| 08 September 2012 (USA)
Inch'Allah Trailers

A Canadian doctor finds her sympathies sorely tested while working in the conflict ravaged Palestinian territories.

Smartorhypo Highly Overrated But Still Good
BroadcastChic Excellent, a Must See
Stellead Don't listen to the Hype. It's awful
Mehdi Hoffman There's a more than satisfactory amount of boom-boom in the movie's trim running time.
aushak Justifies & glorifies killers. Sponsored by Canadian government - amazing. Looks more like propaganda movies shot by Nazis. How is it possible to produce such films in Canada? It looks like producers are ready to blow up couple coffee shops in Israel themselves. I could not believe that such movie can be produced in my country. Plot is very feeble, but hatred is real and disturbing. Doctor ends up assisting suicide bombers to kill people, how more dramatic can they get? Take a gun and go shot people in banquet hall? Some idiots already do this after watching propaganda like this. Good acting and good camera work. Gebels would approve.
mike-4976 I can't believe some of the negative comments about this film. If ever you want to get some enlightenment about what it is like to live in or near the occupied territories then you must see this film. It is a really powerful film that has a subtle,realistic and non-judgmental narrative. The film does not try to justify terrorism attacks (as another reviewer suggested) but rather gives an insight into how normal nice everyday people can -because of a combination and build up of horrendous circumstance - feel such hatred towards "the other side". And when it seems like there is no future for themselves they are driven to commit acts of atrocity. The film doesn't try to say this is OK - it simply provides an insight - that is both brutal and poignant - into how and why these horrible events can unfold.I thought the acting was brilliant. I felt a connection with all the lead characters. The actress playing the doctor was in most scenes and she did an amazing job and was very believable. The scene stealer was the young Arab boy who was a charmer and formed an odd bond with the Doctor. It is a film I can't stop thinking about and in my mind that makes it a very special movie.
mm mmmm inchallah or In other words, insha Allah is Arabic phrase means god many people said that the film has no partiality to any side, but the Arabic pray phrase on the name of film say some thing else. and you complete the pray by any idea that might resolve or recovery this disaster. actually it's a tragedy and no one can propose a real way to out of it peacefully even in the story. i don't know why this subject became so important to make a movie about in this level, but the film in my opinion is just fit the fact.suffering is became normal in that area and no one wanna hear about it.let's just hope that this issue must be considered.i really enjoyed the film.
JvH48 I saw this film at the Berlinale 2013 film festival, where is was part of the Panorama section. My overall impression when leaving the theater was that it had the effect on me as if it was a guided tour through the refugee camps and Israeli border areas. We knew in the abstract sense about checkpoints in between to let people travel from one side to the other, the soldiers who are assigned to guard those border posts, people wanting to pass being humiliated, assaults in public places by for instance suicide bombers, and the existence of refugee camps. For many years this is and remains newspaper and TV material.We observe a world that is very different from our quiet and reasonably safe lives. We implicitly see and understand the aftermath of assaults, inevitably leading to posting guards and ID checks in public places, augmented with random house searches. What most impressed me were armed people all around carrying large machine guns, also in the role of an average bus passenger wanting to get from A to B, and that no one seems to find those arms in public places disconcerting.It was a good idea to make the woman doctor (Chloe) into a single reference point to provide for some skeleton story line, otherwise this film would be no more than loose fragments (like holiday photo's) of how people live there. There was no real narrative that I could recognize as such, which made me wonder in the beginning what it was all about. We see an Israeli woman (Ava) hating her job guarding one of the checkpoints. We see a women (Rand) sifting through the rubbish dump, but does not want a bed lying there because "settlers have (bleep) F**ked in it". We see Chloe arranging a day pass that allows a family to visit their former house, now only visible as a ruin. And so on. Chloe is the one linking these persons together, hence my idea that a guided tour was the prime purpose of this film.Of course, for Chloe as a white doctor and without roots on either side, it is relatively easy to travel around. And as a doctor, she helps people by definition with their problems. But do not think that people are thankful for her efforts. She remains an outsider in spite of her doing good things on both sides. In the end, for example, after having failed to rescue a newborn baby (not her fault), the mother blames her for being too late and thus causing the death of her child. The mother also became abusive and called her all sorts of nasty names, like whore, all of which was very undeserved given the circumstances.All in all, this movie was not as involving for me as could have been. Maybe I expected too much, being prejudiced by the fact that it received 3rd prize for the Berlinale Panorama audience award. It apparently was able to arouse the interest of a significant number of viewers. However, I was not that much impressed, in spite of the superb acting performances and revealing close-by shots of the local settings. I also think that the film presupposed too much background information from the audience, about the long standing issues around Israeli, Palestinians, settlers and refugee camps. Plus that I have had problems for many many years to take a stand in this controversy. But I obviously am an exception and alone in this.