Topper Takes a Trip
Topper Takes a Trip
| 29 December 1938 (USA)
Topper Takes a Trip Trailers

Mrs. Topper's friend Mrs. Parkhurst has convinced Mrs Topper to file for a divorce from Cosmo due to the strange circumstances of his trip with ghost Marion Kirby. Marion comes back from heaven's door to help Cosmo again, this time only with dog Mr. Atlas. Due to a strange behavior of Cosmo, the judge refuses to divorce them, so Mrs. Parkhurst takes Mrs. Topper on a trip to France where she tries to arrange the final reasons for the divorce. With help of a gold-digging French baron, Marion takes Cosmo to the same hotel to bring them back together and to get her own final ticket to heaven, but the whole thing turns out to be not too easy.

Karry Best movie of this year hands down!
SpunkySelfTwitter It’s an especially fun movie from a director and cast who are clearly having a good time allowing themselves to let loose.
Kidskycom It's funny watching the elements come together in this complicated scam. On one hand, the set-up isn't quite as complex as it seems, but there's an easy sense of fun in every exchange.
InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
jarrodmcdonald-1 The film picks up where the original story left off. If you haven't seen the first Topper, there are several flashback scenes at the beginning to bring you up to speed. This is classic screwball comedy combined with supernatural fantasy, something that seems to match writer Thorne Smith's particular talents and Hollywood's fascination with anything and everything whimsical.Roland Young is impressive as the befuddled title character and Billie Burke delights audiences as his wacky wife. The issue one has with the series is not its continual use of thinly stretched gags (playing on the idea that only Topper can communicate with the dead), but rather its obvious use of camera editing to create magical special effects. For example, ghostly Constance Bennett drinks a martini that seems to disappear one gulp at a time (obviously accomplished by stopping the film, emptying some of the alcohol, then resuming camera action). Most viewers probably see such an effect as fake and contrived. Despite the basic technology, the film does retain appeal, thanks in large part to the winning performances of its actors. Especially Miss Bennett who adds an element of glamour to the whole affair.
BaronBl00d This sequel to the funny Topper lacks the entire sophistication of that film yet is able to stand all by itself as a worthy successor based on the performance of Roland Young once again playing the amusing, befuddled Cosmo Topper - he who sees dead people way before it became fashionable by The Sixth Sense and on a cast of wonderful character actors doing their "bit." Topper Takes a Trip does have some major flaws; however. The film opens with Young in a courtroom going through divorce proceedings from his even more befuddled wife Billie Burke. Topper explains to the courtroom how he was befriended by the ghosts of Constance Bennet and Cary Grant(who could not join his former cast-mates because he was now too big a star but magnanimously agreed to allow them to use footage from the original - Swell Guy!). This whole beginning seems very forced as it tries to make sure that all is explained in case you missed the first film. Once they get out of the courtroom, Topper and one ghost and her ghostly dog go on a drinking binge and discover that Mrs. Topper's best friend has taken her to Paris to try and get her hooked up with a Baron there. Topper and companions follow and the laughs go from a trickle to an avalanche at times as Young does all kinds of crazy things with the aid of his spectral friend. The hotel is headed by Franklin Pangborn whose performance really is a comic treat. Pangborn made me laugh so hard with that sardonic look and witticisms. Butler Alan Mowbray follows and adds a fine turn as the Topper's butler. The rest of the cast is also suitably funny. It is important to remember just how influential these films were in this little sub-genre and that the special effects used were state-of-the-art at the time(Oscar nominated in this case. Many scenes stand out for me as truly masterful bits of comedic timing: Young dancing with a ghost on the dance floor, Alexander D'Arcy(the Baron) being bulldozed by a huge beach ball while shortless in the sand, and Young being cramped in his small room standing out particularly.
oldmovieman The main characters less Cary Grant reappear for a second act in the Topper saga. Because Marion Kerby materialized by Topper's side in a hotel in the first movie (gasp), Mrs. Topper wants a divorce. Ghostly Marion thwarts the New York divorce proceedings but Mrs. Topper goes to France for a quickie divorce. Topper and Marion follow but, unfortunately, hilarity does not ensue in this slow-moving, predictable farce. The jokes are tedious variations on the first films antics and don't bear reuse; there aren't any really funny moments here. But -- Constance Bennett is gorgeous as always and ever so elegantly dressed. And Roland Young's remarkable physical comedy, e.g., lurching about as if he were being pushed or pulled by the invisible Marion, is worth watching. Bottom line: if you're an old movie buff and want to flesh out the Topper series, invest a few hours when you have nothing else to do and treat it as an educational investment. Don't expect many laughs.
artaxsrv Not as good as the original, but still fun. Considering Cary Grant's limited (to scenes from the original) presence, they did a good job of pulling off the sequel.The review omitted a continuity goof. When Topper came around the same curve as the Kirbys and duplicated their bad luck with a flat tire, there was a 'let me back up and see that again' moment. Before the crash we could clearly see that the right rear tire was flat. When the car came to rest, the rear tire was fine and the right front tire was flat. But that just made watching the movie more fun. I didn't catch any other errors, but might on my next watching.