Ju-on: The Grudge 2
Ju-on: The Grudge 2
| 15 August 2003 (USA)
Ju-on: The Grudge 2 Trailers

When the cast and crew of a paranormal TV reality program decide to shoot in the house of the original Saeki hauntings, a series of strange events unfold at the location.

Boobirt Stylish but barely mediocre overall
Lumsdal Good , But It Is Overrated By Some
Chirphymium It's entirely possible that sending the audience out feeling lousy was intentional
ActuallyGlimmer The best films of this genre always show a path and provide a takeaway for being a better person.
SugarandIce First, let me say that I believe this movie is hugely underrated and extremely terrifying. In fact, of all the horror films I've seen, this one is probably my favorite. Kayako has a menace to her that competes with the best of horror villains and her menace is displayed at its maximum here. Ju-on 2 has plenty of wonderfully done and creative scares for you. The storyline switches between characters in a non linear fashion. However, all the stories are intertwined and come together for a twisted, dark finale. This means that the entire movie I was both terrified and entertained. As a horror film fan, I recommend this. As a fan of Asian horror and scary ghost girls, I recommend it as well.
MovieGuy01 I Thought that Ju-on 2 Was a great horror film just as good as the first film. While driving, a pregnant horror-movie actress Kyôko Harase and her fiancé are in a car crash caused by the Toshio's friend. Kyôko loses her baby and her fiancé ends up in a coma. Kyôko was cursed together with a television crew when they shot a show in the haunted house where Kayako was brutally murdered by her husband years ago. While each member of the team dies. Kyôko is informed that she has a three-and-a-half-month-old foetus in her womb. I Thought that Ju-on 2 was a great horror film. I felt that This film which was directed by Shimizu Takashi was more psychologically disturbing than the first film. and i felt that it had a very creepy feel to it.
Michael_Elliott Ju-on: The Grudge 2 (2003) ** (out of 4) I thought this was the second film in the series but it's actually the forth one. I enjoyed the first film in the series but this one here was pretty disappointing. A TV crew is making a documentary on the house from the first film when their lead actress becomes cursed by the house. The same director as the first film (and its American remake) directed this one but most of his tricks are old and tiresome here. There's one good, creepy scene but that's about it as far as scares go. The director does a very nice job with the pacing of the film, which is good since not much happens.
Claudio Carvalho While driving on the road, the pregnant horror movies actress Kyoko Harase (Noriko Sakai) and her fiancé have a car crash caused by the fiend of Toshio, and Kyoko loses her baby and her fiancé stays in coma. Kyoko was cursed together with all the television crew when she hosted a show in the haunted house where Kayako was brutally murdered by her husband. While each member of the team dies or disappears, Kyoko is informed that she has a three and half month fetus in her womb."Ju-on: The Grudge 2" is a very creepy and scary horror movie, based on a Japanese legend, and disclosed in a non-linear screenplay. In the beginning of this sequel, the explanation of the curse is presented again. When a person is killed in a violent way, his or her death generates a curse that will stay in the place where the crime took place. If another person visits the haunted place, he or she will be chased by the fiends till death generating another curse.Like the first one, this movie impresses because there is no bloody scene, only a tense psychological exploration of the inner fear of human beings for the unknown. The story is very simple and low paced, there are very few special effects, a great use of sound, no gore, but the creepy atmosphere is really frightening. I startled many times while watching this film. My vote is eight.Title (Brazil): "Ju-On, O Grito 2" ("Ju-On, The Scream 2")
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