Initial D
Initial D
NR | 30 December 2005 (USA)
Initial D Trailers

After winning his first competition, Takumi focuses his attention on drift racing, a sport he has unknowingly perfected while delivering tofu in his father's Toyota AE86.

Hottoceame The Age of Commercialism
AutCuddly Great movie! If you want to be entertained and have a few good laughs, see this movie. The music is also very good,
SanEat A film with more than the usual spoiler issues. Talking about it in any detail feels akin to handing you a gift-wrapped present and saying, "I hope you like it -- It's a thriller about a diabolical secret experiment."
Hattie I didn’t really have many expectations going into the movie (good or bad), but I actually really enjoyed it. I really liked the characters and the banter between them.
godzillakingmonster Me and my cousin were in Blackpool and found this movie in the local charity shop as my cousin had watched the original. We took it back to our holiday apartment to watch. We ended up watching it every single night and twice on the day we bought it. We were up at 2AM watching it at having the time of our lives. This movie is based off the famous Anime show - Initial D. I honestly didn't catch most of the plot as I had the English Subtitles on and was too busy laughing at how amazing it was. It's not as good as the Anime but deserves a 10/10 just for how amazing it is to watch with others (especially in Blackpool at 2AM).
shinchrono Before I begin, I must note that I am an enormous fan of the Anime and Manga series that this movie was based on, with it influencing much of my adolescent life (and purchase of an FD RX-7, for better or for worse...).And unexpectedly, like most fans of the series I was horrified by the many changes made by the movie adaptation, not limited to the re-characterization of Bunta, the complete omission of Keisuke and his FD, and the squashing together of many important plot points in the Manga (although this was expected, of course).However, upon another recent viewing of the movie I realized that the changes made result in a strong reinterpretation of the series, rather than a faithful adaptation. Some changes are certainly questionable (Itsuki as the son comes to mind) but the removal of characters (Iketani, Keisuke, etc.) ensures that an uninitiated viewer wouldn't be overwhelmed or confused by some unnecessary characters.Most important, however, is that by placing emphasis on the parallels between the lives Bunta and Takumi, the movie has given Initial D a dramatic edge that may have been diluted in the long-running manga. Without revealing too much, it suffices to say that the movie becomes a story of a Takumi realizing that the things he loves may not be able to co-exist, and whether he likes it or not he'll have to make the same choice his father made so many years ago. While the conflict within Takumi's mind is hardly made complex (Jay Chou's stone-faced acting hardly helps), I'm glad the movie unfolds the way it does. Many fans were upset that the inclusion of the final scene was placed so far ahead of where it belongs in the original story, but in retrospect, it belongs exactly where it should.Of course, the movie is hardly perfect, and here are some of my biggest gripes as a hardcore Initial D fan:-The music has its nice moments but the soundtrack as a whole should have been played up more and given more consideration, as that is arguably one of the strongest aspects of the Anime. -Not enough emphasis was placed on giving the viewer a sense of the skill involved in Takumi's drifting style. From small things such as showing how close his car gets to the guardrail to simply showing the camera facing inward (toward the front of the car/guardrail) rather than the direction the car is traveling would have added a great deal to the races. -Too many quick pauses and strange, amateurish slow motion cuts. -The CG events, while rare, are horribly unconvincing.All in all, the movie is certainly worth a watch. While it isn't incredible, nor will it win over any die-hard fans, the way the plot has been crafted lends itself to a very entertaining and worthwhile movie without all of the ridiculous pretentiousness of the Fast and the Furious series.
vl_hj_hs This movie is the best. I watched lots of time and never get bored of it because my older brother is a street race and not many people knows that and thats why i like to watch it. The other thing I watch is because it was based on the Anime "Initial D" and I really like that show too. I recommend the people who haven't watch this movie should, because it will make you change your mind about Initial D because of the race they are so real. One tip when Racing, Never get too angry , just stay calm, and that will make you win. Also i like the end when Takumi (Jay Chou) waits for his girlfriend and sees her coming out of the car with another guy and he now believes his friend hat told him about that. but that was a sad a truly best moment ever. Well one thing, INITIAL D ROCKS!!!!!
biggastank The bad: [1] There was no story line. (Or at least the story line went absolutely no where.) [2] The racing scenes were very repetitive, they kept showing the same moves over and over again. This is not very good by today's standard. I expected more, given that this was a relatively high-budget production with some of the biggest name HK actors. [3] Horrible acting from Jay and Edison. There was no chemistry whatsoever between them. I presume from the storyline they are suppose to become friends or develop some kind of camaraderie through racing. Nothing like that happened.The good: [1] Anne Suzuki in short shorts. She's younger than a lot of those cars, by the way. [2] I loved watching Jay getting the crap kicked out of him by Wang Chou Sang. That's gotta be the best part of the entire movie. [3] The racing scenes were not overly done with CGI. It's pretty believable, although not terribly creative. [4] This movie sure brings back fond memories of when those cars were considered cool, which was quite a while back.Overall, not too bad. Wasn't a complete waste of time. I got some entertaining values out of it. Just in case you were wondering, the AE86 is known in the US as -- the Corolla. :D
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