Jack and Jill vs. The World
Jack and Jill vs. The World
PG-13 | 04 April 2008 (USA)
Jack and Jill vs. The World Trailers

Jack and Jill's Manifesto of Rules to Live By Rule 1 Be honest Rule 2 Believe in fairy tales Rule 3 Accept time as our friend Rule 4 Make sure the nooky is good Rule 5 Promote beauty. Wage a sustained campaign against ugliness Rule 6 Abandon the pursuit of happiness and its false promise Rule 7 Show compassion, except to pirates Rule 8 Less TV Rule 9 Always be willing to admit when you're wrong

AboveDeepBuggy Some things I liked some I did not.
Hadrina The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
Asad Almond A clunky actioner with a handful of cool moments.
Billy Ollie Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
DoctorDee This is a film with a message. Unfortunately that message - fair-trade coffee is good, advertising is stupid, having cystic fibrosis sucks - is incredibly trite.Beyond that, the film is desperately uneven. Taryn Manning is partly kooky and charming, partly emotionally stunted. All grown up, Freddy Prinze could pass for a Baldwin brother, and despite his obvious talents, he can only work with the lines he's given... and they aren't great.There's not enough here to make us empathise with these characters. And the film needs you to do that. The tender moments aren't tender enough, the funny ones are barely funny at all. The film has its meagre charms, but the dialogue is stilted in places, unbelievable in others.The end of the movie is so formulaic it would be funny. But it's just not funny. And yet it still fails to convince you that the protagonists have a plan. It's a film with a heart and I so wanted it to fly, but it doesn't have the dialogue or the story to make that heart beat strong.
biancanero I would recommend this movie. My only critique is that the character development in the beginning is weak, as there is considerable reliance on a narrator. Notwithstanding that, Freddie Prinze, Taryn Manning and Vanessa Parise all compliment each other and the story begins to take hold and gain momentum after the first 30 minutes. The film also brings awareness to cystic fibrosis and has more substance than a typical romantic comedy. There are definitely scenes that will make you laugh and make you cry - some of the best parts of the story line are when the writers very deliberately avoid Hollywood clichés. There is a truth to the characters mannerisms, habits and reactions which set the movie apart from other romantic comedy's. Overall, the movie is positive and hopeful, which is a welcome change of pace.
daniellejjansen I loved this movie. It was so funny and touching. I liked the way that Jill lived her life appreciating every moment. (Her wardrobe, especially her hats, were very cool.) I liked the message of the movie and the positive feeling that I had when I left the theatre. I was also surprised that my guy friends liked the movie as well..it had just enough dry humor for them...and I think they could relate to Jack. I can not fathom that one person actually co-wrote, directed, produced and acted in this movie and did it all so well. It is extremely impressive. The directing was great and the robot song ROCKS...can't wait to see her next movie!
smotenko This film was wonderfully written and directed. The story captured the emotions of love and overcoming obstacles. It was a heartfelt tale that was full of subtle humor and witty lines. The acting was also very good. This film is enjoyable for all ages and types of people. I recommend this film to everyone!Too few people are familiar with Cystic Fibrosis and so this film is even more powerful in telling the story of an unfamiliar disease that affects people so deeply. It accurately portrays the emotions involved for a person suffering from this disease, while at the same time inspiring the audience to live life to the fullest.