Jesus, Bro!
Jesus, Bro!
| 14 April 2017 (USA)
Jesus, Bro! Trailers

An angry internet atheist has a near death experience and must deliver the news of Jesus to his devout internet followers.

Chatverock Takes itself way too seriously
PiraBit if their story seems completely bonkers, almost like a feverish work of fiction, you ain't heard nothing yet.
Brendon Jones It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.
Ariella Broughton It is neither dumb nor smart enough to be fun, and spends way too much time with its boring human characters.
darthMisaskernew I grew up a big fan of Channel Awesome and Doug Walker as the Nostalgia Critic but I now must say that Brad Jones (aka, the Cinema Snob) is actually my favorite of the Channel Awesome group. I love his deadpan delivery, quick-editing jokes, and the fact that he does no annoying skits! Although he's made other movies (none of which I've seen to be honest), Brad Jones's Jesus, Bro! is probably his most anticipated. I quickly bought it on DVD and I'm very glad I did. This film is very funny! However, there are quite a few flaws with it. For one, I think the directing lacked the punch it should've had. It's not BAD at all, but the editing for a film like this should be a lot tighter and not as loose. Many jokes lost their edge because the directing and editing left a lot of the power out of the moments. I also thought many characters acted a bit ridiculous, and I know this is a comedy but some moments just completely jump the shark, like, the fact that there is an online Atheist community with an award for "best atheist" is a bit too much to swallow. The biggest issue is that the film feels like an episode of the Nostalgia Critic most of the time. A GOOD episode, but half the time I expected the NC commercial break with the flames and the condensed theme-song to pop up at the end of every scene. Now onto the good:...basically everything else! Most of the jokes are at least a little funny and there are several gut busters all throughout the film. The premise is especially funny and most of the humor came from the character being transformed and trying to change his ways even with all the awful douches in his life. The dialog is also very Kevin Smith-ish, with lines like "Jesus couldn't even take a good flogging", and then it switches into the dark style of writing that someone like Eli Roth would do (I know Brad hates Eli Roth, but I promise I'm giving a compliment!). I honestly think Tarantino would get a huge kick out of this film because the style of dialog would really appeal to him, as would the wacky plot and characters. Actually, the more I think of it, this film seems pretty Tarantino-ish. Easily the best of the Channel Awesome films but still with a lot of flaws that hopefully can be fixed in the next round to make something amazing.
chrisgriffen-mcgrory22 I'll keep this review relatively short and sweet, with my main point being that you will enjoy this film immensely if you're a fan of any of these talented reviewers or their sites. Chock full of hilarious PureFlix references (my favorite being the bit about the main character/director/terrifying creep from "Old Fashioned"), and delivered in the Brad Jones vein of humor found in his scripted Cinema Snob reviews, as well as his done-on-the-spot Midnight Screenings. The acting is very good considering the budget (and that the actors themselves happily acknowledge that they are not professional actors in other videos), and the direction is satisfactory. The jokes occasionally hit a wall but for the most part are hilariously on target ("Oh, to be 34 again...") One aspect of this film that jumps off the screen is that it is more than clear to the viewer that all who are involved in this feature have a palpable camaraderie and seem to be having a blast while making this passion project of theirs. Adds depth to the on screen action and lends a positive tone to the comedy as a whole. Would recommend to any fan of Channel Awesome. I rented the movie on Vimeo for $3.99 but after seeing will more than likely order a DVD copy to show to friends.
