Joyful Noise
Joyful Noise
PG-13 | 13 January 2012 (USA)
Joyful Noise Trailers

G.G. Sparrow faces off with her choir's newly appointed director, Vi Rose Hill, over the group's direction as they head into a national competition.

Steineded How sad is this?
Maidexpl Entertaining from beginning to end, it maintains the spirit of the franchise while establishing it's own seal with a fun cast
Ogosmith Each character in this movie — down to the smallest one — is an individual rather than a type, prone to spontaneous changes of mood and sometimes amusing outbursts of pettiness or ill humor.
Robert Joyner The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one
ch91789 I am so glad I bought this movie. I have probably seen this movie at least 3 or 4 times in my lifetime. The soundtrack for this movie is all over my Spotify playlists. My favorite song is the Higher Medley especially when they cover Yeah by Usher and change the words. That's probably the best thing about this movie, the way they have arranged current songs and incorporated others into their choir. The cast is amazing too: Keke Palmer, Jeremy Jordan, Dolly Parton, Queen Latifah, just to name a few! Even with cast members who are less well known it is still amazing. I love how Dolly Parton and Queen Latifah play off of each other as G.G and Vi Rose. I also the relationship between Olivia and Randy. In addition, I love the family aspect. I especially love how they have a special needs character and that he finds his place as part of the band for the choir. Finally, I love how Commander Marcus Hill comes back to the family at the end. I thought the character Earla and her relationship problems was pretty cute too. TWO THUMBS WAY UP FOR JOYFUL NOISE!
myspecialparadise At first, I wondered why this movie did not come out as a TV movie ... I mean, seriously, one of the main stars dies at the beginning ... which made me expect the rest of the movie to suffer the same fate. Me, and my assumptions, got a pretty nice surprise ... the movie took me higher as the minutes ticked by! Except for those times that I wanted to slap Queen Latifah upside her nappy head! Granted, its an old story, but the perfect cast gave this movie a whole new spin on the life of a feel good movie ... which was the reason movies were created in the first place, to take us away from our daily drudgeries, to lift us up and let us soar out of the theaters on a wave of exhilaration that washes away all of our troubles, even if only for just one evening.The down points are few ... but are worth noting as they tell us that even within a choir there are cat fights, back stabbings, and downright hatred for one's fellow man/woman ... which I did not pay the price of admission to see. I just don't believe that anyone whom supposedly loves God so much would result to downright slander and pettiness, as in the part that Queen Latifah plays against the part Dolly Parton plays. How does a person go from singing like an angel to scratching at someone with bared claws. However, I will say that some of the best acting in the whole movie is pulled out of Queen Latifah ... any entertainer would be proud as all heck to be chosen to be a part of anything that Queenie is a part of! Getting to Dolly Parton ... the woman is a walking miracle ... but some of the hairdos she wore in this movie were about a oogly as oogly can get! Dolly's fans want to see the glamorous Dolly with soft tresses ... not heavy metal spikes!!!!! One thing Dolly would have to admit to is that she, all too often, listens to the opinions of the wrong people! Afteral, it was those same people that destroyed a promising musical variety show on its first night on television ... and she knows it just as well as we do! I think Dolly needs to get rid of a few of her "Yes Men" and seek out the advice of someone that thinks more about her success and less about her money and (I'm gaga for anyone that's famous) fame! Please Dolly, cease the claymation look and go back to being the Dolly we all love! Your fans are not into your earthiness ... we're into the woman that celebrates being a woman on a daily basis ... and has a heart of gold! As for the rest of the cast ... perfection! The scripting between the other members of the choir is superb ... as are their stories that bring the entire story to such a climactic pinnacle of success in the final reel. I will say that I just can't get enough of seeing that part of the movie ... it definitely takes me gloriously "higher" than I've felt in a long time! And Angela Grovey is just that ... a total groove! This is a woman that should be seen a lot more, and a lot more often! As would her sidekick, in the movie, Dequina Moore ... the two make a great team. Oh, and lets not forget Andy Karl ... totally hot in this films last reel. Between him and Jeremy Jordan, the screen was often steaming with their individual sinaliciousness! Memorable Lines ..."God didn't make plastic surgeons so they could starve!" Dolly Parton."Tap it and die!" Angela Grovey."You read the bible to reminisce!" Queen Latifah.My favorite song in the movie is sung by Queen Latifah ... "Fix me." We should all be asking for that miracle. So, keep this movie close to your DVD player ... for when you really need to be lifted up ... higher!
Marc Davis Horrible, horrible, horrible!!! Where to begin? It didn't take me even 5 minutes of viewing this dreadful film to see how bad it is. The acting is beyond bad, the dialog is elementary, the plot is hardly believable, and worst of all, for a movie about a gospel choir, it should be a sin for there to be such obvious lip-syncing going on during some of the singing scenes.Dolly Parton as G.G. Sparrow and Queen Latifah as V. Rose Hill, two prominent, vocal (literally) members of a church choir, battle it out to see who's musical style will win out. Sparrow wants a contemporary sound and V. Rose Hill favors the more traditional gospel style. Of course, all parties involved will come together just in time to save the choir during the choir competition near the end. Yea right - in what alternate universe does this occur? Even their names tells you how utterly ridiculous this story is. Also unbelievable is the subplot about love between Olivia, V. Rose's daughter and Randy, Sparrow's grandson, played by Keke Palmer and Jeremy Jordan, respectively. Jordan and Palmer have negative (-)100% chemistry. Zip-O!!!! And the dialogue and interaction between these two are flat. Oh, and if you've never heard of these two,don't worry. You're not alone. Many viewers haven't. To her credit,Keke Palmer has a decent resume of work as an actress, and definitely was not as stiff as Jeremy Jordan, but she wasn't much better.Courtney B. Vance has a supporting role as the pastor of the church where the choir is based. He is clearly making the best of a terrible script. Dolly Parton also puts in a commendable performance, with her quirky but Southernly charm. One of the more touching parts of this sterile film is Dolly Parton's performance of "From Here to the Moon and Back". Otherwise, "Joyful Noise" runs like a 118-minute rip off of the Sister Act films, except Latifah's no Whoopi Goldberg and Keke Palmer's no Lauryn Hill.
fraun I was disappointed. I love Dolly! And I'm a huge fan of Kris Kristofferson and Queen Latifah, but I am amazed that Kirk Franklin would have anything to do with this movie. It was a prime example of churches behaving humanistic-ally, filled with Christians behaving like the rest of the world...using bad language, dis-respecting authority,using the Lord's name in vain, lying, and having one-night stands. Brings to mind the the answer I saw recently from a sidewalk interview clip, where the interviewer asked a passersby if they knew any Christians, and they said yes, but the ones they knew behave like everybody else. The portrayal of Christians in this movie just helps keep that image going......Shame on y'all!