Jekyll + Hyde
Jekyll + Hyde
R | 07 November 2006 (USA)
Jekyll + Hyde Trailers

Henry Jekyll is a young science student who, along with his friend Mary, experiments with various drugs and compounds in order to create a personality-enhancing drug that he believes will turn him into the successful and popular person he so craves to be. But after testing the drug on Mary and himself, Jekyll discovers it has horrific consequences - ones that he might not be able to control.

Alicia I love this movie so much
Exoticalot People are voting emotionally.
Dynamixor The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.
Philippa All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
lastliberal Outside of Cindy (Robyn Palmer) riding hard on an autopsy table, there just wasn't much of interest in this film.It would fit in nicely with Nancy Reagan's "Just Say No" campaign.It was all about J (Bryan Fisher) using drugs to create a new personality. Well, you know what kind of personality he would get, don't you? He turns into Hyde. Surprise, surprise.He then goes about raping and murdering. No, you don't get to see any of the raping action, just the murdering. His girlfriend (Bree Turner) is clueless as to what is going on and just jumps into the sack with him instead of trying to find out.This had the potential to be a great horror film; instead it was something you might see in Sunday School class.
johannes2000-1 The story of Jekyll and Hyde was of course used for movies like a zillion times, so a director that takes up this worn-out theme should think twice about what he can add to all the others. I wonder if this director thought even ONCE, for this version didn't bring anything new whatsoever (apart from a 21th century make-over), I thought it even worse, to be honest. Whereas the classic interpretations (and of course the novel itself) show us the inner turmoil of an ambitious scientist, here we just see a dull and sulky student (okay, VERY good-looking, I grant him that!), stuffing himself with a self-made drug and blabbering into his camcorder from time to time how it effects him. This goes on and on until the end, and we never get any good reason or motivation.The movie is wavering between a psychological thriller and a horror-flick, and as a result it turns out as neither. For a horror-movie it's too boring, apart from some creepy music (quite good, by the way!), all the exciting things that could help to enliven the movie (like witnessing the brutal murders of Hyde) take place outside the range of the camera. Furthermore it badly lacked an involving storyline, because nothing much really happens.And then there were many illogical inconsistencies. How could Jay keep up his work as a medical student, while raving night after night? Where did he get the money that he so obviously and lavishly spent when he was Hyde? How come none of his friends ever met him during these Hyde-outings, the "Hyde-effect" didn't change his appearance at all (apart from the obvious dropping of his glasses). And what happens to all the bodies that he supposedly leaves after him throughout town, doesn't the police do anything?? There's even a body in his bath-tub that he (again out of our sight) approaches with some kind of acid. Are we to believe that this makes a body evaporate into thin air? And how can he build up and maintain a complete drugs-lab in a building that's obviously under construction so where working-men should walk forever in and out?? Even the ending is dumb. His (ex-)girlfriend and his professor wander for some 15 tedious minutes through the building (the one that's under construction, but not one construction-worker is in sight, although it's the middle of the day) before finding that Jay just killed himself – there goes your climactic finale!! Strangely enough, the suicide by blowing his brains out is shown in total close-up and is even repeated two or three times, as if the director wanted to make up for not showing any other violence in the movie.In conclusion, this movie is over-pretentious, totally superfluous and a waste of Bree Turner, who's not only very good-looking but also a fairly good actress.
petra-59 The DVD cover actually mentions Robert Louis Stevenson. But that does him no favours. Even the title isn't quite right. And the film is completely wrong. It has nothing to do with the original idea of a man trying to separate his good side from his evil side, and who finds that, even without the potion, his evil side starts to predominate. What we have in this film is students who drink and take drugs and think that sex is just for fun. And poor little J is a wimp or a nerd or just plain shy. So he takes his pills and experiments and finds that he really likes being an animal, with no conscience. And with sudden explosions and flashbacks,the film staggers on for about 85 minutes before coming to an obvious end. And poor RLS thinks: "I didn't write that rubbish, surely." No, sir you didn't. And those who did, shouldn't have.
lsduser Almost everyone of us has had the thought of shifting personalities once or twice, or maybe just in some situations, that we couldn't respond to in the way we wished we could. So, if you are the kind of people, that tend to experiment with things, or sometimes trying something, that might not end well, this movie will give you the shivers; otherwise it might be a little bit uninteresting. As for the movie itself, there really is little new in the horror elements, although they are not typical slasher style, like Saw or Hostel (and i didn't give any of them more than 6), and there are some crazy shots. But if you have your own story, or maybe just a fantasy or fear, that you can refer to, you must see Jekyll+Hyde, but beware, it might mess with your head:P. The acting isn't all bad, and that especially goes to the main character, who is actually two characters, and is more than just watchable (and Martha is hot).I guess the actual rating should be 8/9, but i gave it a 10, because it's the first movie since i was thirteen, that i had nightmares after i saw it (and i really missed that:).