Zombies: The Beginning
Zombies: The Beginning
| 01 May 2007 (USA)
Zombies: The Beginning Trailers

A woman floating on a raft in the middle of the Pacific. She was found by a rescue team and taken ashore. Once there, she tells a story of how she escaped from an island full of zombies. She was persuaded to lead a commando unit to the island to explore.

Cubussoli Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
Dynamixor The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.
Cooktopi The acting in this movie is really good.
Kimball Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
matthewhemmings Remember, big fan of movies in general and zombie flicks here. I am used to a bit of cheese in a zombie flick.This one stunk like the cheese counter at your local supermarket, or that big bag of especially dank green you just picked up.The first fifteen minutes involve plot set-up (tl;dr: zombies on an island. Yes we should visit it) and the fact that our heroine suffers from nightmares. We couldn't just see her have one nightmare, we had to see three just to really hammer the message home (and to get some zombies in early / use some cool footage they had. Probably). This sets the tone for the rest of the film; dragging things out.Our "rough and tumble marines" actually scream and prance like highly strung queens at the first whiff of danger. Particularly embarrassing anyway (stuck in my mind) but then to read that in the strapline, well yeah.The dialogue leaves a taste like tinned ham in your mouth. People repeat things and it is so painfully apparent that these are not trained marines (apparently people with such high training need to be told three times to open fire).But, the worst part of the film is the camera work. The worst part because it is the best part (the film does look good). This means they had some money to make this film with, they just didn't feel the need to spend that money on a compus mentus director, a script that didn't only contain plot holes and cheese, and an editor who doesn't think repetition is the key to success.I'd give the director, the script writer and the editor an honorary Razzie, then send them on a tour of film schools around the world armed with a copy of this film to show the students what not to do when making a film.Oh there's about three plot twists. No one involved in making this had much to say, they figured they'd only get one swing at the ball so they threw everything into the mix.I did manage to clip and file my nails while this was on and miss absolutely nothing, so that's something.M
udar55 Bruno Mattei's final film picks up directly after ISLAND OF THE LIVING DEAD with Sharon (Yvette Yzon), the lone survivor, being rescued at sea. Back on the mainland, Sharon is having nightmares and execs at Tyler, Inc. don't buy her story on how the ship and crew disappeared. Six months later, Sharon is a monk but is contacted by Tyler, Inc. to participate in a rescue mission after contact with a colony on a nearby island is lost. Sound familiar? Yup, ol' Bruno gets his James Cameron on in his pumped up sequel. Actually, I should say Mattei is getting his James Cameron on again as this is his second film to rip off ALIENS nearly scene-for-scene (after 1990's equally amazing SHOCKING DARK).This is truly a high note for Bruno to go out in for his long career of xerox cinema. Why? Is it a technical masterpiece? Does it contain amazing acting? Hell no! It is because Bruno has the gall to lift tons of scenes from CRIMSON TIDE and shamelessly steal the TERMINATOR 2 theme. There is also stolen footage of an oil plant blowing up, but I couldn't place it. I was equally disappointed and impressed that Mattei didn't steal anything in the previous ISLAND, so this was a welcome return. Plus, you have to love a direct sequel titled ZOMBIES: THE BEGINNING. What? The mimicking of the plot of ALIENS, 21 years after the fact, is just hilarious. Every major scene is here, just with 1/50th of the budget. Yzon gets all tough like Sigourney Weaver's Ripley and the film's bloody finale has her in a big breeding chamber where there is a huge talking brain (no, it is never explained).In terms of entertainment, I would rate this one above ISLAND, for the sheer ripoff factor. But they both need to be seen together. I did them back-to-back and that might be the best way as you feel like you are getting a 3-hour zombie mini-series. The flick ends with a short clip of Bruno saying something on the set and the words, "Ciao Bruno..." on screen. Indeed, many thanks for all of your fine films. And also many thanks to Cameron, Romero, Stallone, Spielberg and all of the other director's who have given Mattei "inspiration" over the years.
jktemp You have got to check this film out- it's fekkin' hilarious !! No exaggeration! basically it's a budget version of ALIENS but with Zombies! And when i say 'version' - i mean complete rip off- so blatantly - it will crack you up- entire scenes and dialogue- performed so badly you'll wet yourself- and the dubbing adds an even funnier level to it all. Watch with friends and laugh your socks off!!! It's got the lot- bad dubbing- cheesy gore FX, and the Aliens storyline followed so closely that I'm surprised they weren't sued!! i really enjoyed it- for all the wrong reasons. A must "Watch with ya friends with some brews" movie-
ElijahCSkuggs Bruno Mattei's latest and last flick brings more zombie madness to our bloodthirsty mitts. I for one am not the biggest fan of zombie flicks, but I respect a movie with loads of gore and with a high level of cheese. And yep, Zombies: The Beginning delivers just that.The story revolves around some cuteass Asian babe who plays a scientist of sorts. She's the lone survivor of a zombie rampage which left her entire crew/team dead. Events lead her back to the island where the zombies live...unlive. And as you can guess, loads of zombies and gore follow. Some weird turns in the story take place, but really, you're only really expecting the next scene of violence. Which basically, this film is fine for.Z:TB was pretty fun, but ultimately it was a tad too tedious, and just really amateurish. For example, in the first 20 minutes they show a nightmare our lead lady has been suffering from three times. No biggie if it's quick or cool, but nope. It's long and stupid....but understandable. Of course if you love cheesy, foreign zombie flicks, this shouldn't bother you in the slightest and you should feel right at home.If you're a die hard fan of Mattei or zombies, there's no reason not to check it out. It delivers the red stuff, the awful (good thing) dubbing, and a ridiculous story. Just don't expect our leading lady to shed any clothing. Even with those nice boobs....no nudity. Oh well, at least there were some zombie boobs.