Journey to Le Mans
Journey to Le Mans
| 23 October 2014 (USA)
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Le Mans the biggest motorsport event in the world, is truly a spectacle like no other. The twenty-four hour race is considered the most physically and mentally demanding race on earth. Man and machine push themselves to the limits of endurance, many never make it past the finish line, and some never make it home.

TinsHeadline Touches You
Chirphymium It's entirely possible that sending the audience out feeling lousy was intentional
WillSushyMedia This movie was so-so. It had it's moments, but wasn't the greatest.
ThedevilChoose When a movie has you begging for it to end not even half way through it's pure crap. We've all seen this movie and this characters millions of times, nothing new in it. Don't waste your time.
robmccrea Journey to Le Mans is a documentary presenting team Jota's quest to win Le Mans in the LMP2 division.Much of the race footage is presented in slow motion, and the melodramatic soundtrack is unrelenting. These aspects betray the innate excitement of high-speed racing. The film doesn't even present a summary of the race in any desirable form. I have to believe an under-produced bland documentary would have been much more interesting.What it does somewhat well is profile the drivers of team Jota. The raw footage is top-notch, alas the actually racing clips are very short.My one word summary would be "boring", which is a very unfortunate description of the pinnacle of high-speed auto racing.
haphazard72 I know nothing about Le Mans so I had no preconceived ideas about what to expect from this. To say I enjoyed it would be an understatement!A fantastic insight into the event and what it takes to get there and to compete.Some have said it was very one sided as it only followed one team, and that is correct, but that is what it was meant to be about anyway. Enjoy it for what it is. (Warning: TT3D is the same, so don't complain about that one when you see it!!!!)What really made this a great watch though was the cinematography! Superb camera use, footage and techniques. Loved it!If you're a racing fan, then I highly recommend this....
Chick Holden OK so it is very one dimensional focusing on one team, but it says that on the tin. Surely Truth in 24 was as such? So I went in to this not expecting the next Senna or Rush or even Ti24, I went into it hoping to learn more about a small privateer team, an angle we often overlook at Le Mans, and that is exactly what I got, and in bucket loads. The cinematography was superb, the slow-mo shots breathtaking and images of Le Mans from angles I had never seen. So if you want all glitz and glamour with rivalry and stars maybe not for you, but if you like fast cars and beautiful images, with a good underdog story, then this is a must watch.
sales-173-296546 For me this was a film filled with childhood nostalgia, going to Le Mans with my Dad and watching him race. I think more than anything this captures the reality, the team spirit and drive of the individual man to win. It makes me sad to read comments about it being only about 'Jota' a small team - who wants to watch them? It is not misleading - read the synopsis, this film says exactly what it is, an inside story about a group of guys wanting to make it in the greatest race in the world. So it is OK for Audi to do it? What if it were Porsche? I think perhaps some have missed the point the filmmakers captured which is the authenticity of just a bunch of passionate chaps who take on the world. Surely THIS is inspiration beyond all else? Or perhaps it just let's an old guy think 'hey I could do that'. For me it is a ten out of ten.