In the Line of Duty: Ambush in Waco
In the Line of Duty: Ambush in Waco
| 23 May 1993 (USA)
In the Line of Duty: Ambush in Waco Trailers

Religious fanatics are barricaded in a building and surrounded by police. But they're not going to surrender; they prefer to die.

Ehirerapp Waste of time
Claysaba Excellent, Without a doubt!!
Dynamixor The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.
Juana what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
TheAnimalMother I certainly don't support a lunatic like David Koresh at all. However this film is about an important true event in American history, in terms of law enforcement and human rights. This film is a totally biased propaganda film that entirely ignores the errors of every American government agency involved. This was obviously funded to some degree for the very purpose of their public image. It is an insult to truth. It is an insult to the viewer. It is an insult to the American public. It is an insult to the foreign public. It is an insult to humankind. Is there anyone else I can say it's an insult to? This is bottom of the barrel stuff. Whatever happened to admitting your mistakes and learning from them? Would it be so bad if they admitted their errors? If children covered up their mistakes with pure lies like this film does. Most parents would certainly have a big talk with, or even punish them for such things. And this is the behaviour of the most powerful government in the world. Absolutely ridiculous! Anyone who researches this event, or watched it unfold knows that this film is a biased load. This is the exact kind of ammunition that crazed idiots like Koresh use to trick vulnerable people into believing that their government is not to be trusted. With such ignorant public propaganda. It really makes you wonder how corrupt some American government agencies are. With this kind of stuff out there, it is also not much of a wonder that the U.S. has become such a distrusted country around the world. This film makes me mad, and it makes me sick. It also makes me wonder if the government could possibly hire any dumber public relations gurus than the ones who came up with the idea to fund this garbage.0/10
WolfgangR5150 The first review here was obviously wrote by someone who thinks that when Hollywood makes something they call a true story it must be all true. Watch the movie Ashes of Waco for actual facts on this issue. Granted Koresh claimed to be something he was not, this does not mean that this was a well executed plan by the ATF. Fact, the ATF could have arrested Koresh in town since he went there often. What we do have here is a Cliton era Janet Reno failure as usual. Do the research because this movie may try to capture the day many brave ATF agents lost there lives but it also slants the story to make sure you think that this was 100% the people of Mt Carmnels fault.
frankfob This is a first-rate accounting of the tragic deaths and destruction brought about by the actions and beliefs of a home-grown terrorist named David Koresh and his band of paranoid religious fanatics. Koresh may be (as is evidenced by several of the reviews on this page) worshiped by the lunatic fringe of right-wing government-hating zealots, but he was nothing more than a domestic version of Osama bin Laden and any number of power-crazed killers who cloak themselves in religion as an excuse to unleash their hatred and violence on the world, and this film does a good job of showing Koresh to be exactly that. Tim Daly is terrific as Koresh; I don't know if he was nominated for an Emmy for this, but if he wasn't he should have been, it's that good of a job. Director Dick Lowry stages the final assault in a straightforward manner, giving viewers a chilling and sobering idea of the volume of murderous gunfire that the federal agents were up against. The final result was, besides the murders of several law enforcement agents and the deaths of Koresh and his fellow terrorists, the terrible tragedy of the women and children of Koresh's band who, because of his fanaticism. hatred and insanity, he decreed had to die with him when he blew up the compound. The film has been criticized for taking some liberties with the facts, as most biographies do, and that may be true to a degree, since it was rushed into production so quickly, and it probably wouldn't have hurt if the filmmakers had taken a bit more time in preparation. But all things considered, this is an impressive accomplishment for a project that was put together in such a short time. You should definitely check it out.
thomjerod This is a very well-made and fascinating account of a very bad thing that happened in our great country. It gives a fair accounting to both sides. The moral I learned from this story is that, at present, our society is unprepared to deal with a situation like Waco.