness of certain areas of attention or connection. Non typical to Sci-fi films there is no clear explanation to the events that unfold in the film which could be the film-makers taking the easy way out as in 'it just happened, accept it' such as in the Zac Efron film 17 Again (2009) where similarly parallel universes collide and gives Mike O'Donnell a second chance at being 17 but in present day. In this film Zachary Wells meets Danny Reyes who has a very similar background to Zachary, to which he then discovers that they are the same person just 15 years difference in age between them. Zachary soon sees this as an opportunity to change his present by changing his past, i.e. changing Danny's present. The present day temporal and human technology aspect of the film does get a bit confusing because of the lack of explanation just as the character Zach shows when the realisation of the situation sets in, but just as Zach soon ignores it and get on with his experience so I did when I was watching the film. Just as similar films of the recent past such as Kaboom (2010) and Mysterious Skin (2004) have all been innovative in keeping the genre fresh and new with cross-genre blending; which shows how the genre has and continues to evolve with cultural trends, this film interplays contemporary cinematic themes and narrative to bring sci-fi into a new and developing audience-ship i.e. gay cinema audience. Past Sci-fi film have always been implied such as characters in Star Trek (1966 - 2009), but never have been as brazen as these films which show out homosexuals in non-typical gay films i.e. coming out stories, gay rights or camp romances.
Selek54 Judas Kiss is a huge leap in indie gay story telling and what you can do with a limited budget. While the coming out stories have there place in this genre, it was great to see a movie where being gay is just a happenstance. Thus, it then gave writer Carlos Pedraza and director J.T. Tepnapa time to step up their story while not being bogged down in ennui. The lushly filmed movie takes a simple idea -what if you could go back in time and change your past- and spins a tale about the paths we choose when we're young, and how (at the time) we never think about the consequences of our actions. From that idea, the movie borrows a bit from The Twilight Zone and adds a dash of A Christmas Carol and takes us on a journey that while familiar, it is never boring. Charlie David has never been better, giving us a new look at a man at the crossroads who is in desperate search for some sort of redemption for the sins of his past. Meanwhile, Richard Harmon explodes on the screen as the troubled Danny, willing to sacrifice everything, including love, for the ever elusive gold ring that is success. Mr. Harmon is brilliantly watchable, despite the character of Danny having so many flaws. Meanwhile, newcomer Timo Descamps (an actor/singer from Belgium) scores as Shane, the Big Man on Campus who has an agenda of his own, while Julia Morizawa is dazzling as Abby. While some might call it stunt casting, Sean Paul Lockhart rises to the occasion as a sort of Ghost of Christmas Past. Well known for his gay adult films as Brent Corrigan, Lockhart proves he is more than the sum of his parts. He's likable, charming and shows a vulnerable side, which is endearing. While certainly not a perfect film, it has great heart and production values (great CGI and location work in Seattle) outweigh a few short comings. This is an example of what could be the next evolutionary step in this genre.
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