The Best Offer
The Best Offer
R | 01 January 2014 (USA)
The Best Offer Trailers

Virgil Oldman is a world renowned antiques expert and auctioneer. An eccentric genius, he leads a solitary life, going to extreme lengths to keep his distance from the messiness of human relationships. When appointed by the beautiful but emotionally damaged Claire to oversee the valuation and sale of her family’s priceless art collection, Virgil allows himself to form an attachment to her – and soon he is engulfed by a passion which will rock his bland existence to the core.

Micitype Pretty Good
Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
Livestonth I am only giving this movie a 1 for the great cast, though I can't imagine what any of them were thinking. This movie was horrible
Frances Chung Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
pag-87-700442 Captivating from the start. The movie keeps the viewer full of curiosity with a perplexing storyline. Must watch in my opinion.
andhikaputra-57159 This is the movie which make you thinking you cant judge things by looking somepart of it or the beginning of it. i wasn't really impressed at the beginning and suddenly BOOM!!! I feel sorry for myself underestimate this AWESOME MOVIES!! 10 is still an underrated to grade this FILM 100/10 !!
khawla this movie had a real good impression on me,it had that classical yet warm touch,including the use of art,what power do paintings have on human beings ,the use of that kind of quiet and classical music was perfect too and how love does not know limits and the huge power it has on us humans,it felt great living it throughout this film in the beginning but the consequences were not expected at all,however,this movie was one of a kind,the cast was perfect,Geoffrey Rush ,i doubt he was acting at all in first place,his performance was outstanding.
Reno Rangan Written and directed by one of the famous Italian filmmaker, Giuseppe Tornatore. An English language film, Geoffrey Rush in the lead. It was about an aging art and antique auctioneer, Virgil. The story reveals his final days in his professional field where he meets a young woman who pursued him for her inherited antiques to put on auction. The woman is very mysterious, because of her medical condition and how they both become so close despite their initial meetings were disastrous is the remaining film to tell us with a twist in the final.It was an awesome storytelling. The screenplay was the top notch and the matching background score. Especially when the story ends and credits rolls up, all those memories from the film keeps us fresh with that music. The music won several awards for the film. I liked the story, but towards the end, I kind of predicted almost everything. That did not stop me, so I enjoyed it thoroughly. Particularly the theme of the film, which I think a bit fresh, and I liked the conclusion as well, but I feel it should have been different or more to it. The way it ended might disappoint some people, but still it is very smart.Everybody was good, but it was Geoffrey Rush, who stole the show with his stellar performance. Three years might be a little late, but it's never too late to watch a fine film like this. One of the best suspense films from the recent time, it is a must see, particularly if you are seeking a good entertainment. So I hope you watch it if you're not yet.8/10