Island of the Living Dead
Island of the Living Dead
| 01 May 2007 (USA)
Island of the Living Dead Trailers

A group of treasure hunters got lost in a fog bank and in the morning they notice what appears to be a deserted island. The group goes on shore and sure enough there are zombies running around.

Tobias Burrows It's easily one of the freshest, sharpest and most enjoyable films of this year.
Rosie Searle It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
Philippa All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
Billy Ollie Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
Platypuschow Supposedly a sequel to Zombies The Beginning (2007) but sharing no similarities at all other than the lead female (Even though she plays a different character) this Italian made poorly dubbed mess is pretty damn bad.Attempting to pay homage to the classics with scenes mimicked from Night Of The Living Dead, Zombie Flesh Eaters & erm....House Of The Dead?! it fails miserably at each and is more an insult than a respectful nod.The soundtrack is the standout performer but since I recognised that one was ripped straight from Aliens (1986) I'm left to think maybe they didn't make the rest either.With a variety of different zombies, no explanation of basically anything at all and some of the worst acting around this is one to watch when drunk, high or while in a medically induced coma.If I were to make a zombie movie the blue print I'd make is taking everything they've done here then do the literal opposite.
Sandy Petersen Yes I know I only gave it 2 stars, but bear with me. If you know who Bruno Mattei is, then see this! It's hilarious for any zombie-movie fan. Here are some Things I Learned from Island of the Living Dead:1) If the opening to Lucio Fulci's Zombie is good, then repeating it three times in a row is even better!2) Damage from a zombie uprising is indistinguishable from earthquakes.3) Catholic churches are often underground, and are decorated with images of the Grim Reaper 4) Filipino natives often wore Conquistador armor, or dressed like Spanish ladies with mantillas. 5) If you are not looking at a pack of zombies, they immediately vanish. 6) It's easy to make a raft with no tools but a hammer. 7) Boats have a self-destruct button. It's red, and explodes the whole boat instantly. Here are some examples of Great Dialogue from this movie: "I know you're the best carpenter I know of."Girl "Tao sacrificed himself for us – we have to go back!" Guy "No, Tao sacrificed himself for us – we have to run away!"Tough Guy offers arm to zombie "Go ahead! Have a bite!" Zombie *chomp* Tough Guy "Argh!"Bruno Mattei stole scenes from Night of the Living Dead, Lucio Fulci's Zombi (repeatedly), and even his own film, Hell of the Living Dead. But in each case, the theft was in some way inept. For instance, Mattei steals the scene in Lenzi's Nightmare City when the characters encounter a priest in an abandoned church and accost him. But when the priest turns around, he's a zombie. But in this movie, the characters are on an island completely uninhabited by humans, and the person they mistake for a "priest" is wearing a filthy black hooded robe. Is that how priests dress? Why would they expect a priest? The answer - they wouldn't, but this movie doesn't care. It makes so little sense that one plot point, to which attention is drawn several times, is that the zombies are only out at night. Except that we see zombies in the daylight throughout the movie. It's like Mattei can't remember his own dialog. Frankly, I can't wait to see Zombies: The Beginning. If it's anything like Island of the Living Dead, it will make for a huge treat. Hilariously bad. Watch with a friend.
Michael_Elliott Island of the Living Dead (2006) * 1/2 (out of 4) The one and only Mattei got to end his career with a couple zombie movies, which will be good news for fans of the genre and horrid news for non-fans. In the film, a group of treasure hunters got lost in a fog bank and in the morning they notice what appears to be a deserted island. The group goes on shore and sure enough there are zombies running around. If you're looking for any type of actual story then you're obviously not too familiar with the work of Mattei. He's considered one of the biggest hacks in Italian history but at the same time he's made some rather entertaining bad films. This one here really doesn't work but there's enough gore and badness for fans of bad cinema to at least want to give it a single viewing. As is the normal case with the director, we get all sorts of stuff stolen from other movies including dialogue lifted from NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD, the infamous eye/splinter sequence from Fulci's ZOMBIE and the Blind Dead movies are certainly playing a big key here. We also get stock footage which is another Mattei trademark. It's pretty hard to judge the acting in the film because the dubbing is so horrendous you really can't tell what's going on. I'm not sure who did this dubbing job but it's among one of the worst tracks I've ever heard but this does lead to some rather campy moments. I think zombie fans will enjoy some of the gore here as we get some (bad) CGI as well as real effects. We have heads being blown off, arms ripped off and plenty of flesh being eaten with all types of blood flowing at ease. We also get some rather bizarre zombie stuff including some having fangs, a few ghost zombies and one that can grow his dead parts back after they're shot off. On a technical level pretty much everything here is bad but those checking this title out are going to know that going in. The film's biggest flaw is its 90-minute running time, which is just way too long for a movie like this especially when you've only got enough plot for a half-hour movie and not enough attacks to justify the long time.
horrorfreak2 Island of the Living Dead is an awesome zombie film that reminds me of those 80s zombies flicks everyone knows and loves.Plot: A group of scientists end up on an uncharted island but they are out alone. All of the people who once inhabited the island have now be come the living dead and a hungry for flesh. From there its a struggle for survival for the group.Acting: The film was dubbed so its hard to tell if the acting is good or not but, all in all, the whole cast was pretty convincing. The two standouts are Yvette Yzonne and Ydalia Suaraz. They are true beauties.Directing: Bruno Mattei does a wonderful job here. This was shot on high end digital video and looks very professional.Overall: An awesome zombie flick. Feels like the 1980s again.