Jake Squared
Jake Squared
R | 15 August 2014 (USA)
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A filmmaker sets out to make a new project in order to figure out how he's screwed up every relationship he's ever had.

Pluskylang Great Film overall
Odelecol Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
AshUnow This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
Sarita Rafferty There are moments that feel comical, some horrific, and some downright inspiring but the tonal shifts hardly matter as the end results come to a film that's perfect for this time.
NateWatchesCoolMovies This. This right here is why I watch movies. The makers of this film, in particular the writer, should be applauded for their seamless execution, invigorating originality and heartfelt, genuine warmth they have wrought in this offbeat, dense yet lighthearted dramedy. Jake Klein (Elias Koteas) is a 50 something movie director, who in the midst of making an autobiographical film set at his Hollywood home, in visited by manifestations of his former self at various stages of his life, manifestations who not only himself, but his family, cast and crew of the movie can see and interact with, providing moments of confusion at first, but also wickedly funny wordplay, introspective contemplation, and ultimately the answer to the missing piece: why has Jake never been able to find the right girl to 'fall in love' with and settle down to. The almost supernatural like format of the plot takes some time getting used to, but is so ingeniously executed, and so enjoyable, it pulls you right in and glues you to the story till the conclusion (or at least it did for me. The extremely underrated and woefully misused Elias Koteas gives the performance of his career as 3 similar yet wildly hilarious different versions of Jake, giving the character the right amounts of pathos, dry humour and just a touch of self deprecation, and warmth. It really is a remarkable performance. Jennifer Jason Leigh, Virginia Madsen, Jane Seymour, Kevin Railsback, Liana Liberato and many more give wonderful support as various people in his life. This is one of those rare indie films that although won't be seen by many people, if given the chance by people in the mood for something of its kind, is an amazingly rewarding, smart, funny, innovative and engaging piece.
waterlilidove Looking back through the years and coming to terms with the obsessions that haunt us is generally speaking a love/ hate experience. Unless it is done through the eyes of Elias Koteas, then it is pure love. Some actors are a genuine pleasure to watch, and Koteas is one of them. Who doesn't wonder if it could have gone different, if it could have been better, or if it should all just be forgotten. Who doesn't wonder if maybe we blew all our best chances,and if so, whether any more will ever come along to help us forget the ones we screwed up. This movie has solid laughs and plenty to reflect about, I totally enjoyed this quirky, how-did-I-get-here, party!
enunnery1 Just finished watching Jake Squared. I see why its gotten bad reviews. Firstly, it doesn't fit in a nice box. Has none of the common clichés of even Indy cinema. Its got what all interesting art needs. To lay yourself open. To take the risk of showing yourself. Thus being vulnerable to potshots from the postmodern trolls who can't stand a personal art. I like the atmosphere of the whole thing. The music was like another character in the film. Subtle, supportive, original and never overbearing.Just finished watching Jake Squared. I see why its gotten bad reviews. Firstly, it doesn't fit in a nice box. Has none of the common clichés of even Indy cinema. Its got what all interesting art needs. To lay yourself open. To take the risk of showing yourself. Thus being vulnerable to potshots from the postmodern trolls who can't stand a personal art. I like the atmosphere of the whole thing. The music was like another character in the film. Subtle, supportive, original and never overbearing.
Neil King I can't tell you enough how much you and your film inspired me to challenge the audience and really give them something to think about. Jake Squared is still resonating with me today just making me think about my life and where I was 10 years ago, where I am now, and where I will be 10 years from now in all aspects of my life. It was incredibly well acted from everybody involved as well as beautiful to look at. Please go and see this and unlink most films out nowadays, bring your brain. It is well worth the exercise in existential thought.One of my favorite films I have seen all year that leaves me waiting to see it again and again just so I can really grasp every aspect that this film offers.