Intent to Kill
Intent to Kill
NC-17 | 15 September 1993 (USA)
Intent to Kill Trailers

A young policewoman relentlessly tries to bring down a ruthless drug kingpin whom plots his own agenda for his drug distribution empire.

Infamousta brilliant actors, brilliant editing
PiraBit if their story seems completely bonkers, almost like a feverish work of fiction, you ain't heard nothing yet.
Tobias Burrows It's easily one of the freshest, sharpest and most enjoyable films of this year.
Caryl It is a whirlwind of delight --- attractive actors, stunning couture, spectacular sets and outrageous parties. It's a feast for the eyes. But what really makes this dramedy work is the acting.
Comeuppance Reviews Vickie Stewart (Lords) is a beautiful female cop on the edge in this PM outing. When a drug deal goes wrong (you mean they can go wrong?), Colombian thug Salvador (Tiffe) must get millions of dollars worth of drugs to his ruthless boss, The Mooch (Curto), or Salvador will meet a gruesome end. So Salvador is going all over the seedy sides of L.A. trying to collect all he can. The only thing stopping him is Vickie, who is determined to bring down the Colombian drug empire. To do this, she must go pretty rogue, but not all the way rogue. Meanwhile, she must deal with her philandering boyfriend Al (Patterson), a fellow cop, as well as her boss Captain Jackson (Kotto)., who is always on her case.It was nice to see Traci Lords as a tough cop on the edge. She even teaches classes to other women in street self-defense. The sleaze factor comes in with some of the seamier sides of Hollywood with hookers and such (Vickie must go undercover as a hooker at one point). Vickie is a cool character and it would have been nice to see that developed more, maybe in a follow-up movie, or a movie that doesn't fluctuate so much...What we mean by that is, Intent to Kill goes back and forth between decent and very dumb, and there seems to be a lot of padding and plot elements that aren't related and/or make no sense. But luckily there are car chases with rockin' guitar solos behind them, blow-ups, shooting, funny moments and lots of clichés. And of course Traci Lords getting into all sorts of dangerous situations (keep in mind it must have been in her post-porn industry contract that she do no nudity or sex scenes to try to distance herself from her past...just a theory)...and Yaphet Kotto pops up as the BYC with, and we quote, "one month left 'til retirement" ! It is a shame that he's retiring, as every day, generic newspaper headlines appear such as "Drugs Rule Streets".And as far as her love interest is concerned, Officer Tom Martin, he's a kickboxing man that's some sort of cross between Gary Daniels and Richard Norton, but not anywhere near as likable or interesting as those two. This Gary Norton (or Richard Daniels) guy is Michael Foley, and he was actually in Karate Cop, so there you go.Intent to Kill was released on the budget-priced EP speed tape released by Video Treasures/MNTEX, and the quality is not good. We're guessing this was a posthumous release because it's not included in some reference guides. Why this didn't come out on PM's own label, we do not know. It even has a shot from another movie on the cover (we believe it was taken from a Gary Daniels film). The director of this movie, Charles Kanganis, should have complained. After all, the previous year he directed Traci in A Time To Die (1991), and the packaging was much better, it even had a red plastic VHS.Featuring the inspirational tune "Stand Tall" by Lost Art, Intent to Kill is reasonably entertaining, but not a premier PM.For more action insanity, please visit:
actionfilm-2 Intent To Kill is another entertaining B action film from producers Richard Pepin and Joseph Merhi of PM Entertainment. I'll simply describe a scene and let you decide if the film is worth viewing based on the following.Hardboiled police detective Traci Lords has kicked her unfaithful dog of a boyfriend to the curb, and is immediately invited out by a macho detective in her department. They head for the restaurant, but not before Lords is dragged to the gym so as to witness her date strut his martial arts moves by pounding some poor white belt shmoe in the ring. She appears slightly impressed so he earns points there. He then gains her favor with witty conversation during dinner, and again gains points with the lovely lady detective. Unfortunately all of his romantic efforts go down the drain when 3 gun toting thugs enter the restaurant, pistol-whip the owners and shoot a customer. Lady Lords' smooth talking karate kicking date decides to use this moment to stay in his seat and do nothing. Lords is then targeted by the vicious trio. Holding out her purse which has a pistol concealed inside she pleads "Don't shoot me, here take all of my money", to which the thugs shout "we don't want your money, we want your life!". Tough cop Traci replies, get this, "It's not on the menu" and KA-BLAAMM!! fires a round into each of the three punks before her dumbfounded date can say another word. "Thanks for the help!" she screams at him with contempt, something she seems to have plenty of practice doing as every other male in the film seems to lack the spine and grit she has in spades. Of course the damsel detective is not above having a good cry, something she does after blasting bad guys, sobbing as she feels her feminine tenderness slowly eroding from all the violence.If the above doesn't convince you this is a film worth seeing, thats fine, more cheesy entertainment for the rest of us B film fans.
jotix100 For lack of better things to watch, we stumbled on this movie the other night on cable. Wow! If action is your thing, this film will be for you. There must be killings every five minutes. In fact, we are worried when there are no shootings in the background!Charles T. Kanganis wrote and directed this movie that has a woman detective at the center of the story. Vickie, is a tough cookie (no pun intended). She might look blonde and vulnerable, but just don't mess around with her. The fact that Vickie is basically standing up as the film ends is a testament to Tracy Lords' masochism.The bad guys come and go, yet, Vickie is able to avoid being shot, or have her hair messed during the worst of the action. The action is too intense at times as the Latin gangsters show to be ruthless in the way they settle disputes.Watch this film for the pure fun of watching the action. Otherwise, don't bother.
wsandberg-1 What I see is someone who is trying to buildup a reputation in the industry as legit, after coming from an industry where the mainstream population is going shun you. You have to start somewhere and I'm sure it's not going to be at the top, so for starters I'd expect to see some of the "low budget" type films. I'd say she is still young enough to make the jump to mainstream files but I'd also have to say give her 15 to 20 years to make that jump without the stigma of the past hanging on. Take a look at her biography and see the time frame where she was in the porn industry and when she got out, adding that 20 years to that date brings us pretty close to the current time. So I really think she's got a chance at this and if she makes it, it will indeed be a rarity. Who knows she could be in the next blockbuster, these days you never know. But then that's just me, I'm one of those kooks that hang around to read the credits.