Ice Road Terror
Ice Road Terror
| 11 July 2011 (USA)
Ice Road Terror Trailers

A giant flesh-eating reptile takes the Arctic region by storm.

Kattiera Nana I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
NekoHomey Purely Joyful Movie!
Stevecorp Don't listen to the negative reviews
Roman Sampson One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.
jlthornb51 From director Terry Ingram comes this exciting science fiction film with an intelligent screenplay by Keith Shaw. When two truckers on the ice roads of Alaska encounter a dormant dinosaur in a remote expanse, all hell breaks loose. The special effects are nothing less than extraordinary and Ingram's vision of vast frozen vistas is tremendously haunting. An environment of stark raving fear in such a desolate setting is at time overwhelming. A fine cast brings humanity and unusual depth to characters that might otherwise simply be clichés from a horror film. Unrelentingly intense and incredibly horrific at times, this is a superior entry in the genre and deserves appreciation from a wider audience.
jerekra Seeing Ice Road Terror was not that mind blowing. The film actually had decent acting, somewhat good action, and a simple plot. But overall it was nothing special.This film is basically about a company up in Alaska that awakens a prehistoric predator "dinosaur". A couple truckers then try to take hazardous materials up to the area where the beast is, not knowing that it exists.I actually thought the human characters were good in this film. They really seemed like truckers and were characters you could get behind. Also the girl who was the scientist was pretty good too. Surprising because usually in movies like these the humans are all cliché.The "dinosaur" in this film is weird in that it really is a big lizard. I do not know of any predatory dinosaur that runs around on four legs. It was pretty standard CGI for this beast and it got some decent action but nothing special.The story is pretty easy to follow.I thought that I got tricked because they showed a carnataurus on the box and some dvds even had a tyrannosaurus on them even though neither of those dinosaurs are in this film. The only creature in this film is the giant lizard. So I don't know why they had to false advertise this film.Pretty standard SYFY film. I do not strongly recommend it, but it isn't bad either. Watch it on a rainy day.
TheLittleSongbird I did expect something worse than what I got with Ice Road Terror, though that is not saying much. It is a pretty rubbish and ridiculous movie, but I do think with stuff like Titanic II, Mega Piranha, Alien vs. Hunter, Almighty Thor, Super Tanker, Quantum Apocalypse, 2010: Moby Dick, Battle of Los Angeles and The Apocalypse that SyFy have done much worse.Although the bad outweigh the good, there are some assets that are halfway decent, some nice scenery, a likable enough performance from Brea Grant and the cabin sequence, which tries hard to give the characters some credibility.On the other hand, Ice Road Terror is a rather scrappy looking film, scenery aside. The editing is hackneyed and doesn't make much sense going from one scene to another, and the monster graphics while not as bad as other efforts from SyFy look very cheap. Not to mention the CGI, especially with the truck sliding and skidding over the hole in the ice, which look very half-baked.The script is terrible, with very cheesy and repetitive dialogue further disadvantaged by wooden line delivery, and the story is predictable with one too many ridiculous scenes such as how the monster actually managed to get on top of the truck and the idea of a monster having a 7th sense. Pacing is another issue, nothing much engages making the film seem dull, and some of the more action-y parts have a rushed feel to them. The characters are bland, despite the cabin sequence's best efforts, any character development is too brief and too late, while the monster is lacking almost completely in menace.When it comes to the acting, I liked Grant, but didn't care at all for anybody else. Again, I've seen worse, but the acting generally comes across as forced to me. All in all, I've seen worse, but a few decent things aren't enough to save Ice Road Terror from being rubbish. 3/10 Bethany Cox
Wizard-8 If you are familiar with the movies the SyFy channel produces, this being one of them, you are probably understandably prepared for the worst. I certainly was, but I was amazed that this movie proved to be even worse than I thought it would be! For starters, the creature effects are awful, done with cut-rate CGI. The rest of the movie looks extremely cheap as well, despite the bulk of the movie taking place in the isolated wilderness. But what really sinks this movie is the extremely incompetent writing and direction. There is poor continuity, like when the creature is stabbed in the eye but later is shown with no wound to that eye. (Also, characters several times jump from one location to another in seconds IN THE SAME SCENE!) Even if you watch this during a lazy weekend when you don't want to think, you'll find your intelligence being insulted.