| 18 October 1992 (USA)
Jewels Trailers

Sarah Thompson, an American visiting England, meets and marries William Whitfield, the Duke of Whitfield. They settle in a chateau in France and begin a family. World War II interrupts their happiness and alters their future. After the war, the family helps war survivors by buying their jewelry and eventually opens a jewelry store, which rapidly becomes a success. But conflicts abound as new generations arise and forces from both outside and within threaten the store and the family.

Stoutor It's not great by any means, but it's a pretty good movie that didn't leave me filled with regret for investing time in it.
AshUnow This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Ava-Grace Willis Story: It's very simple but honestly that is fine.
angelinastarr I was a kid when I saw this film and I thought it was wonderful. What little girl wouldn't enjoy watching a movie about fancy rocks and racy family members? I certainly did. My mother and I would watch this movie practically every weekend. Now that I am an adult, I realize that I have been deceived. How is it that most mini-series initially come out to be really great, but then a few years down the road, they turn out kind of crummy?!Character's actions. Some of the characters were just not believable. I thought that Sarah (Annette O'Toole) had the tinniest laugh when she meets William (Anthony Andrews) for the first time. At least he was a perfect gentleman and didn't say anything to her about it. O'Toole has a superficiality throughout the entire movie that I just wanted to squish. Then their child Philip. What an ungracious, spoiled brat! I'm sorry, but if I were in her shoes and escaping from the Nazi's, I'd say, "Take my child, not me" I have to say I enjoyed the château immensely and I don't blame the bad guys for moving into it and making it their headquarters. I have to say the only really good actors were William and the adult Phillip. They seemed to be the most enjoyable actors throughout the whole movie. I particularly enjoyed William while he was in his wheelchair and having all of those heart attacks. Then Phillip, he could run a harem the way he was running around town with that French Floozy. They should change the title of this film to "William and Phillip" as they kept me entertained.
maggie leyden i am in love with this movie, it is the best, granted its long and some parts are long and tedius and not needed but its amazing, the love between sarah and william is amazing, everytime i watch it, i am astounded by the passion the film. i love robert wagners appearence in the end as well, that chemistry is great too. all in all its great..i will always watch this movie and think how wonderful it is an how wonderful the storyline is. I love the actors in the film, i never have seen annette otoole in anything until this, and she is an amazing actress. and anthony andrews is great too. all of them are absolutly a joy to see on screen. i will always watch this.
Rosemary (zelda1964) I had seen the film many times and thought Miss O'Toole had a great performance. In the movie, the children grew to be snobbish and selfish. I felt that their mother was showing her devotion by bailing them out of every mess they got into. She sacrificed her wishes and desires for their well being and security. I feel that she was brave in war time and true to her Husband in his illness.
Monika-5 As far as Danielle Steel's TV movie adaptions of her books, this is one of her very best, along with Once in a Lifetime and Vanished. Sure, it's a fluffy melodrama, but who cares?? Annette O'Toole and Anthony Andrews are both wonderful, and you really believe in their everlasting love for each other, and their children. The portrayals of the children (both as children and adults) are credible as well. Interesting note: Bradley Cole, who played Freddie, currently plays Prince Richard Winslow on Guiding Light.