MaximumMadness A sort-of satire on the recent wave of mainstream religious hits courtesy companies like Pure Flix and personalities including David A.R. White, "Jesus, Bro!" is an entertaining and often laugh-out- loud parody from the same geniuses that brought us the popular movie- review series "The Cinema Snob." With some great laughs, likable leads and plenty of nice callbacks for fans of the Snob and other related web- series, it definitely comes highly recommended from me. And while I could bemoan a few strange and awkward moments that don't quite add up and more than a few instances of the production being hampered by an incredibly tight budget (primarily raised through a crowd-funding campaign that I happily contributed to myself), I think there's a lot of charm and good-will on display that more than makes up for any shortcomings. And I think that when it comes to such independent affairs... charm and good will on the part of filmmakers is a key to success.David Gobble stars as Rick Whitehead, an incredibly popular internet atheist vlogger who learns that he's set to win the prestigious "Atheist of the Year" award. Unfortunately, things take a bit of a turn for the worse as his gruff attitude leads to the end of his long- time relationship with religious girlfriend Elizabeth (Allison Pregler) and he suffers a near-death experience after drinking beer brewed with holy water... After learning that his life is a lie and that God and Jesus are very-much real (and that Jesus evidently likes to dress as "Santa Christ"), Rick must go on a spiritual quest to use his internet fame to convert his millions of followers and try to win Elizabeth back at any cost.In a lot of ways, the film is very much tailor-made for fans of those involved, particularly co-writer/co-producer/co-star and Cinema Snob himself Brad Jones and his other alum from Channel Awesome. It's a great bit of fun seeing performers like Pregler, Doug and Rob Walker and some other surprise cameos in supporting roles and it gives the whole feature a sort-of laid-back "let's put on a show!" vibe that I enjoyed. You get the feeling that everyone involved is having a blast and are all getting along splendidly behind the scenes, and it's a delightfully infectious feeling when you watch it. I can't help but wonder if this might be lost on those who are unfamiliar with the cast and the crew, but to me, it really helped elevate the film.Director and co-writer Ryan Mitchelle does an admirable job in his visual guidance with the material, and despite an oft-obvious lack of major funding, is able to make the best with what he has. There's some really solid cinematography and keen use of framing that I appreciated (having seen my share of micro-budget features and over-produced student films back in my college Media- Arts days... you quickly learn to appreciate simple, concise direction), and the film is never dull with its generally good sense of pacing. I also found all of the performers to be quite good in their respective roles. Gobble is definitely quite likable and Pregler is a blast with some great recurring gags that I will not spoil. Fard Muhammad rounds out the lead cast as a good friend of Rick's who helps him on his quest, and he gets a lot of moments to shine. Add to that small roles by the amusing hams that are the Walker siblings and the rest of the cast and you got a great ensemble.That praise being said, I do think that the film has some minor flaws that I can't help but address. I do think that at times it can either drag on too long or rush through things a bit too quickly. There's a few prolonged gags and sequences of dialog that could use a slight bit of trimming and a few major plot-points that could have used an extra minute or two to set-in. It's not a major flaw... but it is noticeable. I also think that in a few key sequences, they made a pretty common mistake when it comes to comedy... over-explaining the joke. And trust me, I get it. Trying to figure out what the audience is thinking is tricky. But I think it's better just to let a joke play-out without explanation and see if it lands or not rather than making the joke... then having another character reference the oddity of what happened.Still, I'm pretty darned pleased by how "Jesus, Bro!" turned out. It's very much a film for the fans (and I'm judging it by that merit, since I think it would be unfair to analyze it otherwise), and I can't help but think that fellow followers of the Snob will definitely get a big kick out of it. Some of its humor and references might be lost on first-time viewers or people who are unaware of the material its lovingly mocking. But it's all in good fun, and it's a very charming micro-budget feature from a group of people who are trying their hardest to make us laugh. And for that, I give it a very good 8 out of 10.
hjalsayegh OK this was made on a budget of next to nothing and I don't know who's parents house they were shooting at but that house deserves a credit mentioning!Past that though this is an entertaining little movie full of inside jokes from Brad's Cinema Snob reviews and recurring characters on the nostalgia critic (yes I mean Santa Chris and Malcom playing the devil!). If you are reading this review are either already a fan of the Channel Awesome group... or one of the cast in which case HI BRAD! Jokes aside the acting in this movie was good and it was actually well written, it will keep you entertained, the sets are what you'd expect in this kind of movie though but they don't overwhelm the scene. I had two issues with this movie though. 1. The hard cuts.... they huuuuuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrtttttttttttt! I get that this is a no budget movie but aside from one hard cut (made for the lovely Sarah!) they gave me whiplash, could have played up the comedic angle a bit or something.2. Compared to the rest of the cast David was a bit... ummmm well maybe not main role material? I really enjoyed the supporting cast. they were all fun to watch.I'll admit this was the first time I've actually watched a movie of this sort and I was ready for something REALLY bad, but I was pleasantly surprised, what it lacked in production value it more then made up for in charm and I would recommend it. 8 out of 10 from me. I was entertained from beginning to end which is more then I can say for some 100+ million movies I've seen recently