R | 01 January 2006 (USA)
Joshua Trailers

Kelby Unger is a young man from a dysfunctional family that lives with his girlfriend Amelia Gates and has sleeping problems with dreadful nightmares. When he proposes Amelia, he coincidently receives a phone call from the warden of the prison of his hometown telling that his father had just died from heart attack. He decides to return to Bisbee for the funeral and Amelia goes with him. Kelby and Amelia lodge at his mother's house and he meets his slut sister Trish, his former friends James Lilly and the policeman Wally and his unknown uncle Tom. When Wally has a nervous breakdown with the name of Joshua, Kelby is haunted by the evil past in Bisbee.

Chirphymium It's entirely possible that sending the audience out feeling lousy was intentional
Doomtomylo a film so unique, intoxicating and bizarre that it not only demands another viewing, but is also forgivable as a satirical comedy where the jokes eventually take the back seat.
Sameer Callahan It really made me laugh, but for some moments I was tearing up because I could relate so much.
Dana An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
mags22 I simply can't believe how bad this movie was, but what really irritated me was that friends, family members, cast and crew were obviously the only people commenting on this flick in the guise of the "unbiased masses". I (used to) come to IMDb in order to be better informed when choosing a film to see, rent or buy – but I think it's high time IMDb started ensuring, at least one or two, unbiased and intelligent reviews. Perhaps an on-staff or free lance reviewer – maybe a link to responsible reviewers. The "reviews" of this film were clearly written by people involved with the film and or its cast and crew. Due to the bias, I wasted an hour and a half of my life, not to mention the spondole needed to pay for this ka ka. The premise actually had promise, unfortunately this film was execrable! The director should be fed to the protagonist piecemeal. The actors were quite clearly "acting". The camera people, in no way to be confused with "cinematographers", should be forced (clockwork orange style) to view the frames from 42:23 – 42:50 mins ad infinitum, the camera stays focused center but James moves to the left and we are all left staring at a dung orange colored wall and James's "evil eye". As for the make-up, I've seen better on crack whores. The script "writers" should be forced to renounce their membership in the Writers Guild of America (WGA), if, for no other reason than writing such drivel as: when Kelby walks into James' home for the first time James: "I'm afraid the life of an accountant isn't as glamorous as you might have thought" Having said all that, I'd like to say this: I am one of the most easily frightened people on the planet… this flick didn't frighten me a bit!
sbarshow This movie certainly does not live up to my expectations. POor acting, Confusing storyline, Terrible makeup. I mean seriously who are we fooling? Decent but not what everyone makes it out to be.Story moves slow and never really picks up until its too late to redeem itself. At this point I'm Looking for the remote and a roll of toilet paper. Horror is supposed to be fast, not 2 second in your face clicks with a mediocre, if not half assed ending? I want storyline, action, plot ( very important ) and good FX. The effects in this film were laughable at times. Well laughable at all times. The whole last ten minutes are an fx nightmare. (not a good one ) So if you want to see something that will pass your time and make you laugh, see this one. Otherwise use your time better and watch something a little quicker, and better put together. There's always the classics.
zooropa39 "Joshua" is a break from the formulaic hog-wash major studios have put out in the genre of horror. This piece has the added bonus of being an original, something that is recently on short supply in the age of remake the remake. The sets and direction are beautiful in their simplicity. This story is based in OurTown, USA, surely identifiable to anyone. I was particularly pleased with the acting and casting. Characters are consistent as much as the story allows and at times, creepy as hell. This story deals with both current and past events, leaving little down time between the audience learning where the characters are and how they arrived in their place. A real breath of fresh air. With blood.
mikegrot I first became aware of "Joshua" on the IMDb message board for "Blair Witch Project" when a user mistook it for a sequel to the ailing franchise. Out of curiosity I scouted out the website for the indie venture and found the following proclamation:"Our mission is clear: reinventing one of the oldest film genres known to man: the horror movie.Horror is the release for the everyday person who needs an outlet into the dark and twisted. Fear is the most honest emotion anyone can experience, which is the reason we all enjoy a good scare now and then. That's why Drexel Box Productions is hard at work on its first feature film, joshua.In the last few years, horror has suffered from an onslaught of bad scripts, poor acting and unimaginative directing. We at Drexel Box are committed to resurrecting truly terrifying movies. Our hope is that even adults will once again check under their beds, close their closet doors and plug in the nightlight before going to bed. We want to reach into the audience members' soul and hold it for the duration of the film, so that every breath they take in the darkened theatre feels like their last.Joshua, promises to exercise the dark corners of your mind, and tap into fears you never knew you had. You have two options:1. Run away from this movie as fast as your fear-engulfed legs will allow. 2. Live the nightmare."I thought the statement was pretentious and, well, boring. It's one long, misinformed boast, that is just begging to be proved wrong. The fact is, innovative horror is nowhere near as extinct as these guys suggest; one need only look outside of Hollywood -- and often the US market -- to find well written, well acted, well directed, and well crafted horror. So, are they as good as they think they are?Joshua has a great underlying concept. Some kids find an abandoned baby and raise it in an abandoned cabin. As time goes on, the baby becomes their play-thing and their sadistic natures begin to evolve. As years of torturing and abusing the child pass, they begin to form a plan for their subject: he will become a soldier of Satan. The story is told by flash-back as one of the kids, Kelby, returns to town to face down the remnants of his actions, and the people he left behind."Joshua" is at its best when dealing the tortured souls captive to the memories of their actions. How could you live with the horror of what has happened? What has become of those who stayed put in the town? Close to the core of insanity, reminded day after day of what they did.Technically, "Joshua" is severely lacking visually and mechanically. Lighting is often over-bearing with little aural quality. The camera work, while sometimes unique, is text book at best. The looping is a painful mix of onset sound and punch ins with no normalization and no attention to consistency. The editing, well, therein lays the problem. If I were to guess, I'd bet that "Joshua" has an outstanding screenplay. The dialogue, at times, is laughably pretentious and could have used a polish, but broken down to its elements there is a good story here; lacking are the skills to tell it well. For all it promised as a departure from the cookie-cutter mentality dominant on the big screen of today, "Joshua" emulates the same old "spiraling towards revelation" twist-based formula that is SO overdone today. In the end, that revelation is really not powerful enough to close a story with as much potential as "Joshua". Technically immature. Poorly executed. "Joshua" is not the reinvention of the horror genre.