In Name Only
In Name Only
NR | 18 August 1939 (USA)
In Name Only Trailers

A wealthy man falls for a widow but is locked into a loveless marriage with a woman who has contrived to convince his parents she is the ideal wife.

Lawbolisted Powerful
SunnyHello Nice effects though.
Smartorhypo Highly Overrated But Still Good
Crwthod A lot more amusing than I thought it would be.
writers_reign My pleasure in watching this gem was doubled by the fact that I'd never heard of it - I stumbled upon it in a 'remainder' DVD shop in Paris and at five euros it could have been chopped liver. It seems it was released in 1939, that watershed year in which Hollywood went mad and offered a slew of all-time great titles which may account for this one getting lost in the shuffle. It's very much of its time and sadly Hollywood has totally forgotten how to make stuff like this. Cary Grant, out riding near his lavish country home, comes across Carole Lombard fishing; young widow Lombard, an artist, has rented a nearby house for several months. There is instant rapport between the two and Lombard's young daughter is equally beguiled by the charm of Grant. What can go wrong> How much time have you got. Turns out Grant is married and ostensibly living with his wife, another fine actress, Kay Francis, cast against type as the ultimate super bitch. She freely confesses she never loved Grant, falling instead for a penniless rival who conveniently died leaving Francis to opt for money over love. Despite her indifference to Grant she has no intention of allowing him to be happy and refuses to divorce. We are now primed for the unravelling of a soap par excellence in which all hands turn up trumps. One to savour.
barnettj I love watching this film because of the love-hate relationship I develop with each of the lead characters. I'm a sucker for true love but I loathe infidelity. My moral compass tells me I should be aligned with wife Maida, but my heart belongs to adultress Julie. Were I in husband Alec's position, I would be compelled towards loyalty and fidelity, but feeling unloved, could I be strong enough not to follow the path my heart wants me to take? Why should Alec not follow his heart? Life is short.The only criticism I really have for this film has to do with Cary Grant. When husband Alec reads, or pretends to read, the newspaper, Cary has this odd, tunnel-vision stare. I don't understand its purpose, if there is one.
audiemurph "In Name Only" begins with Carole Lombard trying and failing to fish in a lake. Her fishing line keeps getting tangled in the trees, providing Carole with a few moments of comic frustration. Along comes Cary Grant, dashingly sophisticated, and he begins to flirt with her and picnic lunch. So far, everything is exactly as you would expect.And suddenly the whole movie does a 180. For the rest of this film, Carole Lombard plays her role, as the desperate and frustrated lover of a man who cannot get a divorce from his current wife, completely straight. And although Cary Grant's character is the center of the plot, Lombard shines through as the real star of the movie. In fact, I would suggest that Lombard is absolutely remarkable; this is one of her best. Lombard struggles heroically with her emotions, sometimes asserting her independence from Grant as a sop to her pride, at other times giving in to her desperate love of Grant. But Grant can't give her the commitment she wants, and Lombard can never quite finally decide what to do (until the end). More than any film I have seen, "In Name Only" demonstrates what a fine fine actress Ms. Lombard was.Of course Kay Francis has a very high-profile role here as well, playing one of the most evil and manipulative female roles in black-and-white history. This is the kind of character Joan Crawford specialized in. But whereas Joan's characters usually gave us some reason to be a little sympathetic towards her, Kay is the absolute epitome of selfish despicability. You will absolutely hate her. It is all quite delicious.One great moment to look for is the first time Grant kisses Carole Lombard, up against a rock one night. The camera movement is absolutely gorgeous, and the passion of the moment is exquisite. A great few seconds.The supporting cast is fine, and Kay Francis' mastery and control of those around her is infuriating - and we really wonder how she will finally be defeated. This is a truly satisfying classic from the RKO studios, and I highly recommend it.
Vicar Vince Boy meets girl. Boy is married. Girl is widowed with a child. They fall in love, but his wife won't let him have his freedom. She will do anything to hold onto him. That is In Name Only in a nutshell...and what a masterpiece it is. With so many major films released in 1939, it is understandable how a film about 3 people in a grueling triangle can be overlooked. It seems that today, thanks to TCM, so many wonderful moments of screen history may once again be viewed and shared. I can remember as a child seeing this moving film on television. It was wonderful then, and even better now. The years have not left a mark on it. The evil portrayed by Kay Francis, subtle at times, flagrant at others keeps the viewer from feeling this is a sappy soap opera. As good as both Carole Lombard and Cary Grant are in this film, Kay outshines them. It's about time the world once again discovers the merits of Kay Francis. In this movie, she not only steals each scene she is in, but proves herself to have been thoroughly underrated as an actress. She was so much more than just a great beauty or a clotheshorse for the most stunning wardrobes in Hollywood. Try to catch each and every film she made and visit