Illegally Yours
Illegally Yours
PG | 13 May 1988 (USA)
Illegally Yours Trailers

Called up for jury duty, Richard Dice finds his first crush and only real, but unrequited love, on trial for murder. Richard desperately tries to prove Mollys innocence while untangling a complicated web of murder, blackmail and perjury, and still trying to win over the girl of his dreams.

BootDigest Such a frustrating disappointment
Listonixio Fresh and Exciting
Beanbioca As Good As It Gets
Kaydan Christian A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
HelenMary The 80s was Rob Lowe's decade; member of the Brat Pack, and the golden boy of cinema. Whilst usually cast just as the pretty boy, a sex-toy, Illegally Yours cast him as the silly, love-sick goof, who bumbles his way through a far-fetched silly murder cover-up from the point of view of a juror who was in love the suspect at junior school. The film is wall-to-wall one-liners, funny slapstick, slips and trips and Lowe falling over a lot. I've watched it a lot of times and it still makes me giggle, and there are lots of comedy set pieces; Lowe dressed as a woman in high heel slippers, the fantastic sunglasses disguise scene, his nervy rushing around, the crazy car chases and daft over-acting. It's not a film to take seriously, it's meant to be loopy and flying all over the place and I love it. It's not a 6/10 film as in superb cinematography but it's just a hoot. Every character is overblown, Colleen Camp and all the ensemble case are a caricature, funny, and I just love this film. It's one of my favourite comedies and they don't make them like this anymore – it's not rude, no bad language and really quite innocent. Turn back time and enjoy.
bkoganbing When Rob Lowe decided to wear his glasses for real in this film (in real life he's quite nearsighted) I think it was his and director Peter Bogdanovich's homage to Cary Grant in Bringing Up Baby. Would that Bogdanovich had as good material as Howard Hawks had with Grant and Katharine Hepburn.Rob's a near do well here, living at home with mother Jessica James and brother Ira Heiden and sometimes whomever mom's current boyfriend is, in this case it's Harry Carey, Jr. in one of his very few roles not in a western. Rob gets a jury duty notice and like most of us, he considers it one royal pain. But when he's chosen for the jury trial of Colleen Camp it's an opportunity he's been waiting for since grade school. Back in those childhood years he was crushing out on Camp big time and now she's on trial for attempted murder.I wrote a review for 12 Angry Men in which I said the film was flawed because of what Henry Fonda did, going to the accused's neighborhood and buying a switchblade similar to the murder weapon. That was absolutely nothing compared to what Lowe does while he's not deliberating on the evidence to prove the object of his affection is innocent.The film has its moments, but I'd have to say it was more silly than funny. Colleen Camp is not quite Katharine Hepburn, though Lowe does give a good try at a Cary Grant type comedy part.Still fans of Rob Lowe will like it.
moviedude1 Lowe returns to the nest after, yet another, failed relationship, to find he's been assigned to jury duty. It's in the plans to, somehow, get out of it, when he realizes the defendant is the girl he's had a serious crush on since the first grade.Through living in the past by telling other people about his feelings towards this girl (played by Camp), Lowe remembers those feelings and does everything in his power to clear Camp of attempted murder, while staying away from the real bad guys at the same time, and succeeding in creating a successful film at the same time.I've heard that St Augustine is the oldest city in the US, and I also know it has some ties to Ponce de Leon, so the backdrop is a good place to start. Unfortunately, it's the only thing good about this movie. The local police are inept, the judge is an idiot, and the defense counsel does everything in her power to make herself look like Joanie Cunningham! I don't know whether to blame the director for poor direction, or for just letting the cast put in such a hapless effort.In short, this movie was so boring, I could not even sleep through it! 1 out of 10 stars!
mak52 Seriously somewhere along the way someone equated amount of dialog with snappy or witty dialog. It is not, it turns out to be just painful dialog, with no rest for the ears. Yes the acting is painful, but sometimes that can be funny in a weird sort of way. Yes the plot is beyond stupid, but this is to expected in a "screwball" comedy. The dialog sets a low below the other factors by about a factor of 10. Avoid this at all costs.