Jack Strong
Jack Strong
| 07 February 2014 (USA)
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Poland, 1970. Firmly determined to fight against Soviet tyranny and prevent the destruction of the world, the high-ranking officer of the Polish army Ryszard Kukliński makes a serious decision that will put his life, his family and the fate of an entire nation at risk.

Evengyny Thanks for the memories!
Grimerlana Plenty to Like, Plenty to Dislike
Steineded How sad is this?
Portia Hilton Blistering performances.
joasiafly I am a Patrick Wilson fan and have been watching several of his movies on Amazon.I'm not one for political thrillers, but I'm a Polish-American and the subject matter appealed. I was expecting a typical Tom Clancy-type action movie but what a terrific surprise this was! I was skeptical about the production, but this was extremely well done - the cinematography was top notch, the dialogue was superb, acting and directing were excellent.A truly great touch was that Polish actors played Polish characters, Russians played Russians, Americans played Americans - no Hollywood-ization of this story. If Hollywood had made this film, you could expect no less than George Clooney or Matt Damon in the lead for purpose of box office returns $$$$.This movie was a 48-hour rental, and I started to watch it late at night, expecting to only view the first few minutes and then finish the next day, but I was on the edge of my seat and watched it straight through.If you're looking for blood and guts action thrillers or sophomoric, geeky films, this is not for you.Highly recommended.
inioi One of many examples supporting the quote: "Truth is stranger than fiction" is perfectly portrayed in spying world.The achievements, risks, situations that have experienced some spies are, in fact, difficult to believe for a normal person.The film is about a the times Ryszard Kukliński passed top secret Warsaw Pact documents to the CIA between 1972 and 1981 , and it shows clearly Kuklinski's courage and the risks he was exposed, keeping everyone in suspense until the last minute.The movie is an outstanding tribute to this real event and is beautifully made: actors performance, filming, photography, music...9/10
MartinHafer Ryszard Kuklinski is a name practically every person outside of Poland wouldn't recognize today. However, according to the movie Jack Strong, he's one of the most important figures in putting an end to the Cold War--a real hero to his people and the West. It seems that this Polish military officer was a very, very important spy who risked his life to undermine the Soviets who controlled his nation.The movie begins with a very grisly killing. Fortunately, you don't really get to see very much--and it's the last scene like this in the film. The man who was killed was apparently a Pole who was spying for the West--and his reward when captured was being tossed into a blast furnace! A forewarning of what COULD happen to the leading character in this film.Now the story jumps ahead a few years to 1968--the year that the Soviets invaded Czechoslovakia to destroy the Czechs' attempt at self-rule. One of the men responsible for this plan, ironically, was Kuklinski (later code named 'Jack Strong'). While he hated the Soviets, he was, at the time, a man who worked closely with them in his capacity with the Polish military. But as the years pass, Kuklinski becomes more and more disenchanted with the system. Like most Poles, he longs for his country to be free of Soviet domination. After a harsh attack on some protesters, Kuklinski finally made up his mind--he'll secretly pass on secrets to the Americans. And, over the next decade, he was instrumental in passing on many important military secrets--including plans for a possible invasion of the West as well as plans to start a nuclear war! Exactly what happens next is vague--and that's the best part of the film. Kuklinski's fate is something the viewer isn't aware of until the very end and the film does a great job of keeping you on the edge of your seat--especially when Kuklinski is discovered and he and his family has to make a run for their lives.A few years back, "Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy" came out and many critics were beside themselves praising this spy thriller. It also received three Oscar nominations. Well, I tried watching it twice--and both times found myself falling asleep. I wasn't all that impressed and I was happy when I talked to others that they, too, found the movie rather dull. However, in the case of "Jack Strong", the film never bored me for a second. Part of this could be because the film is a true story but a lot of the credit goes to the fine acting and excellent direction by Wladyslaw Pasikowski--it is excellent from start to finish. It is so well constructed and interesting that I wouldn't be surprised if this film also is Oscar-nominated. The only question I have is for which category? Although most of the film is in Polish, much is also in English--so I have no idea if it's even eligible for the Best Foreign Language nomination. Additionally, even today, the Poles are deeply divided in their feelings about Kuklinski--and many still consider him a traitor. Because of this, the Poles might not even submit it for the competition even if it is eligible. Regardless, it's well worth seeing--exciting and intelligently made from start to finish.
theycallmemrglass This film only got a very limited cinema release in UK with absolutely no marketing and no top critic reviewing despite it being released nearly a week ago as I write. In fact, even Rottentomatoes has zero critic reviews on it.Which is MADNESS. It's a brilliant and highly tense spy thriller, far superior to last year's Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy and nearly in league with a film like Argo. I would say its one of the best cold war spy thriller in years. Its edge of the seat stuff as well and psychologically exhausting. The film revolves around a top level Polish army officer who is concerned about the apparently destructive plans of his superiors and the repercussions it will have on his homeland. His journey is enthralling, riveting and terrifying. The soundtrack adds to the tension with its superb minimalistic impending doom beats.It's based on a true story but its so good I am sure there is lot of artistic licence taken. Nevertheless, I am enthused to find out more about the truth. It's as incredible as the Cuban Missile Crisis saga. There was tremendous world wide stakes involved, it's terrifying to think how fragile the world is in the hands of nuclear armed states and how much just one person can tip the scales either way. I fear for our damn future watching films like this.What you won't get in this film are any bouts of humour or entertaining dialogue, no George Clooney swooning his way with a cigar in a war zone or any comedy relief. This is straight up relentless reality based thriller much in the vein of Argo with tightly edited pacing, taught direction, and solid performances.If there are any negatives, it would be that some moments WILL remind you of Argo and other known political thrillers in its execution. I did get the feeling of that trick has been done before but at least its executed with maximum impact. Also, the dialogue could have perhaps be injected with some light relief humour in some places, there were opportunities but its no biggie.This is an intelligent and educational movie worthy of being seen by all. Sure, much of this film is in Polish which probably explains the lack of any marketing but if they are going to release it in UK cinemas then at least tell people about it. Its also partly in English as the film switches to and fro America and Poland. It has an American star too, Patrick Wilson, in a very prominent role. Because of the lack of marketing, it doesn't look like this film will be seen by many. It's a real shame but if you are reading this and want to see a top cold war thriller that is also a true story, be educated at how close again a nuclear war could have ignited in the early 70s, then see this film, either at the cinema or as a rental. As long as you don't mind reading English subtitles for most of the film, which very understandably is a put off for some people but it's worth the effort.8.5/10