PG-13 | 19 August 2003 (USA)
Inhabited Trailers

After Brad and Meg move to a detached house in need of major repairs after a fire and decades of neglect, they're happy that cheerful teenage son Tyler behaves normally, for puberty. Young daughter Gina's stories about sometimes evil 'fairies' are equally dismissed, but get worse. Self-appointed handyman warns Iver Hagen them for 'things worse than ghosts' and ever scarier things happen. Ma irrationally believes the house bad yet refuses long to have Gina examined by Dr. Werner, who has a patient Olive obsessed by similar trolls. By the time the pieces are fitted, it may be too late.

AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
Fatma Suarez The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
Juana what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
Francene Odetta It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.
Mart Sander I bought this film from e-bay as part of a lot of about twenty horror flicks, all about a dollar a piece. When watching this, my first impression was that it probably was from the late 80s. Later on I began thinking - the Linkin Park posters on the wall and everything else seemed to hint that I was dealing with a more recent film. Realizing that, the flick became an unbearable torment. The last 3 minutes were the longest in the movie history - the film just refused to end. Is there a genre such as "horror for children"? In that case this film is definitely it. If there are parents, perverse enough to want to introduce their offspring to horror, I suggest this would be perfect for kids of about 6-8. The only thing I really liked was Greg Cipes who was much too good an actor for that kind of nostalgic retro bottom part of a drive-in double-bill.
MarieGabrielle Malcolm McDowell diagnoses Megan Gallagher's daughter and she as having a form of illness, when they believe they are seeing "The Huldre", troll-like creatures which live with "the rocks and the roots" (to quote the movie).Basically a family moves into an older house, which has a smaller doll-house in the backyard. The daughter (well played by Sofia Vassiliova) starts to befriend the creatures, until they become vindictive. The family cat also disappears.There are a few good scenes with Megan Gallagher ("Millennium") and Malcolm McDowell as the psychiatrist. There is also something strange which occurred to one of McDowell's patients.If you enjoy this type of story, you may also like "Bad Ronald", which had a similar odd theme, and the house is haunted by bad Ronald (Scott Jacoby) only that movie is from the 70's. 7/10.
FionualaO Not a bad little TV Movie! INHABITED breaks no new ground in terms of classic Supernatural Thrillers, but it does pick up he themes of Classic Thriller DON'T BE AFRAID OF THE DARK and tones down the violence enough so that kids can probably watch it without having massive nightmares. The EFX would have been rather pedestrian but the Production team employs the Old Joel Peter Witkin technique ALA JACOB'S LADDER and speeds up the evil fairies' movements enough that the step-printing effect makes them look like they are treading the border between two worlds. It works!This is your basic Family-in-peril flick where a likable and fairly believably cast bunch of Surburban cliches face a supernatural menace. Typcially, one parent refuses to believe that it could be a supernatural evil. Warning.... Very mild spoiler ahead.. doesn't reveal ending but does reveal some of the twists for parents who might want to know what is coming before letting kids watch..........************************Do not read further unless you want to know details in order to decide if your kids should watch.***************** ***** ** *The red-herring of the house having been the site of a gruesome murder 50 years prior adds a little spice before the Family closes ranks and takes the Nasty Little Folk on for a fight to the death. However, that element might upset very little kids. While there is a death and another serious Fairy Attack...there isn't any truly gross violence and even the predicatable heavy metal music at the end is justified by the presence of a male teen in the family whose screams cannot be heard over his loud stereo.... at least for a moment.Overall, not bad.
papyruss Greetings;I never thought I would see the day when I would be so disgusted by A movie that it would be a burden to finish it... I was always a fan of horror movies, B'C and C's included. But in this case it's hard to describe how a movie could fail to qualify for any letters in that scale... The movie is centered on a poorly developed back story, a mix of folklore with an after taste. And to top it up, the performance of the actors is questionable. Horror B movies usually fall in two categories... 1) A gem that was under looked, and under funded 2) So bad it's funny, laugh or your money back. Well this movie falls in between. I wasn't scare, didn't laugh... So I guess if you really need to see it you could but I recommend you don't...