| 10 October 1995 (USA)
Jack-O Trailers

A long long time ago a wizard was put to death, but he swore vengeance on the townsfolk that did him in, particularly Arthur Kelly's family. Arthur had done the final graces on him when he came back to life as Mr. Jack the Pumpkin Man. The Kellys proliferated through the years, and when some devil-may-care teens accidentally unleash Jack-O, young Sean Kelly must stop him somehow as his suburban world is accosted and the attrition rate climbs

StunnaKrypto Self-important, over-dramatic, uninspired.
Inadvands Boring, over-political, tech fuzed mess
Breakinger A Brilliant Conflict
Edwin The storyline feels a little thin and moth-eaten in parts but this sequel is plenty of fun.
Mpup54 I thought I would just comment about movies within movie. I always appreciate when there are scenes where other movies are given tributes via a shot at a TV or a big screen theater showing of a movie.In this case the movie tribute shown was The Coven. However, im not sure of its existence, so im asking other movie reviewers here to identify it as being real or not and listing the IMDb link.On this site there are a couple tiles of The Coven. However, the oldest one dates back to only 2002. The film shown during Jack-O looks a bit older than 2002 or at least made to look that way.So if anyone can identify The Coven in Jack-O (year, IMDb link), that would be some good IMDb sleuthing skills.
mcrfreack OK so first of all. What the hell is this? Who would ever even name a movie Jack-o? More like Crap-o! I mean come on a fricken pumpkin headed killing....thing?! Running through some farm ass town killing people. What the hell kind of movie is this?! OK second of all the actors in this make me want to wipe the movie case on my butt. I mean OK they have NO emotion. The boy Sean Kelly, yeah I am over 100% sure this kid is mentally retarded. He never closes his mouth and his glasses are about the size of a dog! And his so called "baby" sitter, who looks like she should be a college student. And since she has to baby sit him when his parents are in the garage. Or so called "spook house". OK so the garage is less than 10 feet away why waste money on a person to watch your kid? Oh and the "spook house". One word. CRAP! Who in gods name would pay money for that?! And what 10 year old carries around money for a "haunted garage" ~maryalright so okay. i am really out of words i sat there and watched this piece of dong. for a whole 90 minutes yeah. can you tell i have no life. I don't know who thought of this but they should be shot in a corn field. first off suck penis!. there are better actors on hip hop harry. i mean the people seem to like going to the grocery store in this film. because the so called mother always has some type of brown paper bags in her hands for god knows what reason. and most importantly she is cross eyed to the max. now for the father..yeah they never state what day it is in the whole entire movie but okay i don't know what grown up man wants to sit around his house and dress up like Dracula but what ever. it is his life and who the hell is going to pay money for a few crappy painted on pieces of card board with a darn hanging witch from a string wow fun spook house. oh oh oh don't even get me started on that boy.WTF i mean why,why would you cast this kid. i mean he wakes up from his 9th dream in about two mins and he has no emotions all he says is " Mr pumpkin man.." in the most unenthusiastic voice i have ever heard in my life. then some how he gets into his back yard which is now the mother fricken forest and some child rapist is in a cloak reading out of some devil bible. i think he was on some major acid. -sky.OK so now we have to talk about the "star" of the film, Jack-O. Yeah I don't ever remember when a walking scar crow with a pumpkin for a head was ever scary. It might have been sorta scary if he at least popped out in some parts of this crappy film. But no, all he does is stand in front of a bush and holds a crappy Styrofoam rip off of a scythe. Yeah I love how the end of his killing object is blunt? So it wouldn't even hurt that darn bad to be stabbed with it. But whatever. Oh and his legs, which are more like noodles tied together. In most parts of the movie he is stumbling around like a cripple. But when he needs to kill he runs like a gold medalist at the Olympics . And the random English people sitting in there homes watching government t.v. OK the view on the t.v. is better than the view on the whole movie?! And I don't what kind of people eat toast on Halloween at midnight, but she stuck the knife in the toaster and got turned into a skeleton? Yeah the skeleton looks like my gramma when she wakes up. So way to go there special effect man. And also the kid can not run or hide. He is in a house and hiding under a table while the pumpkins man is standing right in front of him?! Dude grab a knife and shove it in the pumpkins head. The things outfit is made out of straw, why doesn't anyone just light it on fire and get this horrible excuse for a movie over with. -MaryJack-o the main man. Okay so Jack-o well i don't really know how he got awaken, but he did...i guess beer actives him. okay. So he is now risen and starts killing people randomly, probably the worst killing scenes i have ever seen. Every killing scene is the same, kills them right through the neck. that was wonderful. So now he is in the bushes..no wait he is on the side walk..hold on..wait i think i see him in the house ? no the garage..okay so when does pumpkin face get teliporation powers. that was never stated. Alright so now he finally has the little boy cornered after a much thoughtful attempt to kill him while running like a paraplegic person.So he is cornered,anyways it seems daddy is having a hard time opening this door, so he lets his son get killed, blood shoots on the windows. BUT WAIT. they run out side, i guess the door is fixed now and they are saying" where is our song where is our son. " anyways the crack headed witch lady walks over to the murder scene, seeing now that both jack-o and Sean have magically disappeared. any who she looks down and says " This isn't blood.." what the heck was it a juice box... OK so the next scene they show is Jack-O herding the child. Why doesn't he just kill him there?! Is there a real reason for the child to be buried alive. I mean COME ON! -Sky
cool_cool_1 Jack-O (1995) was a really bad movie, we are talking snoozefest x 100, no entertainment value whatsoever, no budget, no gore, Z-grade actors etc etc, this film was an awful addition to the horror movie industry and shouldn't have been made!!! The only reason i purchased this movie was because i knew Linnea Quigley was in it, and sure enough, she does her obligatory nude shower scene, which is lovely yes.But as for the film itself........ i fell asleep at the 40 minute stage and had NO desire at all to finish it, it's just bigtime lame OK.I love horror movies, i'm an avid fan, a MASSIVE fan, i love low budget horrors, i love it all, but i hated this rubbish, so i think that will tell you all you need to know about "JACK-O".I give this movie 2/10, the "2" is for the 2 minute Linnea shower scene, the movie itself is a total ZERO!!!!
shadgrin I had known Brad Linaweaver at Florida State U in the early 70's when he was an inspiring, inventive writer who I thought was headed for greater glory.And that is why I rented this video. Well, well, well, the time has not been kind to Mr Linaweaver. I suppose the pressures of making a living makes higher aspirations expendable. Another flower whose bloom has come and gone un-noticed in the summer breeze. Amen. There is nothing more to say. And nothing more to add. A sad epitaph to a once blossoming career as stated above. But it is the price one pays for chasing shadows without a firm foundation or goals for oneself in life. Because this movie has no goal, no purpose, and I kept telling myself, what happened to Brad's creativity, his once shining genius? Gone, gone, years of neglect has deteriorated his once shining mind.